Filter the trends how you like 'em.
Trends v2 for YouTube™ allows you to filter the YouTube™ Trends.
You can either block channels by their channel name/id or by blocking specific buzzwords (e.g. "Corona"). Beside these possibilities you can also hide "Creators on the rise" and trend categories (e.g. "Music" or "Gaming").
For more information visit the website:
"YouTube" and the "YouTube" logo are registered trademarks of Google, Inc. This extension is not endorsed or affiliated with Google, Inc. or YouTube in any way. Some icons provided by
Latest reviews
- (2022-08-10) Richard Nulli: mhmm, keine ahnung, wie das funktionieren soll. es lässt sich kein kanal zur blockierung auswählen.
- (2021-08-19) Павел Р.: Идея превосходная. Но работает плохо. При перезагрузке вкладки скрытые каналы вновь отображаются.
- (2020-11-08) Александр: Наконец-то нашел. Прощайте школоло челенджы