An extension to check for new manga chapters across multiple webpages.
Are you reading manga series that are not on a single page? Your favorite aggregator does not provide notifications? You want to support the translators by reading on their page, but its annoying to track updates across the pages of multiple translation groups?
Fret not, Manga-Scout will keep track of all your favorite Mangas across a multitude of Webpages and will notify you, as soon as a new chapter is available.
Seamlessly integrate with the progressive webapp, that can be used on mobile to keep track of your reading.
Currently supported: All pages that use the the Madara- or MangaStream-Theme or are built using the Genkan Reader.
E.g.,,, and at least 25 other pages. For a full list visit
Latest reviews
- (2022-12-24) Avijit Choudhary: Does not seem to work on Edit: - Its working, and is quite good