extension ExtPose


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Image from store Keptab
Description from store Keptab is a powerful tabs manager that convert all your tabs with one click to a simple list. And more, you can share the list as a web page with your friends Keptab is similar to OneTab, but more powerful than OneTab. We named the project as Keptab (Kept Tabs), which means kept tabs as tabs group and read them later. Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the Keptab icon to convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again, you can either restore them individually or all at once. ● Save tabs as collections that can be easily restored later. - Great for freeing up memory. - avoiding clutter. ● It is designed to be lightweight yet featureful. - Keptab based on IndexedDB that can save over 30000 tabs. - Refuse data loss incident when browser gone crash. ● Instance search with magic. - Super fastest instance search! ● Dark/Light theme - Nice at night.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-12-28) Ladia Zhang: 非常好用 希望可以支持一下webdav同步,以便多设备同步
  • (2023-12-15) vthe: bug: 使用快捷键显示 keptab,会错误地先把所有标签页都加入 keptab 再显示。
  • (2023-10-20) 神仙(God): 一直使用这个插件,谢谢开发者;但自从上次升级网页图标变大后,插件再次升级后网页图标就一直显示不出来了是什么原因?望修复
  • (2023-10-11) billy Mr: The new version needs to obtain permissions for all bookmark groups and browsing history. What is the purpose? Has it been uploaded to the server? Obtain user privacy?
  • (2023-09-11) uzcool: 感觉很不错..就是需要个云同步..谷歌账号同步 或者 webdav 能有一种免费同步的方式..就完美了..
  • (2023-08-28) Yueming Ni: 很喜欢这个插件,但不知道是不是因为插件自动更新到2.0的缘故,今天我的两台电脑打开keptab后都一片空白,打开控制台报这个错: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': One of the specified object stores was not found. 虽然之前也偶尔出现过,但这次丢失了几k条数据了。。。
  • (2023-08-22) Max: 非常好用,一键备份标签页,仓鼠党不在发愁如何保存珍藏了,非常感谢作者大大的大力付出, 斗胆建言一下: 作者大大,考虑支持备份chrome自带的标签页分组吗,及恢复标签的多选操作,便于标签的快速准确的恢复
  • (2023-08-21) Jerry Hu: 非常推荐,比OneTab快很多
  • (2023-08-19) 李鹏宇: 是否可以支持Safari浏览器呢?我自己编译装上之后每次要开启信任“未签名扩展”才能打开。
  • (2023-02-21) 王磊: 打不开了!?这是为什么?是因为win7吗?
  • (2022-03-24) Samuele gg: • Manca il trascinamento delle schede tra le finestre; • manca un contatore delle schede sull'icona; • il riepilogo delle finestre aperte nella web page non si aggiorna automaticamente o non funziona, nemmeno se si aggiorna la pagina; • le opzione star e lock non si capisce che effetto hanno sulle schede/finestre aperte; • rileva i duplicati, ma non li elimina. • manca l'opzione per cambiare la modalità scuro/chiara dell'interfaccia. ______________________________________ • There is not present drag and drop of tabs between windows; • a counter of the tabs on the icon is missing; • the summary of the open windows on the web page does not update automatically or does not work, even if the page is updated; • the star and lock options it is not clear what effect they have on the open tabs / windows; • detects duplicates, but does not delete them. • the option to change the dark / light mode of the interface is missing.
  • (2022-03-24) TSAI-JAN CHENG: 强烈建议: 数据导出文件格式改为用户可选自定义格式(例如支持.txt/.md格式导出) 谢谢!
  • (2022-02-21) 1.作者能否将本地的标签页也一起发送过去呢,例如新标签页、扩展程序和Keptab Options。 2.能否将删除所有的确认框删去?并且删除后会创建大片空白。 3.每次恢复所有标签页之后keptab页面总是有很大空白,能不能将底下的标签组提上来呢? 4.keptab页面的滚动条能不能优化一下,大白粗条太难看了,尤其在深色模式下。 5.对比onetab plus,总是感觉这个扩展收起所有的时候不太迅速、自然。
  • (2022-01-20) Rogerio M. Souza: PROS; Beautiful UI interface CONS; It does not perform an auto-update of the sessions to be saved, for example, every elapsed time, or every refresh of the open tabs CONS; Save only the current tab group, not all
  • (2022-01-17) Caler Loo (Joney): 今天打开keptab一片空白,连最上边的按钮都不见了,打开控制台报这个错: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': One of the specified object stores was not found. 请问目前有什么办法能恢复的之前的数据? chrome版本:版本 97.0.4692.71(正式版本) (64 位)
  • (2021-12-24) Andy Lau: 终于找到了。
  • (2021-11-11) 朱润根: It is hard to delete item, because the delete icon will disappear
  • (2021-10-26) 孙帅印: 功能建议: 希望和OneTab Plus一样,将历史标签组和已保存的标签组在左侧分类显示,不然的话标签保留的多了以后很难翻到
  • (2021-10-21) sai liu: 建议默认就取消掉快捷键,起码要让新用户提前得知。
  • (2021-10-01) 郑Danny: 首先好评! 建议将单个标签页组中,单个标签页左边的删除按钮(x),加大或者变得更方便操作一些。 另外,能否让右键单击的选项换到左键上,这样单击时选择 添加单个或者全部,另外可以增加 添加至 某个已生成或已命名的标签页组中,类似于其他类似的扩展或者safari15那样的标签组形式。
  • (2021-09-08) Wei-Lun Tsai: 請問有支援不同電腦之間同步的功能嗎?
  • (2021-08-11) Juergen Lilien: I write this as a long year OneTab user. This seems to be a very promising project, but it's a problem for me that it seems not possible to convert the OneTab database locally without uploading. Please consider to integrate the database conversion into the app or release a standalone program.
  • (2021-08-04) 雲遊仙: 1.数据不互通,无法将成百上千的onetab数据导入,用户相互迁移成本太高。 2.onetab丢数据已经是众所周知的了。不敢妄议您是如何从技术层面保证数据不会丢失的,但我觉得不可能百分百不会丢,还是希望有云同步。类似油猴手动备份到Googledrive或者onedrive的功能。
  • (2021-07-14) Shoyu Van (Shoyuf): bug: 在已经打开 Keptab 的情况下,点击 icon 添加到 Keptab 后,Keptab 内的内容没有刷新,需要手动刷新才能看到刚刚添加的页面 功能请求: 1. 添加 “添加此标签左侧/右侧所有标签到Keptab” 2. Keptab 右侧空间浪费,希望能显示具体 url 疑问: 1. 设置里面的固定标签页是什么东西 2. 「智能选择在新窗口还是在当前窗口打开」,智能方案是什么
  • (2021-04-19) 池水: 很好用 好像之后会增加批量分享网页的功能对吧 很期待了
  • (2021-02-28) Changpeng Sun (狂飙): 非常好用,可以完全替代偶尔会丢数据的 OneTab,希望后续能加入更多功能与改进。
  • (2021-02-18) Zheng Cheng: 有暗黑模式会更好
  • (2021-02-16) Xi Zhang: 能不能改一下快捷键别ctrl+shift+a,每次我用qq截图都把我标签给收起来了....... ============================ 修改一下,现在可以了,在拓展程序页的菜单栏里的键盘快捷键修改,建议不要设置默认alt+a
  • (2021-01-11) ˑ: Just Great! Lightweight, speed and very useful! All i need - it's a dark mode (theme). Author, please, add this!
  • (2020-12-28) Tom Chen: 还可以
  • (2020-09-23) fei xiao: 很好的扩展,提个建议,要是能像onetab一样能在恢复全部标签的时候,将keptab当前空的标签关闭就更好了,云同步设置,首次打开,没有保存的标签时不打开keptab
  • (2020-09-11) X: Onetab导出转换为Keptab导入 https://gist.github.com/xunzhou/e90fecc37386531a02cc671626dc4800
  • (2020-09-09) Aden Then: 不错,就是浏览器开启的时候会自己新增一个页面
  • (2020-09-08) lu lu: 简明轻快,挺好 : )


1,000 history
4.2979 (47 votes)
Last update / version
2023-09-27 / 3.0.0
Listing languages
