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ElasticSearch Head
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Chrome Extension containing the excellent ElasticSearch Head application.
Latest reviews
- (2022-03-04) 이민섭: 다 좋은데.. 아이디와 패스워드는 어디다 입력을 해야하나요?
- (2022-02-17) Payne Winn: 无敌 好使啊
- (2022-01-04) Zhongzheng Chen: 很好用
- (2021-12-10) Tadtaev Stanislav: Real lifesaver! Excellent features and easy interface! Thanks guys! God bless you!
- (2021-11-20) riridulum norton: 插件有个错误,无法加载背景脚本src/backupground.js
- (2021-10-13) RAKESH G PATIL: How to offline install the Elasticsearch-head extension?? as we don't have internet connectivity to the jump server
- (2021-09-29) Luong Nguyen: very helpful
- (2021-09-04) 李必琪: 神奇
- (2021-07-31) husky adios: 好用诶
- (2021-03-06) Donat Shergalis: Helps very much
- (2021-02-19) 植毓毅: 是否能支持带url参数打开插件自动连接es,10套es 来回切换有点崩溃
- (2021-02-09) Mohammad Alshehri: Fantastic!
- (2021-01-13) 增鑫秦: bang!
- (2020-12-24) Isaac Young: 之前部署过,现在做成插件使用起来更方便了。
- (2020-11-18) Varun Dhawan: Makes browsing through elastic cluster super easy!
- (2020-10-27) Leela Padmaja: Hi Its great tool. Is there a way to set authentication to ES? Our elasticsearch is always secured with username and password
- (2020-10-20) f z: 好用
- (2020-09-17) zhong mike: 好用,发现的太晚了! 哈哈
- (2020-08-17) liang gao: 很牛的插件
- (2020-08-11) 金小建: 非常喜欢,解决了xpack设置权限后,访问head需要权限的问题。
- (2020-07-20) Chuck Zhai: super cool.
- (2020-07-13) zhiyuan deng: 超级喜欢,希望更加完善
- (2020-07-10) Andrey L: Amazing!!!
- (2020-04-08) Timor: 相见恨晚
- (2020-03-11) Liang WeiCheng: Best tool for elasticsearch, No need to install instance on sever, No cost, just one extension only. function is enough for me
- (2020-03-10) cheng: good,流弊,大气,上档次,便捷,好用 非常便利的ES工具,thanks
- (2020-03-02) Tom Devindik: 非常不错的一款elastic search的插件
- (2020-02-18) It's useful and sufficient in almost all case, Does not have a fantastic UI but that's not what i am concerned about.
- (2020-01-24) Gautam Sarkar: This extension is not a super user friendly one, but gets the job done and is an excellent tool for quick forensics
- (2020-01-22) Guillaume Jobin: Liked it as a site plugin, love it as a chrome plugin! Thank you!
- (2020-01-16) kiraka A: 用了好几年,好用的一塌糊涂,什么时候edge浏览器也能有
- (2020-01-09) Alex Gusev: I'm nub with Elasticsearch, this ext helps me very much. Excellent job, thanks!
- (2019-12-16) 者送分: 非常好用
- (2019-11-26) 罗杰: 牛逼牛逼
- (2019-10-11) 千柳: 我下午折腾那么久简直是在浪费生命,用这个插件1分钟就搞定了
- (2019-10-08) feng li: good
- (2019-09-24) Longchao Zheng: 厉害厉害!
- (2019-09-17) Abhishek Paliwal: Brilliant!
- (2019-09-12) 谭星星: 这个插件何止是神器,感谢感谢 !!!
- (2019-08-24) Zero Origin: Very good tool, greatly improve the efficiency of development.
- (2019-08-21) 黄剑: 不支持_bulk操作,json报错,郁闷,希望改进
- (2019-08-05) fds sdf: miss 语句构造有问题 must_not 拼接的exit 位置不对,希望大佬改一下
- (2019-07-16) 张雪清: 早知道这个,就不在电脑上装head了~不错不错
- (2019-07-13) Simba Cheng: 太牛逼了
- (2019-07-11) Emre Altan: Bayıldım. Bugün doğum günüm.
- (2019-07-10) yi meng: great tool !
- (2019-07-02) ant mc: Works great
- (2019-07-02) Евгений Вислогузов: Good extension. Is it possible to add support of "nested" queries in 'structured query' tab?
- (2019-06-26) 皮凯: liubi
- (2019-05-31) 杨珩: 高级搜索出来的结果有bug,望改进,五星好评,希望作者能看到