extension ExtPose

Cookie AutoDelete

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Description from extension meta

Kelola kuki anda! Otomatis hapus kuki yang tidak digunakan dari tab yang ditutup dan tetap simpan yang anda inginkan.

Image from store Cookie AutoDelete
Description from store Control your cookies! This extension is inspired by Self Destructing Cookies. When a tab closes, any cookies not being used are automatically deleted. Prevent tracking by other cookies and add only the ones you trust. Easily import and export your Cookie Whitelist. Main Features - Auto Deletes Cookies from Closed Tabs - WhiteList/GreyList Support for Cookies - Easily Export/Import your Whitelist/Greylist - Clear All Cookies for a Domain - Supports Manual Mode Cleaning from the popup - Easily See the Number of Cookies for a site Usage This extension does not clean cookies automatically until you enable "Auto-clean". This gives you the chance to add sites to the WhiteList. 1. Add the sites you want to keep cookies in the WhiteList (permanently) or GreyList (until Browser restart) 2. Toggle "Auto-clean" in the popup or "Automatic cleaning" in the settings 3. Watch those unused cookies disappear :) You can disable Cleanup Notifications via the Settings. Popup Menu Features Clean: This is basically a quick way of activating the Cookie Cleanup on demand. This looks at all your cookies and deletes them if they are not in any Open Tabs or the WhiteList. Clean, include open tabs: Same thing as Cookie Cleanup except that it only deletes cookies only if they are not in the WhiteList. Open tabs are not taken into consideration. Clear All Cookies for This Domain: Easy way to delete all cookies for one particular domain that you are on. Some things to Note: - This Extension can't clear LocalStorage for Chrome yet See: https://github.com/mrdokenny/Cookie-AutoDelete/issues/44 - Even though third party cookies are cleared with this extension, it is better to disable third party cookies from the settings Troubleshooting - The Default Setting will clear any storage (including whitelists) made by the extension, but it is essentially a "clean slate". - If nothing works, then you can make a new profile and see if the issue persists there. - If a new profile still doesn't work or if you have any other problem, file an issue on GitHub. Maybe we can work it out. BTC: 16km6pFV33S6kaeb8rCaDLZXUyo3uyVnsk

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-25) Flicsmo: Powerful, but extremely unintuitive. Everything in settings is phrased confusingly and never seems to do what you expect. Even reading the github documentation (which is linked in settings in lieu of explanations) won't necessarily clear things up as some settings are lacking documentation entirely. Still, it's the only extension I've been able to find that supports clearing cookies on browser restart, and behind the layer of frustrating UX it has a lot of nice customization options and features.
  • (2024-04-18) Hoebeke Gustaaf: geweldige app.
  • (2024-04-11) Gerald D Lenhert: Works great for me, not concerned about unwanted invasions.
  • (2024-04-10) peter michaelsen: smart måde at slette på
  • (2024-03-31) Brave Heart: Harika bir uygulama
  • (2024-01-25) Lloydmat Lloyd: hate chrome its a necessary evil like micsoft
  • (2023-12-10) Melvinn D'ANNA: Une extension PLUS que très utile, aucun traqueur n'y résiste, vous êtes libre, et in fine plus aucune pub ne s'affiche, juste géniale
  • (2023-11-19) Chantal Palmen: Geweldig deze app, zo irritant die cookies altijd verwijderen. Top
  • (2023-11-14) Dan Donahue: good.
  • (2023-11-01) 出口智己: まさにこれが私の求めていたCookie管理の形です.ログイン情報やオフラインブラウザゲームのデータは残し,広告のための追跡情報や二度と訪れることのないサイトのCookieは削除する,これが理想的なCookie管理ストラテジだと私は思います.ドメイン名を見てallow/denyリストに保存する形式にするものがないかと探していましたが,この拡張機能はそれを実現しています.素晴らしい!
  • (2023-10-06) Aleuko Omalakeu: Má možnost white/Black listu a jiné možnosti. Spousta cookies v prohlížeči zůstává :-(
  • (2023-09-22) Aurélien: J'adore cette extension qui fonctionne super bien, qui regroupe les fonctions utiles et qui est très facile à comprendre. Bravo aux développeurs et merci !
  • (2023-09-09) Mike Shipway: The idea is brilliant but the practicality isn't. What we need is to keep the login cookies but autodelete the tracking and snooping ones. It's great to have the ability to whitelist and greylist certain ones, but without a database of which cookies-do-what mere humans don't know which cookies do what. E.g. my biggest concerns are the likes of Google, Facebook, Amazon, MS etc. Which of all the cookies they use to spy on you with are the ones we can set to autodelete? Can we delete them after we've loaded their tab in a new session or must we wait until the end of that session? We need a simple way to prevent these greedy megacompanies from spying on us. I don't want to keep having to sign in every time I go to a site Keep my login details, nothing else.
  • (2023-07-22) Couffy Couffy: génial
  • (2023-06-27) JOSE ALBERTO COBIS LUGO: que les puedo decir. parece una barredora automatica. excelente
  • (2023-06-23) Samuele gg: Ne ho provate alcune, ho deciso di tenere le migliori, questa si differenzia rispetto a un'altra migliore (Detergente per biscotti senza scopa - Ideale per Chrome) per il semplice fatto che indica sull'estensione, in modo ben visibile (anche per chi monta temi scuri), quanti cookie sono presenti su ogni dominio, inoltre è presente una voce nel menù contestuale, peccato non permetta di pulire anche la cronologia. I tried some, I decided to keep the best ones, this one differs from another better one (Broomless Cookie Cleaner - Ideal for Chrome) for the simple fact that it indicates on the extension, clearly visible (even for those who mount dark themes), how many cookies are present on each domain, and there is also an item in the context menu, too bad it doesn't allow you to clean the history as well.
  • (2023-04-14) Jessica S. (darkocean): Modern (read:bad - as in new programmers repeating mistakes from the past) browsers kind of stink #1 one annoyance being that they have the settings now allow cookies except in incognito. What use is that!? I just sent a half hour deleting 999 some cookies! I usually have it set so that no third part cookies are allowed and didn't notice the browser updated, with this stupid change !@#$ I'm like sick of cookes, having to delete them one by one so I don't get logged out of the sites I want to stay logged into. What the heck with browsers settings being set up as all or nothing? It's so stupid! If this does what it says it will then thank you kindly, and please keep updating the extension. (Remember to ask for donations!) It works great! I went in checked the cookes list in my browser and it deleted almost all the ones I set it to, and left the others alone, great job! I've tried a few of these extensions in the past (explaining why I deleting cookies one by one) and they'd usually bug hard and end up deleting all the cookies and sometimes close tabs or crash the browser. So it's nice that yours doesn't do that.
  • (2023-04-10) Van V: Simple and easy to use interface. Don't need anything complex like other cookie extensions. Used to use a different cookie manager that is no longer supported and this is the best I've tried.
  • (2023-03-28) Super easy! Install it, enable auto-clean, and Whitelist the sites you want to stay logged into (work). Cookies from all other sites are deleted when the tab is closed.
  • (2023-03-16) Tradster: Great.
  • (2023-03-14) Robert Cochrane: Delivers as advertised; breath of fresh air
  • (2023-01-29) Thomas CoG: Top extension , Thank you
  • (2023-01-01) Wayne Caissie: I can't believe some of the negative reviews over on the Firefox extension site. I'm using Vivaldi and was specifically looking for an extension with this exact functionality and IT WORKS GREAT!! Yes it takes a bit of setting up and for a few days adding your favourite sites but soon it because something that does is job in the background without very little interaction from you. I continuously keep track of its silent work by monitoring the cookie history in Vivaldi and it is clean as a whistle except for my selected sites. So, from me I say, "Job very well done" and thank you. For all the complainers... do a little investment in time and you will have an excellent tool running in the background.
  • (2022-12-15) Powerpopaholic: Seems amazing, and thorough. If you know NOTHING about computers, settings may not seem clear. I figured it out fine with common sense. This appears to be a great extension.
  • (2022-12-13) R M: Easiest way to take control and has the ability to be extremely precise. It offers backup of your settings, and how you set each domain's cookie settings. So if you want to export your settings to another computer, it does that. It also can save those settings for an OS reset. If you are a begginer or expert, it caters to both. You decide how automated, or manually configured your browser will behave. You control it. Take the cookies away from those that just want you to be the product. (Looking at you, Google, Facebook, and all their malevolent buddies.)
  • (2022-12-07) Philipe Anderson De Campos: Estou usando a mais ou menos uns 6 meses e de fato não recebo tanta propaganda em minha navegação, realmente funciona e parabéns aos desenvolvedores
  • (2022-12-03) Bradley: Gives you a lot of control, but as what others has said about it, it's extremely unintuitive. The names of the settings and even the github page explaining it is very confusing. Be aware you will need to study on this extension before using it.
  • (2022-11-03) pol newman: вау! давненько не попадались расширения настолько функциональные. автор, ты явно дружишь с головою! здоровья тебе
  • (2022-09-22) Günther Bosch: UI is not very intuitive, but does the job very good. Once you understood how it works.
  • (2022-08-26) Tom Zet: Great tool. Could you please add an option to sync the whitelist between multiple devices? The sync files could be stored in Google Drive for instance. Or is there already a functionality to keep multiple browsers in sync?
  • (2022-08-24) SALVATORE FANARA: Extremely unintuitive, wordy and confusing. Can't just start using it after install with minimal learning curve. Perhaps is a very powerful extension (will find out when I'll have time to go through it), but it's looks more like something created by devs for devs, or users who dabble in programming and are more inclined than the average user to spend considerable amount of their time reading through a UIs in order to use them. Whenever one needs a 15 minutes tutorial (prob. more), to just start using something... then you're doing UI and UX all wrong. Great potential in need of lots of refinement on the UI for an intuitive usability conducive to a smooth UX. PS: The "Home" link should lead to the Extension page on the chrome google webstore, not github page.
  • (2022-08-06) Eugenios Alexander: Misses blocking some cookies with autodelete on. I like the program very much!
  • (2022-07-19) Achaman: Muy buena aplicación, permite un control de las Cookie de una manera fácil, desde que la descubrí hace tiempo es imprescindible, felicidades al creador. Estoy buscando algo así para el navegador del móvil, si esta aplicación estuviera también para eso seria estupendo.
  • (2022-07-02) Rafael Ramblas: Extensão super fácil de usar e funciona da maneira como promete
  • (2022-06-21) Andre Louro: Ótima extensão para limpar os cookies de forma automática. A melhor que já testei. Até permite a exportação de definições. Sugestão: Poderia oferecer sincronização de cloud com base na conta Google.
  • (2022-06-18) Gilles Lefrancois: Vraiment bien pensé, hyper pratique, il faut juste le prendre en main, bravo au concepteur !!!
  • (2022-06-12) Lahcen MEHAMLI: Si on veut avoir un minimum de vie privée, c'est l'extension In-dis-pen-sable ! Simple à paramétrer, liste blanche (on garde tous les cookies), liste grise (on les garde pendant la connexion au site), pas de choix (ça vire !!!). Simple et génial, il faut juste penser à accepter les cookies sur les sites en lien direct avec notre vie administrative (liste blanche pour les .gouv.fr) ou les sites marchands (liste grise pour sécuriser la transaction). On évite ainsi les sollicitations publicitaires ciblées... Le bonheur numérique, simple comme ce greffon.
  • (2022-06-02) Joël M.: Excellent. A adopter sans hésiter
  • (2022-06-01) Bernd Heiden: Mit dem EU-Cookie-Unsinn ist das ein absoluter must-have! Da es unter IOS wohl keine Möglichkeit gibt, Cookies einfach generell abzulehnen (bei Login Daten Ausnahme per Whitelist) ist die App unverzichtbar sonst müllt man komplett zu!
  • (2022-05-24) Mike Jansen: Really versatile and very well maintained.
  • (2022-02-23) Elango SV: Works super great.
  • (2022-02-04) Mike Quigley: I've been manually managing cookies for a long time. This extension does it all automatically. Great job.
  • (2022-01-25) Pascal Gagnon-Doiron: very useful
  • (2022-01-24) elzurras melazurras: Me gusta mucho, no falla nunca; en cuanto sales de cualquier pagina, automáticamente te anuncia: Se han borrado las cookies. Es muy eficaz y práctica.
  • (2021-12-28) Niko Todd: It doesn't remove cookies as advertised. I would test it by manually doing "Clean all for this domain", then restart the browser and go to brave://settings/siteData, and surprise, surprise, the cookies would still be there. Tried that with Outlook, Google, and few others - all the same. Second, instead of blacklisting domains manually, one has to do the reverse: go through all of the bookmarks, one by one, and whitelist them, so that the addon would auto clean the rest. Flying from US to Africa, but through the Pacific... and then you realize you never took off This is what this addon is - totally useless.
  • (2021-12-23) Google User: Positive reviews must be from Linux users. I have no idea how to use this extension AND how to view cookies via this extension. Uninstalled.
  • (2021-12-20) Jangles Moon Monkey: I like this extension.
  • (2021-12-15) PAT TER: trop genial très content du resultat facile d'utilisation bravo rien à redire
  • (2021-12-09) Kumar Rahul: It's so good that I manually signed-in to rate it 5 star, and I'm honest about it.
  • (2021-11-17) Tdawg Dawg: plus 1 :D


100,000 history
4.4825 (485 votes)
Last update / version
2022-12-20 / 3.8.2
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