extension ExtPose

Pixiv Downloader

CRX id


Description from extension meta

You can download the images, comics and novels easily from Pixiv!

Image from store Pixiv Downloader
Description from store *Some features of this extension are available for a fee (195 yen/month). [About Pixiv Downloader] Pixiv Downloader is an extension that allows you to automatically assign file names and download illustrations, manga, and novels from Pixiv. The method for setting file names is fully compatible with Ank Pixiv Tool. It also offers features to enhance your Pixiv experience, such as the ability to enlarge illustrations directly on the gallery page. [Introducing Pixiv Downloader EX] The basic features of Pixiv Downloader are available for free indefinitely. However, by purchasing a license (¥195 per month), you can upgrade to Pixiv Downloader EX. Pixiv Downloader EX allows you to download Ugoira (animated illustrations) as video files (AVI, WebM, etc.), APNG, GIF animations, SVG, and more. Additionally, it offers advanced features such as organizing illustrations into folders based on criteria like artist or time, compiling manga into ZIP files, identifying downloaded items directly on the gallery page, batch downloading, and many other convenient functionalities. The premium features are available for a one-month free trial, so feel free to try them out. [Regarding Bugs and Suggestions] If you encounter any bugs, have suggestions for improvements, or other requests, please use the "Feedback, Suggestions, and Bug Reports" option within the Pixiv Downloader settings to get in touch with us.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-07-18) Yogisya NiNotta: ファイル名を設定しても反映されず完全ランダムな名前になり、ダウンロードの順番もPIXIV上の順番関係なしのバラバラ。ダウンロード後に自分で名前を整理しなければならずパソコン黎明期の技術かよってくらい使えない
  • (2023-02-24) Adlin: very good extension, been using since long time ago
  • (2022-10-18) William Wilson: Downloaded it, tried to download something, "You have to register and pay us money to download", uninstalled. 0/5.
  • (2022-05-24) T T: ページ番号の桁数が指定できないのでファイル名でソートするとおかしくなる
  • (2022-05-12) tankeryy: thank you! thought you need to create a pixiv account in order for the download button to appear but nope you don't have to, you can download without creating a pixiv account.
  • (2022-02-26) 4Fiction039: Very simple and easy to use. This saved lots of my time and made life easier :>
  • (2021-12-02) EiChang tSAI: 無痕模式下無法使用,存檔路徑無法設定,需要點選 "ブラウザ標準の保存機能を使用" 才會紀錄最後存檔位址,總而言之就是很不人性化
  • (2021-10-10) miririri: It's actually really good but the only thing I don't like is that when you download an illustration with only 1 page, your file name becomes "(illust-id)_" instead of "(illust-id)_p0". I set my filename to "?illust-id?_?[p]??page-original?" in my settings.
  • (2021-08-25) Lance Zenes: Tries to charge you just so you can download gifs... It's just a download button, why dot hey think they deserve to be paid????
  • (2021-06-29) 恋梦: 非常好用!
  • (2021-06-29) Hj J: 昨日から ”83dcf590-c5af-4689-a179-dae229709ed1” こんな風にファイル名がおかしくダウンロードされます。設定の初期化もしてみましたが、ダメでした。解決方法はないんでしょうか
  • (2021-06-27) 東方: Need update please
  • (2021-05-29) qian: 申し訳ありませんが、私はグーグル翻訳を使用しています 年、月、日の設定に関する小さな問題 たとえば、2020年5月5日に、202055として表示されます。20200505として表示することを選択できますか? この便利なプラグインを発明していただきありがとうございます
  • (2021-05-23) Jigyansu Nanda: It's very easy to use and works perfectly
  • (2021-04-25) Thiện Minh: Good extension <3
  • (2021-01-25) Kamriel: Works fine, thanx!
  • (2020-11-04) Ruriko Maiya Kashiwazaki Kusugawa: No hace nada, te redirige a una pagina para que pagues
  • (2020-10-15) fine della vento aureo: Finally found one that works!
  • (2020-10-15) In-game Event (ob123): Not the best compared to PixivUtil2 but it's the alternative when that thing broken
  • (2020-08-06) Sven Nettles: Works perfectly! Thank you!!
  • (2020-08-06) 桶本純: 完全に有料版を勧めるだけの広告ツールと化しました。 使い物になりません。有料版を使うほどの機能もありません。消します。
  • (2020-07-18) Dreaming Fairy: very good~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • (2020-04-08) Li Rabbit: worse than before! i don't want to pay for it
  • (2020-03-04) 今宵时静: Need Update??
  • (2020-02-21) Abílio Ribeiro (13ilao): It does not work when I'm logged in into my account
  • (2020-02-20) Binh P: Needs to be Updated for the new website layout
  • (2020-02-19) KL C: Need update please
  • (2020-02-18) Rusrule 34: Thank for the last update but Pixiv has update on site once again. App does not work.
  • (2020-02-15) pin kwok Cheng: great
  • (2020-02-11) Isaac Gu: Rubbish, don't work, and extremely unfriendly to English users. It's just an ad to pro version
  • (2020-01-27) IceLancer SR: PLEASE consider making this tool for Firefox! Chrome is extremely unstable for me with 10+ tabs
  • (2020-01-20) アルドラ: このアプリはもう使えなくなった。起動しても有料版を強制インストールさせるだけです。
  • (2020-01-15) Ning Cao: good
  • (2020-01-01) Jose Sanches: very good extension
  • (2019-11-17) 9 kukuri: 自身のブックマークの一括ダウンロードはできないのでしょうか?
  • (2019-11-02) 川合健二: このソフトを使っても、有償のPixivダウンローダーEXを使えというポップアップが出てくるだけで、画像をダウンロードできないです。何をどう試しても、何度やってもポップアップが出てくるだけ。
  • (2019-09-24) 유동훈: it is not work at 9-24. Is any error in this app?
  • (2019-08-28) sho muroi: 金払わんと使えないじゃん
  • (2019-08-01) SS: 課金しろしろうるさい。 なんだこれ。
  • (2019-06-16) Len: Fast, easy and excelent <3
  • (2019-06-09) I A・: 複数ファイルをdlしようとすると順番がバラバラになってしまいます。 解決方法はないものでしょうか。
  • (2019-06-06) 黄纪鹏: 有大佬教一下怎么使用吗,他会自动弹出页面
  • (2019-02-28) Verner Sass: Perfect, makes life easier (almost, because you need to actually download the EX version for ugoira and novel downloader).
  • (2019-02-01) daisiki
  • (2019-01-27) can't download video gif
  • (2019-01-19) 心之壁: 非常方便的下载器
  • (2018-09-26) Devius Krieg: Why did you slow the downloads in the artist profiles? it was perfect the way it was, is so unnecessary to see the full quality picture with this new update when you want to download through the galleries, it takes way too much time just to make a single download :/ please fix it, or at least add an option to see the pictures in low resolution like before when you want to download them through the galleries.
  • (2018-08-21) Prinetta: Works great for downloading novels. Thank you!
  • (2018-06-30) alex johnson: no download button
  • (2018-06-21) Schultz Wang: Good for downloading single picture, has a nice feature of modifying file names - you can even include tags in the file name. However, DO NOT use this to download multiple pictures/mangas on pixiv. It STUCKS your Chrome. It took me 10 minutes to download a series of 30 pictures.


70,000 history
4.141 (525 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-02 /
Listing languages
en ja
