Description from extension meta
Posnemite zaslonsko sliko, dodajte oznake in opombe ter jih delite. Samo vidna stran. Najlažje orodje za zajem zaslona v trgovini!
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Description from store
ScreenMark je preprosta razširitev za Chrome, zasnovana za poenostavitev postopka snemanja posnetkov zaslona z enim klikom. S svojim intuitivnim vmesnikom in priročnimi funkcijami ScreenMark omogoča enostavno zajemanje in izboljšanje posnetkov zaslona. Ne glede na to, ali morate hitro deliti informacije, poudariti pomembne podrobnosti ali dodati opombe posnetkom zaslona za različne namene, vas ScreenMark pokriva.
Funkcije ScreenMark:
1. En klik
S ScreenMark je zajem posnetka zaslona vidne strani oddaljen le en klik. Nič več težav z uporabo zapletenih bližnjic na tipkovnici ali zunanjih orodij. Preprosto kliknite ikono razširitve ScreenMark in ta takoj zajame vidni del spletne strani, po kateri brskate.
2. Opombe
ScreenMark ponuja nabor orodij za opombe za izboljšanje zajemov zaslona. Ko posnamete posnetek zaslona, lahko preprosto dodate oblike in puščice, zameglite določena področja in obrežete sliko, da se osredotočite na določene podrobnosti. Ta funkcija vam omogoča, da poudarite pomembne elemente ali zakrijete občutljive informacije v posnetku zaslona.
3. Dodajte oznake
Posebno orodje »Dodaj oznake« v programu ScreenMark vam omogoča vstavljanje besedilnih oznak v posnetke zaslona. Ne glede na to, ali želite označiti določene odseke, zagotoviti dodaten kontekst ali poudariti pomembne točke, vam ta funkcija omogoča preprosto dodajanje besedila v vaš zajem zaslona.
4. Delite posnetke zaslona
ScreenMark poenostavi postopek deljenja posnetkov zaslona. Ko posnamete in označite posnetek zaslona, kot ste zadovoljni, lahko enostavno ustvarite povezavo za skupno rabo. Ta povezava vam omogoča priročno skupno rabo posnetka zaslona s sodelavci, prijatelji ali komer koli, s katerim želite sodelovati. Odpravlja potrebo po priponkah datotek in omogoča brezhibno skupno rabo na različnih platformah.
ScreenMark je uporabniku prijazna razširitev za Chrome, ki spremeni način snemanja, označevanja in skupne rabe posnetkov zaslona. S svojim zajemom z enim klikom, zmogljivimi orodji za opombe, možnostjo dodajanja besedilnih oznak in zmožnostmi deljenja brez napora, ScreenMark izboljša vašo produktivnost in komunikacijo pri delu z zajemi zaslona. Ne glede na to, ali ste profesionalec, ki potrebuje ilustriranje konceptov, študent, ki deli študijsko gradivo, ali posameznik, ki pogosto sodeluje in vizualno komunicira, je ScreenMark nepogrešljivo orodje za enostavno zajemanje in izboljšanje posnetkov zaslona.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-05) Diego Gil: Great for capturing sections to paste in a new document. Screen shots are easy and its great for saving whole pages. Very helpful when making documents and needing to quickly insert info or examples.nrecommended
- (2023-11-04) Marcos: excellent app and works perfectly
- (2023-11-02) Gérald Absalon: This is a very good application.
- (2023-11-02) GUSTAVO VIZCARRA ALCANTAR: A very user-friendly wary handie app, thanks
- (2023-10-31) Silas Mickael: Nice and simple. One less confounded decelerator key sequence to remember.
- (2023-10-29) Filipe Ropeca: Really easy to use and pretty good!!!
- (2023-10-28) Kerem İşlertaş: جميل جداوسهل واحسن حاجه انه ينفع اخد اسكريت حتي للمواقع الي مانعه
- (2023-10-27) joy lwkkk: niceeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2023-10-26) Ana Júlia Cassim: Love it and Helps with my job, easy use !!
- (2023-10-25) Edson Machado Ferreira: Easy enough to use. Haven't found a better one.
- (2023-10-25) Danilo Silva: Works perfectly! I was having issues with other extensions when trying to take full-page screenshots of pages that were extra interactive. This extension handled everything, no problems.
- (2023-10-24) André Felipe: Great an Simple! All I need when in rush!
- (2023-10-23) Julien Corsica: Use it on Windows 10 and love the fact that I can get screenshots
- (2023-10-22) Jacques Schwartzentruber: Works well and the functions are easy to get things going
- (2023-10-19) Santiago Villafuerte Salcedo: The app is perfect for capturing full screen images and super easy to use!
- (2023-10-17) Thais Valle: I Loved it, nice excellent
- (2023-10-09) roberto bueno de souza: works very well, but... I can't find keyboard shortcut...
- (2023-10-08) Vitor Alexandre: love it plus its easy to use!!!
- (2023-10-05) Z G: It works properly and really helpful to me a lot! Thank You Very Much!!!
- (2023-10-04) Verónica del Río: It's effective, easy and fast to use which is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
- (2023-10-02) Luciana Ricomini: very privacy friendly browser
- (2023-09-27) Ivan Paredes: Having used two different screen capture extensions, this is easily the better of the two options.
- (2023-09-25) Barbara Lucia Tiradentes de Souza: Amazing app in 2 ways ;nn1 its freen2 its easy to snip and go as well as write over and download to device ;)
- (2023-09-24) Kauane Ferreira: Works best! especially when screenshooting the whole page. I give it 100%!
- (2023-09-23) victor rangel: Love it for its simplicity!
- (2023-09-22) Gözde Erdoğan: Best screenshot app Ive ever used.
- (2023-09-22) Rick “Myrica4Ray” Barrioz: there are many differnt type of screen capture apps but they dont work. this is the most reliable.
- (2023-09-21) Franck Muller: Got this for Brave. Works excellent. I use it all the time. Glad I found it !
- (2023-09-21) kilofen kilofen kilofen: Quite fast, works as intended, perfectly suited for taking fast screenshots of any website.
- (2023-09-19) Marco Aviles: greater you are beyond my believe with your day to Day improvement
- (2023-09-18) Gustavo Baroni: This extension capture and edit very well. All the necessary feature are provided and work prpoperly.Easy to use and very useful. I consider you must have such extension.
- (2023-09-17) Francisco F L Neto: good extension. sometime it doesn’t take whole page screenshot may be because of the website issue
- (2023-09-16) G Car: Worked perfectly right away.
- (2023-09-14) Wilson Ribeiro: restriction of length of screenshot on mobile view may have to be increased suitably
- (2023-09-14) Maribel RibeiroOficial: Great app for School purposes...
- (2023-09-14) Cláudio Leivas: It works great for what I use it for! Thanks!!n(:
- (2023-08-21) Elisangela Monica Fernandes Costa: This app is so easy to use highly recommend it
- (2023-08-20) bruno michels: good extenions for capturing screenshots, making easy for daily taks.
- (2023-08-19) Henrique Castro: Great. The resizing was I needed since traditional build-in screenshots from Windows produced a one-size fits all kind-of sizing and not exactly from the size I originally took. This tool solves this sizing accuracy
- (2023-08-18) Keuncheol Kim: So far, this is the best free screenshot extension I have every used.
- (2023-08-18) Milagros Hurtado: This is a very easy way to screenshot things on your laptop. I use it, and it's great! Very useful. I recommend this to anyone searching for something like this.
- (2023-08-17) Ruben De la Cruz: Very good, but there is a bug when You try to capture selected area and the site is Zoomed.
- (2023-08-17) Arlete Souza: This extension works great. Learning curve is short and it is not complicated to use. The use follows logic, not over complicated by nurdisms. Can't beat the price either! I like it and I have a feeling it will be used by me often. Overall, I give it an A++++++!
- (2023-08-17) ALNA BUILDERS: I love love love this!! Its so simple. Can capture a screen, the entire page, or cut out what you want. It could be figured out by a 6 year old. Love it, and I really can't think of anything I would add. Great Job!!
- (2023-08-16) Igor (CellguiN): One of most tools I use on my browser. Very helpful u0026 useful.
- (2023-08-14) Julian Rojas: Great and extra handy tool if you make and upload your own social media post, n like memes or photos, you can share almost anything you come across on a site page, while surfing the web...
- (2023-08-12) Djairo Chanrion: pretty good! Works like a charm.
- (2023-08-11) Ayoub: Excellent. The other screenshot capture extensions I've tried simply didn't work.
- (2023-08-11) Pedro: It's better to capture the visible page u0026 then crop that capture u0026 download.
- (2023-08-10) Sergio André Ibañez Saboya: convenient tool. thx for inventing it