Description from extension meta
Hitro najdite in prenesite slike s spletnih strani v masi
Image from store
Description from store
Slike lahko filtrirate glede na značilnosti slike.
Izberete lahko, katero sliko želite prenesti, ali prenesete vse slike, ki prestanejo filtriranje.
Izberete lahko mapo po meri za slike in zaporedje imen datotek po meri.
Glavne značilnosti:
+ Zelo hiter in čist skupinski prikaz vseh slik.
+ Prenesite eno, več ali vse slike na spletni strani.
+ Filtrirajte slike po: širini, višini, vrsti, orientaciji in razmerju stranic ali URL-ju.
+ Po meri ali samodejno ustvarjena imena map in datotek.
Image Downloader - Save all the images.
Quickly find and download images from web pages in bulk.
You can filter the images based on image characteristics.
You can select which image to download or download all images that pass filtering.
You can choose a custom folder for the images and a custom file name sequence.
Main features:
+ Very quick and clean group display of all images.
+ Download a single, multiple or all images in the web page.
+ Filter images by: width, height, type, orientation and aspect ratio or URL.
+ Custom or auto generated folders and files names.
4.6056 (71 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-04 / 2.3.1
Listing languages