Description from extension meta
To protect your privacy, this extension warns you if a URL looks to be a redirection URL and does not use HTTPS.
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Description from store
If you visit a link that appears to simply be a redirection link and that link is not loaded over HTTPS, it will expose the redirection link to potential snoopers.
For example, if you visit:
Notice the HTTP in ""; means it is insecure.
Since is NOT loaded over HTTPS, everyone on the Internet will know that you intend to visit the Paypal website to send money to Ashley Madison. Even though the Paypal website will be loaded over HTTPS, your intention will already be exposed by visiting over an insecure connection.
This extension will catch these potential problems and give you the option to:
1. Try loading over HTTPS
2. Visit Paypal directly over HTTPS
3. Continue with the insecure link
This extension will also "ping" the root page ("/") at over HTTPS to see if it is accessible and if so, will automatically navigate to the page over HTTPS.
It will also "ping" the root page at over HTTPS to determine if it is accessible and will add a tick or cross, so that you can decide whether you want to go directly to it.