Description from extension meta
Rejtsd el a stockfotókat a Google Képek közül
Image from store
Description from store
Használd a StockBlocker kiegészítőt, és rejtsd el a stockfotókat a Google Képek találatai közül!
Az 1.8 verzió újdonságai
* Az app nemzetközivé tétele
* Hibajavítások és teljesítménynövelés
* A blokkolt stockfotó-oldalak legfrissebb adatbázisa
A következő verziók további újításokat tartalmaznak majd!
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-27) Bang Bang You're a Boolean: Doesn't work. Please fix or delete this so others don't waste their time on it.
- (2022-09-20) Rafaelis: Not working!
- (2022-08-27) James Daltrey: Does nothing
- (2022-08-18) Renaud Kyokushin: Not working
- (2022-08-11) Ricardo Urdaneta: Does not work
- (2022-07-26) Jesse Loosbrock: It does literally nothing (except track your activity). I think because google decided that it was too risky to show us anything other than stock images but still wanted to know what images people are looking at.
- (2022-05-26) Celestra Erit Ultima (Der Imperator): Scam. Nothing changes after installation. The image search is still crammed with stock photos and the promised button just is not there. Who knows what this thing is doing instead. Uninstalled.
- (2022-05-23) Matthew Milwid: It doesn't do a thing. I see exactly the same results before and after installing it.
- (2022-04-14) Jessica Awad: Doesn't work at all. Still getting Shutterstock, Getty Images, Alamy, 123rf, iStockPhoto, etc. in search results. Not worth the time it took to install and uninstall. Such a good idea, if only it worked!
- (2022-03-13) Brecht Seys: Not longer maintained I guess
- (2022-03-06) Michael O'Fass: Doesn't work. Just another gimmick. The Albany Stock photos along with the Shutterstock and Getty images r alive and well even with this worthless attachment. Albany, Shutterstock and Getty images are the three major contributors of unwanted stock photos. If the extension can't even block one it isn't worth the effort.
- (2021-12-05) Chichou Soual: Now I can only see Stock footage, I think it should be the opposite?
- (2021-12-05) Celso DeJesus: Doesn't block stock photos.
- (2021-11-27) Pat W: Can't get it to work at all.
- (2021-11-04) Alex K: doesn't work
- (2021-10-15) Cory Kent: I gave it two stars, because one star says I hate it, but I don't hate anything. However it is entirely useless. I hope you see this before trying it. It does not work at all. There's no button showing it at the top, like you see in some screenshots online. There are multiple reviews that are pretty old saying it's not working and the developer has stopped replying to them. As well, before writing this review, I wrote to the developer directly in hopes of getting a response before writing a negative review. After a couple of weeks the developer hast not wrote to me in reply to my concern, nor is he answering most of the people who wrote to him directly. For all intents and purposes, this developer is not even working on his extension or supporting any users anymore, and I think it should just be removed from the Chrome Store. Leaving it up there is not just useless, it's actually causing grief and upsetting people because they're all trying it and it's not working, and they're trying to trouble shoot and ask for help. So the developer is actually causing people problems, not just remaining neutral. I wish I could give it zero stars.
- (2021-10-02) Rafafidi: Useless , Not working
- (2021-06-11) Nay Seen: Doesn't work
- (2021-03-11) DigitalSolutions Google: Doesnt work
- (2021-02-28) Pär Larsson: No longer works, not updated for years now.
- (2020-11-22) Elfreda Tetteh: doesn't work
- (2020-11-12) Jesse Loosbrock: Doesn't do anything at all—searches appear exactly the same as they did before adding extension. Perhaps abandoned by developer but still up on the chrome store?
- (2020-10-30) Jeni Skunk: Useless. No longer blocks any of the parasitic stock images web blights.
- (2020-10-27) Tony Maddox: This doesn't work at all.
- (2020-10-05) Kronos Battlemaps: Worked great for a while now it doesn't even work at all. My image searches are still littered with stock sites.
- (2020-08-09) Nabeel Qudah: it used to work, not it doesn't, 3 stars for being awesome while it lasted
- (2020-07-02) maximilian pfisterer: Great, always been wanting something like this add-on!! love it, please keep it up and running! thank you! Stopped working recently, only 4 stars now, i hope they fix it!
- (2020-03-11) Sam Austin: I'm only giving it 3 stars because it no longer works (the stockblocker button is not visible). It gets 3 stars though because it used to be awesome and I hope the developer fixes it to make it work again :)
- (2018-11-17) Hermes Lujan: con la ultima actualización el botón presenta error se pone al lado derecho del buscador, lo probé en firefox y chrome
- (2018-10-30) Thijs De Schepper: Fantastic.
- (2018-09-27) I used it for year, but now it doesn't work. Please fix if you can some time.
- (2018-09-06) NCU Communication: I loved it, but recently it just stopped working inexplicably.
- (2018-07-12) ATV & ASN Memories: Didn't work at all. I'm still seeing Shutterstock, Depositphotos, etc. in my results. Uninstalling.
- (2018-06-24) Matt: Utile per chi lavora nella grafica e si trova la ricerca invasa dalle immagini stock col watermark. Non le elimina proprio tutte, ma fa una bella pulizia.
- (2018-03-21) Lei Adair: This Extension is great. I was wondering if i could have your permission to pull it apart to make an extension that blocks pinterest results
- (2018-02-20) Tomáš Marounek: Výborná věc, aneb jak se zbavit tuny píčovin s vodoznaky z fotobank ve vyhledávání obrázků snadno a rychle.
- (2018-01-31) Gianmarco Piva: “The best place to hide a body is page two of Google” – unless you are looking for free stock images. Stockblocker got me through this discomforting experience, by removing all useless junk, and only showing what really matters.
- (2018-01-11) Dorka Ixińska: Nie działa, niczego nie blokuje
- (2017-11-27) 梓澄趙: Unilever North America
- (2017-11-17) Eirik Moldal Andersen: Doesn't work at all. Shutterstock and all the others still appear in image searches. Useless.
- (2017-11-15) Константин Семенов: не работает!!!!
- (2017-10-01) Marco Antonio Suarez F: No vi diferencia,
- (2017-08-13) Vincent Wong: It works pretty well but there are still some of the stock images (eg. Shutterstock) in google images search. If I add "-stock -site:123rf.* -site:istockphoto.* -site:shutterstock.*" in my search with the same item that I've just search, those images from shutterstock will not show up.
- (2017-03-28) Eric McCoy: Compared search results between Chrome with extension and Safari, and there didn't appear to be a difference.
- (2016-08-25) Sometimes stock images are an absolute plague when searching for the right picture - especially the ones from those parasites, Getty Images. This extension sends them to oblivion where they belong. Highly recommended!
- (2016-08-14) Sukebei Moe: It would work better if it just ran in the background rather than having a button, extra buttons always bug me. If you don't want to use the extension and save a tiny bit of ram, this extension simply adds: -stock -site:123rf.* -site:gettyimages.* -site:fotolia.* -site:dreamstime.* -site:photospin.* -site:fotolibra.* -site:visualphotos.* -site:depositphotos.* -site:profimedia.* -site:clipartof.* -site:colourbox.* -site:pixmac.* -site:inmagine.* -site:cutcaster.* -site:oneinhundred.* -site:clipartoday.* -site:yaymicro.* -site:graphicleftovers.* -site:mostphotos.* -site:featurepics.* -site:masterfile.* -site:pixoto.* -site:photaki.* -site:hdimagelib.* -site:fotosearch.* -site:warmpicture.* -site:mediafocus.* to the end of your search but hides it.
- (2016-06-11) Dovydas Sapalas: 5 stars for options version.
- (2016-06-07) Glauco Di Lieto: Useful up to a point. All it does is add a bunch of parameters to the search, to exclude some (not all) of the stock image sites. Unfortunately it doesn't work with advanced searches, which I use all the time. For example, if I've told advanced search to only look for panoramic ratio images, clicking on StockBlocker removes that filter. Annoying.
- (2016-04-16) ivan dan: отлично
- (2016-04-07) Allison Sieber: love it!