extension ExtPose

Floating video plus (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Always on top floating video mode for any website

Image from store Floating video plus
Description from store 有了浮动视频另外,您可以切换视频的浮动模式 - 观看视频的同时浏览网页。 - 支持很多网站包括YouTube - 与作品的播放列表 - 总在最前面 入门: 查找并点击视频播放器的图片,在图片的图标。浮动模式将被启用。请注意,如果您关闭选项卡中的视频结束。

Latest reviews

  • (2020-08-10) Gerald Soto: hace justo lo que estaba buscando!.
  • (2020-08-09) hyeonseung lee: it works very well, and useful. but it doesn't contain subtitle. if it can float video with subtitle, it will be best Extention.
  • (2020-08-01) made music: mst
  • (2020-07-29) Moises Herrera: Bien implementado.
  • (2020-07-21) 1,000 Subscribers No Videos: great but a little tiny for my eyes not sure about everyone else but works very well and would recommend to anybody who needs one
  • (2020-07-16) Jorge Albuja: Bien...
  • (2020-07-08) Harsh Chaudhary: Helps me getting my work done while watching youtube
  • (2020-06-27) Pontiferous Maximus: downloaded and it worked right away. able to watch Twich while i fish in WoW. what a time to be alive.


1,839,743 history
4.5 (14 votes)
Last update / version
2020-07-08 / 1.14
Listing languages
