Extension for downloading DXF files of Romanian Cadasters
This extension works together with the Romanian website
The mentioned website stores and displays public information about the Romanian National Lands and Cadasters in the Stereo-70 national reference system.
This extension allows users to download in a vectorial format (DXF) of a searched cadaster, facilitating higher precision in the measurement of terrains in CAD software.
This extension is practical for architects when the parcel limits are not available to them. Also, this is handy for investors seeking terrains suitable for their needs.
The information provided by the polyGIS extension is unenforced by Romanian laws. All the information supplied is only for consulting reasons. For legally enforced documents, please refer to the nearest city hall or ANCPI, following procedures described by the Romanian laws.
The developer of this extension is not responsible for any damage created by the misuse of this application.
ANCPI or the Romanian State has the legal right to restrict access to this extension by referring to its developer.
Latest reviews
- (2022-01-13) Dragos Faca: Super utila! Merge foarte bine si multumesc creatorului! Pe langa descarcarea zonei extinse pe care o astept cu desavarsire ar mai fi o idee buna sa poata descarca si geometriile cladirilor. Multumesc inca odata! Spor!
- (2021-11-24) Dan Domsa: extensia e utila, pacat ca e blocata de cei de la ANCPI. poate gasiti o cale sa o reactiveze. deasemenea cred ca ar fi utila si o aplicatie de suprapunere pe google maps
- (2021-11-23) Bogdan Toma: foarte util plugin-ul, dar recent cred ca a fost blocat de cei de la ancpi, odata cu noul update la sistemul lor.
- (2021-09-15) chende marius: Descarca conturul la scara, e ok insa nu in Stereo70. Se lipeste pe origine 0.00 / 0.00. Daca o faceti functionala dau 5 stele. Spor