Description from extension meta
Elevate your Omegle experience with IP information, custom themes, automation and other general improvements.
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Description from store
Chromegle, the OmegleWeb Client, is a fully configurable extension introducing automation, dark mode, filters, auto-skip, UI changes, ad-blocking and quality of life improvement experiences to the OmegleWeb platform. We are NOT affiliated with OmegleWeb whatsoever, nor is Chromegle a commercial product.
[NOTICE]: Chromegle is currently undergoing a makeover to support sites like OmegleWeb, EmeraldChat, and OmeTV. Some functionalities may not work. Please keep up-to-date on progress in our Discord.
Chromegle is open-source, and NEVER collects personally identifiable data. You can confirm this yourself by viewing the code for the extension which is publicly available here:
Chromegle can manage chats with its custom auto-skip, auto-typing and message filtering. It also introduces the first ever native dark mode support on the platform, allowing you to experience THREE website themes: Dark Mode, Light Mode, and Black Mode.
Integrated into the client is an IP scraper (and geolocator) that can tell you a user's country, state/province, and city.
Chromegle provides you with a custom paste-menu, profile notes, can take screenshots of the other user's video... and much more!
To get access to these features, just install the extension and hop on All configuration is opt-in!
Feel free to contact us through the Discord link included on the home-page for inquiries into any issues or suggestions to improve the service.
Latest reviews
- (2024-02-10) Cesar Pena: RIP omegle, make one for that also makes it have the og omegle layout
- (2023-11-09) Mohamed Lamuadni: M or f ? lool
- (2023-11-09) Proship Ashton: GOD SPEED ISSAC RIP OMEGLE 2009-2023
- (2023-10-20) Guilherme Ruppel: esse extensor me fez ficar banido pra sempre na plataforma!!!!
- (2023-10-13) вамая: UPDATE: 2 stars deducted for taking the away the ability to mute my mic during the call... PLEASE BRING IT BACK... i miss it. Thanks in advance for your time. peace everything you need to tailor omegle to your preferences, appropriately. it has its bugs (no deal breakers[UPDATE: no mute mic option might be a deal breaker-not really but, im salty]) , but even the few bugs are usually stickered with a clear "Beta Version" label. or if a certain setting could potentially get you banned or captcha'd , it has an extensive warning when you activate that certain setting. everyone giving poor reviews is either expecting magic or exploiting the extension, intentionally or otherwise.
- (2023-10-10) Aniya Settles: Great extension! Kudos for Isaac the developer! I do have one feature request, which i think you had in an earlier version. It'd be nice to have a mute/unmute button. Other than that, great extension!
- (2023-10-09) Victoria Jase: Under privacy policies states that it states it will use the following network monitoring, clicks, mouse position, scroll, or keystroke logging. Uninstalled immediately.
- (2023-10-01) N 22: Does it work on text-only version?
- (2023-10-01) Jayce Harris: it was fine but i don't want it anymore, and i cant get rid of it, i uninstalled it and when i go on Omegle it comes up as Chromegle, someone help please
- (2023-09-24) Игорь Балакирев: How big of a chance do you have of getting banned for skipping blocked countries?
- (2023-09-24) Charles: is very fun to troll people with it. 10/10
- (2023-09-23) Qlxprツ: why does it say "skipped because youve met this ip user before" and it just skips. also whats "whitelisted"? because it also auto skip it pls help.
- (2023-09-10) Reia Salphus: I've used chromegle for quite some time now, why is it, when i install it on my PC on chrome, i get banned? Omegle itself worked fine until i installed it.
- (2023-09-03) Alex: Gets you banned instantly
- (2023-08-23) Zheng Project: How to not get banned? I cant use it :/
- (2023-08-21) Don Miwi: automatic reconnect not working anymore.
- (2023-08-05) hope _y1: please bring back the sound "mute button " where i can mute my sound ..its not there any more ???
- (2023-08-04) Pombomb Media: Its pretty great but I can't figure out how to get rid of the old greetings? I add new ones but the old ones are still there along with its delay. Is there anyway to correct this?
- (2023-08-04) monkey sadf: its cool but it gets annoying to have to do a captcha every time its annoying
- (2023-08-04) christian: it for some reason kept joining the servers and saying Error connecting to server even after i reset my pc and used Chrome
- (2023-07-29) Pieter Marko: Solid extension, just a few new updates, owner is very interactive with community, imo a must have for a omegle user =)
- (2023-07-27) the GAMER: its good but why is the IP blurred out?
- (2023-07-20) Concentrated Boi: Useful, but why does it require to see my browsing history ??
- (2023-07-16) Maksim Abramovich: Been using for a while and good for blocking out people you dont wanna talk to. Did get banned a 2nd but kinda expected. Hopefully its not for a year again. Good work tho, love the extension!
- (2023-06-30) Jayden Velez: it keeps saying are you a robot
- (2023-06-23) Dawn Herman: Omegle Won't Work For Me How Do I Start It?
- (2023-06-22) Ahmed M0: very badddddddddddddd
- (2023-06-20) Thunder dragons: How do you start it?
- (2023-06-18) Mohamed Lamuadni: Happy pride month:)
- (2023-06-13) Savvy: how do you start it
- (2023-05-17) kelece nelson: great for blocking pedophiles and weird people so you don't match with them again
- (2023-05-12) Chris Marion: Was working fine but now won't work at all.
- (2023-05-11) Main Google Acc: I mean its okay but nothing revolutionary or great, Its just Okay for now. Will update review if it gets better.
- (2023-05-10) Vex Elite: 10/10
- (2023-05-10) Olivier Schotveld: Works perfect. People who say they got banned, isn't because of this application.
- (2023-05-10) Mino HS: Very good addition to the website
- (2023-04-25) Judith Smedes: got banned for nothing was just talking normal without any issues or anything weird asking how she was and got banned
- (2023-04-23) Ina Sanders: pretty goofy extension + refuses to work when ur banned??
- (2023-04-18) Mind Zye: Are you tired of spam on Omegle? This extension is probably responsible for a lot of it.
- (2023-04-07) Landon Kahl: I would like the location to be more exact because right now if your "guessing" a users location it is onlt right about 25% of the time.
- (2023-03-24) Anmol Rai: worke fine but nw i can't see the people cam or my cam its all black idk why rip help
- (2023-03-16) Dov iskech: great, blocks indians, shows peoples vague location and auto skips people if i'm cooking in the other room and want them to sit and listen to my music lol but the down side is that when you block people it lags.. the more people in your block list the longer it takes to connect which is the only reason it is 4 and not 5 stars
- (2023-03-15) eyup: nicee
- (2023-03-12) laura laura: how tf you turn it on
- (2023-02-28) Nicky Mazzolo: very good and love the dark mode
- (2023-02-24) Nishant Minz: got banned🥲
- (2023-02-21) Gawbly: Very noice extencuions, how over there aint nun captcha removing feature which i love 2 have, pls add. i mean im not coder bbut this shudnt be hard, just when capcha come u remove. Pls add tnx. Edit: Good stuff! and apologies for the troll
- (2023-02-19) Traycee Bee: some people i got correct and other people i was way off can you please make it ore acurate
- (2023-02-15) Quidillious Bingletron: how do you use the reconnect?
- (2023-01-31) MR. Bossman: it did not work