Detect images and videos embedded with C2PA content credentials and verify their validity.
Verify the authenticity of content you are browsing on the internet!
With this extension, you can inspect images & videos on websites to detect content that has content credentials (C2PA metadata) which are either embedded and/or added via invisible watermarks and verify the validity of their provenance.
Key Features:
View details of content ownership
View details of content creation process (base images or audio clips used, tools used, edits made etc.)
View details of content usage rights (AI training, commercialization, editing etc.)
View details of who issued the content credentials
View details of validity of content credentials
Retrace original watermarked images from manipulated versions of the image
Please see the attached videos for more details. The above features provide you with sufficient data points to determine whether the content you are engaging with is safe , trustworthy, and permissible for consumption to make decisions, train AI models etc.
You can check for manifests attached to images by right-clicking and selecting the Verify Content Credentials option. If a manifest is present, the extension will validate it and display the results via the Content Credentials "CR" pin icon.
Currently its capability is limited to websites that have C2PA metadata embedded or linked remotely through watermarking or fingerprinting.
Suggested websites to try the extension: