extension ExtPose

Snemalec zaslona: celotna stran posnetka

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Description from extension meta

Enostavna, brezplačna in polno funkcionalna aplikacija za zajem zaslona, urejanje in shranjevanje posnetkov zaslona brez težav.

Image from store Snemalec zaslona: celotna stran posnetka
Description from store Screenshot Master je preprosto razširitev za zajem zaslonskih slik, ki vam omogoča zajem celotnega zaslona z enim samim klikom. Deluje enako kot lastna funkcija Google Chrome za zajem zaslonov, vendar na bolj optimiziran način. ✍ Prednosti: ☑︎ Enostaven in uporabniku prijazen vmesnik ☑︎ Brez omejitev uporabe ☑︎ Podpora za celozaslonske slike ☑︎ Tipkovne bližnjice za zajem zaslona ☑︎ Najboljša kakovost, visoko ločljive slike, podpora formatov PNG, JPG in WEBP. Zaslonske slike so koristne iz različnih razlogov, kot je npr. zahtevanje podpore ali preprosto prikazovanje tega, kar imate na zaslonu. Vendar pa ker so slike, njihovi podatki ne morejo biti urejeni s standardnimi sredstvi. Zato je dodana funkcija tega orodja za zajem zaslonov vgrajen urejevalnik slik. Uporabite lahko preprost urejevalnik slik, ki ponuja dvanajst različnih funkcij. ✍ Funkcije urejevalnika slik: ☑︎ Pisati besedilo ☑︎ Obrezovanje ☑︎ Uporabljati puščice ☑︎ Vključevati pravokotne okvirje ali črte ☑︎ Podpora shranjevanja slik v formatih PNG, JPG in WEBP. ScreensShot Master: Celotna zajem strani je zmogljiva in uporabniku prijazna razširitev posnetka zaslona, ki omogoča zajemanje celotnega zaslona s samo enim klikom. Ponuja izboljšane zmogljivosti v primerjavi z izvorno funkcijo Google Chrome, poleg tega pa ni omejitev pri uporabi. Ta master zaslona: Orodje za zajem celotnega zaslona ne samo podpira posnetke zaslona na celotni strani, ampak vam nudi tudi priročno posnetke zaslona na celotni strani Bližnjice tipkovnice za hitro zajemanje slik. Poleg tega zagotavlja posnetke zaslona z visoko ločljivostjo v formatih PNG, JPG ali WEBP. Posnetki zaslona so zelo koristni za različne namene, na primer zahtevanje pomoči ali preprosto prikazovanje, kaj imate na zaslonu. Ker pa so posnetke zaslona slike, njihovih podatkov ni mogoče urejati s tradicionalnimi metodami. Zato ta zaslon Master: Celotno orodje za zajemanje strani vključuje urejevalnik slik, ki ponuja ducat različnih funkcij. Posnetek zaslona, Zajem zaslona, Slika zaslona, Posnetek, Izrezek zaslona, Snemanje zaslona, Natisni zaslon, Slika posnetka zaslona, Tisk zaslona, Posnetek zaslona, Zajem zaslona, Zajem zaslona, Zajem slike, Zajem namizja, Zajem okna. Posnetek zaslona Windows 10, posnetek zaslona Windows 11, posnetek zaslona na spletu, prenos posnetka zaslona, aplikacija za posnetek zaslona, posnetek zaslona, posnetek zaslona, posnetek zaslona mac. Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions! The simplest way to take a full page screenshot of your current browser window. Click on the extension icon (or press Alt+Shift+P), watch the extension capture each part of the page, and be transported to a new tab of your screenshot where you can download it as an image or PDF or even just drag it to your desktop. Screen Capture ▸ Capture a screenshot of the page you visit, full page, selected area or visible part ▸ Capture a screenshot of your entire screen or a specific application window ▸ Capture visible part, entire screen or app window Annotate Screenshot ▸ Resize or crop a screenshot to the size you need ▸ Annotate your screenshot with rectangles, circles, arrows, lines, etc. ▸ Add text to your screenshot with or without background color, change text font and font size ▸ Blur sensitive information on your screenshot ▸ Highlight important part on your screenshot ▸ Select a local image or paste a copied image from your clipboard to annotate Take stunning screenshots of entire websites and capture page elements. Offline. No registration. Screenshot tool - captures entire websites and user areas. Ready-made screenshots can be quickly edited (crop, paint over, add arrows, captions or text). Screen Capture tool for making a full page or partial capture with further editing, download, or text adding. Make a full webpage screen capture or just any part of it with an opportunity to edit, save and download screen capture to your PC. Screenshot and Screen Recorder is an all-in-one platform for all your needs. You don't need multiple extensions to record videos or share screenshots. Just choose what you need now! Create video tutorials, short online courses or reporting of any technical issues and to build the client video knowledge base with our most powerful video-creation and screenshot tool. Edit, and share professional-looking videos or screen capture instantly with your friends or work team. ★ Used by Several Million users on different platforms ★ ▸ Screen capture whole or partial screenshots on any size of screen. ▸ Annotate and edit screenshots in our powerful image editor. ▸ Record video from your screen and webcam using the video recorder. ▸ Trim and Crop. ▸ Use our editor features such as background color change, color change text, etc. to make your simple images and captures more colorful and memorable. ▸ Convert video to gif and mp4 in our video recorder. ▸ Quickly Upload and Share online screenshots and screencasts using the capture tool. 📷 Capture screenshots ▸ Make a full page screenshot or a specific section of the page through scrolling screenshot using our screenshot software (screenshot capture). ▸ Supports scrolling when capturing from web pages. ▸ Capture & edit the entire browser window. ▸ Quickly capture & edit a section of the webpage. ▸ On a blank canvas, create your own simple drawing or model. 🎥 Record videos (screencast record) in our video recorder (screen recorder) and share screencasts ▸ Record video from your screen. ▸ Record video of another active program. ▸ Record screen from a webcam by using the screencast recorder webcam feature. ▸ Add your own watermark on the video (Premium). ▸ Customize the video screen resolution and frame rate. ▸ Annotate the video recording with various shapes, including arrows and rectangles using the video recorder. ▸ Convert from WebM to MP4 and GIF (Premium). ▸ Crop your video using video recorder (Premium). ▸ Trim your video recording on the video recorder screen (Premium). ▸ Publish video on Youtube (Premium). ▸ Upload to Google Drive, and Dropbox (Premium). ✄ Edit your screenshots ▸ Add graphics and text boxes. ▸ Resize and crop. ▸ Add arrows and stickers. ▸ Highlight text. ▸ Blur certain sections to hide sensitive information (Premium). ▸ Add watermarks (premium). Share and get a sharable link to them ▸ Save screenshots capture in JPG and PNG through our capture tool. ▸ Quick upload and share without registration. ▸ Send to Slack. ▸ Upload to Google Drive, and Google Classroom. ▸ Upload to Dropbox (Premium). ▸ Save to a PDF using the powerful capture & editor combination. ▸ Add comments to your captures and screencasts. Screenshot, Screen capture, Screen grab, Screen image, Snapshot, Screen clipping, Screen recording, Print screen, Screenshot image, Screen print, Screen shot, Screen snap, Capture screen, Image capture, Desktop capture, Window capture. Screenshot windows 10, screenshot windows 11, screenshot online, screenshot download, screenshot app, screenshoter, screenshot, screenshot mac.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-13) Elias C.G.: need an app to get the complete webpage screenshot just after the browser loads it and before the subscription offer banner get in place
  • (2023-10-22) Chris Athanassiadis: Stopped working, for whatever reason
  • (2023-10-12) John Rudolf Castañeda: this extension is good but when i turn Off and On the extension is not working you need to re-open the chrome, the reason i turn off the extension because to decrease ram usage of browser and i dont use this everyday i hope it will fix that...but still its a good app
  • (2023-10-04) Jason Eldridge: Pretty good but it doesn't work the same way on some site like it does on others. Wish that could get fixed there.
  • (2023-09-22) Sybacom Agency: It has stopped working properly. Is there a problem with Chrome updates? Has various bugs with video rec mode
  • (2023-09-02) Lesley Kaye Declaro: easy and fast
  • (2023-08-21) Guillaume de Neuvier: Simple, gratuit, sans pub, avec possibilité d'éditer la capture
  • (2023-08-05) Gaby Tijman: ¿Cuáles son las teclas que hay que oprimir para activarlo?
  • (2023-07-28) Shyam Budhwar: Very simple and fast to use. No hick ups. Very user friendly. Love it.
  • (2023-07-12) Nazmul Hossain: Simple and effective. Thank!
  • (2023-07-07) Mustafa Emre: Good
  • (2023-06-30) David Chisholm: All these extensions say "full page" screenshots but none of them do. FULL PAGE means including the portion below the fold. As in the FULL page or the ENTIRE page. What you are doing is FULL SCREEN. Making it very hard to search through all the screen shot ext for the one that ACTUALLY does the full PAGE
  • (2023-06-08) Alan Blanco: Sencillamente, todo lo necesario para hacer capturas de pantalla, nada más ni nada menos!
  • (2023-06-08) Crunky Butt: An Exceptional Screenshot Extension: Screenshot Master-Full Page Capture Delivers as Promised! I recently came across the "Screenshot Master-Full Page Capture" Chrome extension developed by [email protected], and I must say it has completely transformed my screenshot-taking experience. This extension is an absolute gem, offering a straightforward and efficient solution for capturing entire web pages with just a single click. From the moment I installed Screenshot Master-Full Page Capture, I was impressed by its user-friendly interface and seamless integration into my browser. The extension delivers on its promises, allowing users to capture the entire page effortlessly. It eliminates the need for scrolling and piecing together multiple screenshots, which can be quite tedious. Having tried various screenshot extensions in the past, I can confidently say that Screenshot Master stands out from the crowd. Unlike some other extensions that come with limitations, Screenshot Master does not impose any restrictions on the number of captures or the size of the page. It simply gets the job done, regardless of the webpage's length or complexity. One aspect that sets Screenshot Master apart is its versatility. Whether I'm using it for academic purposes or professional projects, this extension has proven to be immensely useful. It has become an invaluable tool for capturing research materials, documenting web content, and preserving online references. It has truly simplified my workflow, saving me precious time and effort. Furthermore, Screenshot Master is incredibly reliable. I have experienced no glitches or crashes while using it, which further reinforces its status as a dependable screenshot solution. The extension works seamlessly across various websites and consistently produces high-quality screenshots, ensuring that I can capture every detail with precision. The developer of Screenshot Master-Full Page Capture deserves applause for developing such a remarkable extension. Screenshot Master has made my life so much easier, and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone in need of a reliable screenshot tool. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply someone who frequently captures web content, this extension will undoubtedly enhance your productivity and efficiency. In conclusion, Screenshot Master-Full Page Capture has exceeded my expectations in every aspect. Its simplicity, reliability, and limitless functionality make it a must-have Chrome extension. Thanks for creating this exceptional tool that has become an indispensable part of my browsing experience.
  • (2023-06-02) Humberto Emmanuel Soto Casanova: Maravillosa, sobre todo la opcion de poder seleccionar sobre el rango de la pagina y editarlo despues recomendada para quienes les gustan tomar imagenes de referencias
  • (2023-05-25) Immobilia Realestate: Full page is not capturing
  • (2023-03-28) Tomasz Zawadzki: It doesn't make a full page capture, so yeah, tahnks, bye.
  • (2022-12-26) Nick AU: No creo que sea el problema de la extension, quizas alguna actualizacion La tenia instalada desde hace mucho tiempo pasando unos X meses cada vez que hacia alguna busqueda como fragmentos destacatdos, desaparecian todos y algunos enlaces desaparecian tambien y solo estaban los enlaces "QUE PAGAN" para salir arriba. Desactive todas las extensione y active una a una. Cuando active este era quien me modificaba las busquedas en mi navegador. Quizas sea algun error o actualizacion pero si tienen este problema ya saben a lo que puede ser.
  • (2022-10-22) Primo Cervejeiro: O melhor APP ( extensão ) do Chrome para capturar tela e compartilhar, muito fácil, muito prático para usar !
  • (2022-10-21) Ryan Norfolk: Really handy extension


700,000 history
4.6759 (398 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-27 / 1.8.2
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