Description from extension meta
ThriftDealz automatically finds the best coupons codes, vouchers, discounts, promo code and deals for the websites you visit online.
Image from store
Description from store
ThriftDealz automatically finds the best coupons codes, vouchers, discounts, promo code and deals for the websites you visit online.
ThriftDealz Finder π, is a free browser extension that automatically finds and applies the best coupon codes at checkout. We have the best discounts fromβ β10,000+β βonline stores!
πΈ Why ThriftDealz Finder?
β Shop at your favorite stores as usual
β You'll get alerts when coupon codes are available
β Browse best offer & Click the "Copy Code" button
β Your code will be copied and ready to use while checkout
β Save on all your purchases in a few seconds without browing on multiple websites.
π Simple Formula: COPY, PASTE, SAVE
When ThriftDealz pops up, find the best codes, sorted by which ones are most likely to help you save. Easily compare options to max your savings and copy paste them with a single click.
With ThriftDealz, save money immediately and shop with more confidence!
We feel a deep responsibility to secure your privacy when you shop using ThriftDealz. Remember;
β’ We never track browsing history.
β’ We only capture "Website URL" for stores that you shop.
β’ We do not sell your data and we never will.