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Tab Group Saver - Save and Manage Tab Groups

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Description from extension meta

Save and manage your tab groups

Image from store Tab Group Saver - Save and Manage Tab Groups
Description from store Tab Group Saver is a chrome extension that enables you to suspend and manage your tabs and tab groups. With Tab Group Saver, you can keep a cleaner workspace while reducing Chrome's memory footprint. Features: - Suspend tab groups & restore them later - View all open tab groups - Rename tab groups - Manage your windows and tabs

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-31) Fatih Ak: suddenly lost all my tabs.
  • (2023-10-30) BigSevenナツキ: 久しぶりにタブを整理しようとしたら保存していた情報が一部なくなっていました。 それ以外については、グループ化も色分けで便利に使えます。
  • (2023-06-25) GS W: No any buttons to operate tabs.
  • (2023-05-11) John Sepassi: Downloaded it and immediately removed it. It doesn't make sense. The UI for the extension is awful and it doesn't make any sense how to save or group tabs. When I clicked into it all I could see was every window that was open and the names of the tabs but there was no way for me to save them, name the group of tabs, or do anything besides just see which windows were open. absolutely pointless chrome extension.
  • (2023-01-23) 小島鉄平: 使えません。ほかの方もあるように保存ボタンが表示されません。
  • (2023-01-08) Daren J. Mongello: Does not work. No instructions. I open Tab Group Saver and see all the open tabs. Cant do anything with them, tho. Like save them into a group? Useless.
  • (2022-12-16) Jim LOKO: This extension works well in general except for some loss when I restore certain groups of tabs and an improvement would be to have a confirmation of deletion of the group of tabs because the buttons restore and delete are really close and can be mistakenly confused
  • (2022-12-06) Michael: This TRASH app destroyed my groups. It automatically removed all the tab groups as I saved them, I assumed that was normal behavior; but when clicking the button to restore tab groups, they disappear from the list of saved groups, and don't get restored. I lost all my tab groups. Thanks a lot.
  • (2022-11-28) Nina Chen: This is so amazing!!
  • (2022-11-28) Aric Zhuang: This is the most useful extension. It allowed me to make money from sports betting
  • (2022-10-24) Hortense Le: Very useful, I use it everyday.
  • (2022-10-21) M S: super, works good in 2022 10, recommended it. It is a pity that the developer is not developing anymore.
  • (2022-10-11) John Carbahal: Doesn't work reliably as of October 11, 2022. to be fair I only used it for a little bit today but I had saved 4 different groups of tabs and when I tried to restore them only one of the groups actually restored. the others just vanished loosing the tabs into the sea of closed tabs in my history. it had potential but I don't want to risk loosing a group that I need for a project because the extension bugged out.
  • (2022-10-10) Liban M.R.: So far its exactly what I wanted.
  • (2022-08-05) Pen Lister: Stopped working after recent updates to Chrome (as of July 2022). Was very useful. Chrome should adopt functionality like this to save tabs - otherwise what are the for?? Also, it never worked on Mac Chrome, which should be made clearer.
  • (2022-06-20) Ropi: this extension is what i am looking for but there is still a drawback is i have to redo my gurb one by one hopefully in the future it can save permanently or without the need to switch between save and open or there is grub that remains saved without the need to save and open every time using a tab it is very consuming time
  • (2022-04-27) gekko shudo: クライアント別にタブをまとめて保存復元し、chromeの専有するメモリを抑えることができるのでとても助かってます! で、できれば欲しい機能↓ ①タブグループの誤消去防止 ②保存したタブグループの他PCへの継承 ①保存アイコンと削除アイコンの距離が近く、間違って消去してしまうことがあります。 削除の場合は一度ポップアップウインドウで確認などワンクッションおいてもらうと助かります。 ②同じアカウントでログインしているchromeで、保存内容が継承できるとありがたいです。 (win↔macなど頻繁に行き来がある場合とかに有効) 特許的に難しいかもしれんと思いつつリクエストです。
  • (2022-04-22) Ignacio Garcia: Do not work since Chrome 100 upgrade. I used it before, and was a simple but still quite practical extension to save, close and reopen later Group tabs.
  • (2022-04-19) らららあにー: 調べ物をするときに数十のタブを保持しておきたいが「タブグループだと毎回読み込まれる」という課題があった。この拡張機能は「保存」したタブを読み込まないため、常に軽快かつ低負荷でネットサーフィンでき快適である。
  • (2022-04-08) Cesar A. Herrera: keyboard shortcuts to enable / disable certain tab groups would make this extension more useful
  • (2022-02-23) qwabara qwabara: 使えません。保存するボタンとかが消えてます。
  • (2022-02-21) Walton V.: Great App, although it needs the command to "Export / Import" the "Saved Groups" of tabs.
  • (2022-02-21) moi lois: good apps but needs improvement. I cannot read the saved tab they are pale without contrast! The close and download icons are so small and close to each other that I clicked on close instead of download the tab group. Also the tabs are pale and hard to read
  • (2022-01-24) yolas: Really hope it's just the beginning It's currently the only extension that use the Chrome group tab in a fast and convenient way. (I wish it would be integrated to the right clic options where you can rename a group) I hope it will add the ability to rename the groups without restoring them and to visualize the groups in a more convenient way when you have dozens of groups created. This would become at the same time the best bookmark manager. If the groups would sync together on top of that it would be amazing, and if by safety we could save the tabs one Google Drive that would be a banger ^^ Anyway, thanks to the dev, I hope it will succeed and improve :) Thank you again
  • (2022-01-24) Mahmod Barodi: doesn't work for me i can't save any tabs
  • (2022-01-06) D. G.: Bad User Interface and no instructions.
  • (2021-12-09) Andor Dávid: Overall I am a happy user. :-) There are some feature I miss. 1. Ability to open a group in a new window. Probably with CTRL+Click. 2. On the settings page the left sidebar (list of groups) scrolling is not intuitive, and a very bottom of the list is not visible. 3. Drag & Drop feature on the settings page. Individual tabs, and whole groups as well. Drop a group into a new window.
  • (2021-12-05) Whbi Sama: Deleted my saved groups
  • (2021-11-24) Kevin Huang: I have been using this extension for a few months at this point and it has been great except for a few critical bugs that have made using the extension much more difficult. Specifically, I have found that when restoring some tab groups, not all tabs will actually be restored and on very rare occasions, the tab group isn't restored at all and is lost since it isn't saved any more. Would love if these bugs could be fixed.
  • (2021-11-17) Andrés Rico: Es muy práctico, ya que puedo guardar los grupos cuando no los necesito y las pestañas en ellos ya no ocupan memoria. Ya no necesito hibernar mi PC para evitar perder mis grupos de pestañas.
  • (2021-10-25) KATZ Cyber: まさにずっと探し続けていた機能、タブグループを一括で管理できるのはありがたい! リリースから2021/5,6月までの「保存されていない」レビューがあるかと思いますが、レビューを”新しい順”にすれば、問題が随時解決されていることがわかります。 現時点(2021/10/25)バージョン0.0.4では、今の所「Chrome閉じたら保存されていたGroupが消えたいた」といった現象は見当たりません。
  • (2021-10-24) Aziz Marashly: It does what it suppose to do, exactly what google chrome need. Thank you.
  • (2021-10-12) Hassan Juba: after saving the data on device and then opened to import the saved data nothing happed and lost all the work
  • (2021-09-02) Fernando Valdelvira: La opción de poder guardar varios grupos de pestañas me parece genial, es de gran ayuda. Otra cosa es la gestión de esos grupos de pestañas, es muy endeble. Al estar tan cerca el botón de cerrar y el de guardar, es fácil darle al botón que no es sin querer. Tampoco te pregunta si quieres eliminar ese grupo ni te da la opción de recuperar un grupo eliminado. Creo que simplemente un control de seguridad, un simple alert(), avisando si estas seguro que quieres eliminar el grupo bastaría, pero se podría hacer mucho mas en la gestión de los grupos de pestañas. Aún así, esta extensión es imprescindible.
  • (2021-08-31) Trần Đạt: This is just what I've been looking for, archive unused tab groups for a cleaner workspace, but can always open them back. Thank you
  • (2021-08-16) Mad Man: Believe it or not I was just working on almost the exact same thing, then decided to look in the store again and found this, it does exactly what i want so i don't need to build it ... tbh I don't know if I'm more happy or sad about it lol I would suggest adding: - Dark mode (according to system preference) - Popup height according to content (with a max height ofc) instead of fixed height with a lot of empty space - This is just nitpicking but the tooltips are too far down and too small to read 5 Stars tho :)
  • (2021-08-12) darylross: Excellent job!!!
  • (2021-07-27) Tony Summerfelt: I love this extension. I don't know if anyone else as experienced this, but I have addidently deleted a tag group by hitting X and NOT the open icon. They SERIOSLY need to be seperated.\ I've now lost 2 extensively curated tab groups because my mouse was not quite on the open icon.
  • (2021-07-25) Shuyang Shi: Does what it says pretty well, helps save and restore tab groups when Chrome does not provide the functionality natively. One ask is to have a shortcut to trigger the manage / option page
  • (2021-07-19) D C: would have definitely rated a 5 star if the groups could be permanantly saved
  • (2021-07-10) Sung Paus: I love your extension. I started to intern at the startup. Soon I couldn't help but using a lot of tabs. I introduced the tab grouping to organize my messy stuff. The tab grouping is a great function to separate some from others. On the other hand, Having as many tabs open as needs a group means they consume a lot of memory. My laptop doesn't have enough memory to open these groups all the time. I should close them to release the memory and restore them whenever I want. 'Onetab' is a good extension, but it doesn't support the tab grouping. Your extension perfectly satisfied my needs and even have a beautiful interface. Thank you.
  • (2021-06-23) Nandhakumar G: Simply waste. When we using saved groups, it deletes that group permanently from Tab Group Saver. If we closed the chrome the group tabs are lost. We need to store again and again. This extension not useful at all. Installed and deleted within an 1 hour.
  • (2021-06-17) 0 0: This doesn't save my tabs. Maybe it's because I cleared my history/ cache. Also if you close your chrome it won't save them again when they pop up. Kinda pointless
  • (2021-06-16) Christopher Carr: I can not for the life of me understand why the tab group is closed when you save it. What is the purpose of that? And then if you restore the group, it's removes the group from 'saved' ... ? So if you forget that your group isn't saved, it's lost when you close your browser?
  • (2021-06-15) Marc Steen: Some drag and drop mechanics for ungrouped tabs in the manager to add them to saved groups and being able to open a single website from them would turn this extension from great to amazing.
  • (2021-06-07) Guillaume Pelletier: There's no control whatsoever on the feature provided. Making this basically useless junk.
  • (2021-06-05) DualKim: Nice.
  • (2021-06-05) Nathan: Works great, helps me stay organized and simple to use. Keep up the good work!
  • (2021-06-04) Ravirahul Padmanabhan: Does what is says. 5 stars. Need a better rounded icon to match chrome UI. Current icon with share edges does not go well with other chrome elements. Some people are saying it should always store the tabs as they will lose all tabs on accidental closure. Change the default open behavior to last session in Chrome. So, even if you close and reopen, all your tabs and groups will be there as it was earlier.
  • (2021-05-08) Eric Lien: frustration...do not call this a Tab Group saver UNTIL it does save groups when closing down chrome for now call it "a nice Tab Group organizer as long as you do not shut down or close chrome" Losing Tab Groups when chrome shuts down is a HUGE time sink and productivity I had such high hopes for this product until my mac shut down closes Chrome To my suprise... when I opened up Chrome... NO Tab Groups Very disappointing... put a priority on the auto save and restore ie Groups show up on opening chrome


20,000 history
3.4286 (91 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-20 / 1.0.2
Listing languages
