Blokkeert pop-ups, advertenties, trackers van onze blokkeerlijst en slaat YouTube-advertenties automatisch over
📺 Automatisch YouTube-videoadvertenties overslaan
🔥 Elimineer vervelende pop-ups
🧹 Verberg of verwijder slechte advertenties
🤖 Blokkeer de meeste sociale en privacytrackers
🥷 Niet gedetecteerd door anti-adblock-scripts.
We blokkeren niet alle advertenties, we behouden enkele zoekmachine- en display-advertenties die relevant zijn.
Als u vindt dat we een vervelende en repetitieve advertentie moeten blokkeren, meld dit dan en we zullen deze toevoegen.
Ons privacybeleid is hier beschikbaar:
Het is een longread, dus we zullen het gemakkelijk maken:
- We registreren geen persoonlijke informatie met deze extensie.
- Het enige dat we loggen is hoeveel advertenties we je helpen te blokkeren en het is anoniem.
Latest reviews
- (2021-12-08) joseph bro: Totally disappointed it's not showing actual value I think it's a worst attempt
- (2021-12-06) jessica jon: I never wanted this item and don’t know how it was installed. It's Violent or hateful content. It's have some issues in this reason Does not work properly. It's Harmful to my computer or data.Performs Illegal activity.
- (2021-12-06) ava hug: You’re reporting that Credit Security Group was created to harm, offend or mislead others
- (2021-12-06) evie wal: I consider that this extension has many similarities with another one that I have tried and this type of behavior cannot be approved! please help!
- (2021-12-06) emma bro: this software is harmful my computer get damaged it made it slow and insupportable
- (2021-11-16) elijahyohann plays: i love it although some is error it already blocked 321412457699 ads
- (2021-11-15) NAMELESS GAMER: FORCEFUL DOWNLOADS!!! Please rate this app low. they block websites and force you to download it to access websites. I added the app just to write this review. waste of time this app
- (2021-11-12) WildWarriorxd: it is good and does not have any type of virus
- (2021-10-26) broo i see a comments that it is a virus! yea i don't trust it it might virus my laptop
- (2021-10-04) Pinson, Johndell Mhar: not bad it disable every ads in youtube
- (2021-09-29) chinjunk NiceGuy: DELETE IT, IT VIRUSED MY LAPTOP!!!
- (2021-09-25) Megan Cok: No idea if I did something wrong, but it definetively doesn't block pop ups or ads in certain pages.