extension ExtPose

EmuFlash Flash Player

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Description from extension meta

Play Flash Games Anywhere with Ruffle and swf2js Emulators in EmuFlash Flash Player

Image from store EmuFlash Flash Player
Description from store 💡 Features of EmuFlash: ✨ Emulate Flash content with Ruffle and swf2js emulators. 🔄 Run inline Flash content manually or let our extension handle it automatically. 💾 Download all SWFs easily 🆘 Not working? Please note that the extension doesn't emulate inline content by default. You should either explicitly enable this feature ("Auto play flash content" option) or click a button on the page or in the popup to activate it. Minimal test of the functionality: 1. Open https://webbrowsertools.com/test-flash-player/ 2. Open extension's popup and select the "Play in the tab" option 3. The page should display flash content with bees. 🌟 Showcase of the functionaluty: visit Internet Archive website at https://archive.org/details/armorgames Here, you'll find thousands of games. The extension doesn't work 100% of the time, but it successfully opens most of them. 🔒 Disclaimer: EmuFlash is a helpful browser extension and is not officially affiliated with Adobe Flash Player or any other Adobe products. """💡 Značajke EmuFlash-a: ✨ Emulirajte Flash sadržaj pomoću emulatora Ruffle i swf2js. 🔄 Pokrenite Flash sadržaj ručno ili dopustite da naša ekstenzija to automatski obavi. 💾 Jednostavno preuzmite sve SWF-ove. 🆘 Ne radi? Napomena: Ekstenzija ne emulira ugrađeni sadržaj prema zadanim postavkama. Trebali biste ili eksplicitno omogućiti tu značajku ("Opcija automatskog reprodukcije Flash sadržaja") ili kliknuti gumb na stranici ili u iskačućem prozoru da je aktivirate. Minimalno testiranje funkcionalnosti: 1. Otvorite https://webbrowsertools.com/test-flash-player/ 2. Otvorite iskačući prozor ekstenzije i odaberite opciju "Pokreni u kartici" 3. Stranica bi trebala prikazati Flash sadržaj s pčelama. 🌟 Prikaz funkcionalnosti: posjetite web mjesto Internet Archive na https://archive.org/details/armorgames Ovdje ćete pronaći tisuće igara. Ekstenzija ne radi uvijek 100%, ali uspješno otvara većinu njih. 🔒 Napomena: EmuFlash je korisna preglednička ekstenzija i nije službeno povezana s Adobe Flash Playerom ili bilo kojim drugim Adobe proizvodom."""

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-14) Pavlo R: work)
  • (2023-09-23) Flavio_lowkey: very good


4.7143 (14 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-07 / 1.0.5
Listing languages
