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Play Flash Games Anywhere with Ruffle and swf2js Emulators in EmuFlash Flash Player
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Description from store
💡 Features of EmuFlash:
✨ Emulate Flash content with Ruffle and swf2js emulators.
🔄 Run inline Flash content manually or let our extension handle it automatically.
💾 Download all SWFs easily
🆘 Not working?
Please note that the extension doesn't emulate inline content by default.
You should either explicitly enable this feature ("Auto play flash content" option) or click a button on the page or in the popup to activate it.
Minimal test of the functionality:
1. Open
2. Open extension's popup and select the "Play in the tab" option
3. The page should display flash content with bees.
🌟 Showcase of the functionaluty: visit Internet Archive website at
Here, you'll find thousands of games. The extension doesn't work 100% of the time, but it successfully opens most of them.
🔒 Disclaimer: EmuFlash is a helpful browser extension and is not officially affiliated with Adobe Flash Player or any other Adobe products.
"""💡 Značilnosti EmuFlash:
✨ Emulirajte vsebine Flash z emulatorji Ruffle in swf2js.
🔄 Ročno zaženite vsebine Flash ali jim omogočite samodejno delovanje z našo razširitvijo.
💾 Enostavno prenesite vse SWF datoteke.
🆘 Ne deluje?
Prosimo, upoštevajte, da razširitev privzeto ne emulira vsebin Flash.
Da bi to funkcijo omogočili, morate bodisi izrecno omogočiti to možnost ("Samodejno predvajanje vsebin Flash") ali pa klikniti gumb na strani ali v pojavnem oknu, da jo aktivirate.
Minimalen test funkcionalnosti:
1. Odpri
2. Odpri pojavnem oknu razširitve in izberi možnost "Predvajaj v zavihku"
3. Stran naj prikaže vsebino Flash z čebelami.
🌟 Predstavitev funkcionalnosti: obiščite spletno stran Internet Archive na naslovu
Tukaj boste našli tisoče iger. Razširitev ne deluje vedno 100-odstotno, vendar večino od njih uspešno odpre.
🔒 Omejitev odgovornosti: EmuFlash je uporabna brskalniška razširitev in ni uradno povezana s programom Adobe Flash Player ali drugimi izdelki Adobe."""
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-14) Pavlo R: work)
- (2023-09-23) Flavio_lowkey: very good