Get top 50 products daily from
prodhunt is a simple and powerful tool that lets you stay updated with the latest and most popular products from Product Hunt. With just one click, you can access the top 50 products of the day, complete with their titles, descriptions, categories, and direct links to the Product Hunt page.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, developer, or product enthusiast, prodhunt helps you discover new innovations, startups, and ideas, all in an easy-to-read format.
Key Features:
Fetches the top 50 trending products from Product Hunt daily.
View detailed information, including product descriptions, categories, and user comments.
Direct links to the Product Hunt page for more information and discussions.
Intuitive and clean user interface for seamless browsing.
Fast and lightweight — data is dynamically fetched and cached for quick access.
Stay on top of the latest tech trends with prodhunt, your daily source for discovering new and exciting products!
Additional Information:
Version: 1.1
Permissions: Does not requires permission to fetch data from
Category: Productivity / Tools
Languages Supported: English