extension ExtPose

SaveDay - Správca záložiek AI a generátor súhrnov na YouTube

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Description from extension meta

Správca AI Záložiek vám pomáha okamžite ukladať, zvýrazňovať obsah na webe a získať ho späť, súhrnné videá na YouTube a články

Image from store SaveDay - Správca záložiek AI a generátor súhrnov na YouTube
Description from store Asistent znalostí AI vám pomáha okamžite ukladať, zvýrazňovať webový obsah, pridávať anotácie a získavať ho, sumarizovať videá a články YouTube SaveDay je rozšírenie manažéra znalostí AI. Pomocou SaveDay si môžete uložiť do záložiek oveľa viac než len webové odkazy a články, usporiadať ich tak, aby ste si ich mohli neskôr jednoducho prečítať a nájsť ich kedykoľvek budete potrebovať. SaveDay navyše poskytuje stručné dlhé súhrny videí na YouTube a zaisťuje, že budete mať prehľad o svojej digitálnej hre s ľahkosťou a efektívnosťou. Vlastnosti: ★ Ukladanie obsahu: Ukladajte obsah v akomkoľvek formáte (webové odkazy, obrázky, videá, fotografie, podcasty, zvuk...) jednoducho a zároveň zachovávajte dôvernosť svojho obsahu ★ Pripomienka pre uložený obsah: Nastavte si pripomienky pre svoj uložený obsah, čím zaistíte, že zostanete na vrchole svojho zoznamu na čítanie a nikdy vám neuniknú cenné informácie ★ Webový zvýrazňovač a citáty: Ľahko zvýraznite ľubovoľnú webovú stránku, príspevok na sociálnej sieti a zdieľajte ju s krásnymi šablónami ★ Anotácia: Pridajte nalepovacie poznámky na ľubovoľné miesto na webovej stránke, pridajte zvýraznené poznámky k zvýraznenému obsahu a časové pečiatky pre momenty vo videu ★ Zhrnutie obsahu AI: Okamžite získajte dôležité poznámky a zhrnutia z videí, článkov, článkov na Youtube ★ Intuitívne vyhľadávanie: Hľadajte podľa kľúčového slova alebo podľa spôsobu myslenia v akomkoľvek jazyku, aby ste získali kontextové informácie ★ Bočný panel: Na bočnom paneli získate prístup ku všetkým svojim poznámkam vrátane zvýraznení, poznámok AI, lepiacich poznámok a zvýraznených poznámok. ★ Zadarmo na použitie Klávesová skratka: Windows: - Pre webové stránky: Alt+S: Uložte tento obsah Alt+W: Pridať poznámku Alt+A: Získajte kľúčové body - Pre videá na Youtube: Alt+C: Uložte tento moment Alt+A: Získajte súhrn videa na YouTube MacO: - Pre webové stránky: ★ Chrome Option/⌥+S: Uložiť tento obsah Option/⌥+W: Pridať lepiacu poznámku Option/⌥+A: Získajte kľúčové body ★ Okraj Option/⌥+E: Uložiť tento obsah Option/⌥+W: Pridať lepiacu poznámku Option/⌥+A: Získajte kľúčové body - Pre videá na Youtube: Option/⌥+C: Uložiť tento moment Možnosť/⌥+A: Získajte súhrn videa na YouTube Tipy: Pomocou bočnej ponuky SaveDay môžete automaticky ukladať obsah, ktorý ste vybrali, získať rýchle poznámky, kľúčové body a získať prístup k zbierkam. Tu je návod, ako ho zapnúť: Na paneli s ponukami: Krok 1: Kliknite na ikonu SaveDay v pravom hornom rohu prehliadača (uistite sa, že je pripnutá ako prvá) Krok 2: V časti „Nastavenia“ zapnite bočnú ponuku „SaveDay““ Krok 3: Bočná ponuka SaveDay bude zapnutá a viditeľná Na stránke Nastavenia: Krok 1: V časti Predvoľby prejdite do kategórie „Bočná ponuka“. Krok 2: Kliknutím na ikonu „Odstránené“ odstránite webovú stránku, ktorú ste predtým vypli. Teraz môžete použiť bočnú ponuku SaveDay ako obvykle Prípadne kliknutím zapnite tlačidlo „Bočná ponuka“ a zapnite ho pre všetky webové stránky, kým sa ho nerozhodnete vypnúť Pomocou tlačidla Zvýrazniť môžete jednoducho a rýchlo zvýrazňovať, komentovať a vytvárať citáty: V ponuke SaveDay: Krok 1: Kliknite na ikonu SaveDay v pravom hornom rohu prehliadača (uistite sa, že je pripnutá) Krok 2: V časti „Nastavenia“ zapnite „tlačidlo zvýraznenia“. Funkcia zvýraznenia bude zapnutá a pripravená na použitie Na stránke Nastavenia: Krok 1: V časti Predvoľby vyberte kategóriu „Tlačidlo zvýraznenia“. Krok 2: Zadajte adresu URL webovej stránky, pre ktorú chcete zapnúť tlačidlo zvýraznenia. Kliknite na ikonu „Odstrániť“ vedľa webovej lokality, ak bola predtým vypnutá Prípadne zapnite tlačidlo pre „tlačidlo zvýraznenia““ a zapnite ho natrvalo pre všetky webové stránky Pomocou bočného panela SaveDay získate prístup k celému obsahu: Krok 1: Kliknite na ikonu SaveDay v pravom hornom rohu prehliadača (uistite sa, že je pripnutá ako prvá) alebo kliknite na bočnú ponuku SaveDay Krok 2: Vyberte """"Poznámka k tomuto obsahu"""" Pozrite si naše zásady ochrany osobných údajov: https://www.save.day/privacy-policy Pozrite si naše zmluvné podmienky: https://www.save.day/terms-of-service

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-23) Danny Peck: It seems quite cool. The UX around how to get to my "saves" feels really clunky. Like I wish there were a more traditional site I could log into and see my collection, or have it visible at, say, "save.day/<username>" -- That's the only clunky bit. I also wish you could set a "custom" reminder period to be reminded at a specific time instead of the canned times
  • (2023-10-11) Adontai Mason: Loving it, is putting it mildly. It sounds like a really simple and basic app, but the possibilities are limitless. It;s completely portable a breeze to use, if you sneeze you will miss out on an awesome app.
  • (2023-09-14) Nhan Nguyen Tien: Very cool and useful extension!!!!!!
  • (2023-09-08) Easy to use
  • (2023-09-07) Laura: Good extension
  • (2023-09-03) Lộc Nguyễn Xuân: Fantastic! Instantly my new favorite bookmark extension. People should definitely try this one
  • (2023-08-27) Thanh Nguyen: A friend recommended it to me. My first impression of SaveDay Extension is very eye-catching, convenient and optimal. I find it very interesting to explore more of it in the coming days. Thank you Team for creating this productt <3
  • (2023-08-25) Son Le Thanh: The tool just magically summarizes the web page for me and the summary dictates accurately of the key points of the page. It also has a reminder feature to remind me consuming the content at a later time.
  • (2023-08-25) Lê Huyền: This extension is well-designed. It's clear that a lot of thought has been put into its development. It's great to see such attention to detail in creating a seamless user experience.
  • (2023-08-25) Thương Kim Ngọc: Great tool, thanks very much
  • (2023-08-25) Phuong Hoa Nguyen: I recently had the opportunity to try out an incredible bookmarking tool that has completely transformed the way I save and retrieve information online. This AI-powered summary and highlight tool is a game-changer for anyone who relies heavily on bookmarking and wants to maximize their productivity. One of the standout features of this tool is its ability to generate AI-generated summaries of web pages. Gone are the days of reading through lengthy articles to find the key information you need. With just a click, the tool analyzes the entire page and presents you with a concise summary that captures the essence of the content. It's like having your own personal summarizer, saving you valuable time and effort. The highlight functionality of this tool takes bookmarking to a whole new level. With this tool, you can effortlessly highlight significant sections, quotes, or ideas directly on the webpage. This feature alone has made revisiting bookmarked content a breeze and has greatly improved my ability to quickly locate essential details. Organizing and accessing bookmarks has never been easier. The intuitive interface allows you to categorize and tag your bookmarks efficiently. Creating folders, adding tags, and arranging your saved content is a breeze. But what sets this tool apart is its lightning-fast search function. The AI-powered search enables instant retrieval of bookmarked pages, summaries, and highlighted sections, ensuring you can access the information you need with ease. Once you try this tool, you won't want to go back to traditional bookmarking methods. If you're someone who values efficiency, productivity, and staying organized, I highly recommend giving this tool a try. Say goodbye to the frustrations of conventional bookmarking and unlock the power of smart bookmarking today.
  • (2023-08-25) Trang Vu: Great tool!
  • (2023-08-25) Nghia Le: Randomly find it on the internet & found it very useful. Everyone should try.
  • (2023-08-25) Nam Nguyen: It is a game changer for content management and summarization. This Chrome extension offers versatile bookmarking, allowing you to save web links, images, videos, and more while ensuring the confidentiality of your content. Its AI-driven search function simplifies content retrieval, transcending language barriers. Quoteshots enable easy content highlighting and sharing, and the summarization feature extracts essential notes from YouTube videos and articles. Integration with Telegram via the SaveDay Bot ensures mobile access to saved content. Best of all, it's completely free, making it an invaluable tool for students and professionals alike. SaveDay has revolutionized the way I manage and access online content, making it a must-try for anyone seeking to enhance their content management and consumption workflow.
  • (2023-08-24) Anh Vu Tran: very cool
  • (2023-08-24) Ly Hoàng Mai: I basically can save anything related to my work, from websites, documents highlight, text, notes,... such a comprehensive app. Love the interface also
  • (2023-08-24) Quang Khai: nice
  • (2023-08-24) Minh Bình: Just found out about this extension. exactly what i'm needing. thanks team
  • (2023-08-24) Trang Nguyen: A must-have item. I love the function to generate an image note from the summary. It is very convenient to share with friends or simply save for learning.
  • (2023-08-23) Thảo Nguyễn: This extension is great, and it makes bookmarking fast. The summaries are accurate and designed beautifully.
  • (2023-08-23) Thành Nguyễn: saveday is such an awesome bookmark manager chrome extension! It's got this cool AI technology that makes browsing a breeze. Love the clean UI btw
  • (2023-08-23) Nguyễn Phương Thảo: I really enjoy using this app. It's amazing! However, I would like to suggest a small improvement. It would be helpful if I could edit the names of my bookmarks and rearrange their order. This would give me more control over how my bookmarks are organized.
  • (2023-08-23) Chung Lê Thành: This extension helps me get quick and accurate summaries of articles and YouTube videos. It's a time-saver!
  • (2023-08-23) Ha Vi Vu: It is very helpful for my reading and writing with unlimited summaries. Nothing to complain
  • (2023-08-23) Minh Quyen Khuat: This is quite like merlin or other chatgpt extension but more stunning. I love this friendly interface too. Keep up with the work!
  • (2023-08-23) Ba Nguyen: For all the researchers and organized folks out there, save day's bookmark management is a game-changer. Highly recommend!
  • (2023-08-23) Phương Bùi: I've been using the SaveDay extension for bookmarking and key point extraction, and I'm thoroughly impressed by its capabilities. This tool has significantly enhanced my content curation process, making it more efficient and effective. Here's why I think this extension deserves a full five-star rating.
  • (2023-08-23) Nhi Đoàn: love it!
  • (2023-08-23) MOOD UP Production: Very helpful
  • (2023-08-23) Nguyễn Phương Linh: Effective and user-friendly 😊😊😊 Would recommend!
  • (2023-08-23) Hoàng Châu (slacky): this app helps me a lot
  • (2023-08-23) Phương Uyên: Friendly interface, convenience for users
  • (2023-08-23) purple power: love this app
  • (2023-08-23) Trà Lê: love it, making everything productive
  • (2023-08-23) Nguyễn Phương Anh: A great solution in this hustle society. I think this is highly recommended for busy modern eager beaver!
  • (2023-08-23) hong vinh Nguyen: no comment all good
  • (2023-08-23) Thu Thảo Nguyễn: great app, helps me work on papers and documentation better. Definitely worth a try
  • (2023-08-23) Nguyen Thao: I use Save day everyday to save memes. It's easy to use
  • (2023-08-23) Global Shaper Coaching Program: This helps me a lot wtih the research work of my students. Hope that the developing team can add more features
  • (2023-08-22) bá an: Scam . Just kidding, the app is great, help me a bunch
  • (2023-08-22) Anh Nguyễn Minh: This extension is well-designed. It's clear that a lot of thought has been put into its development. It's great to see such attention to detail in creating a seamless user experience.
  • (2023-08-22) _meloD_: i like it
  • (2023-08-22) Quế Anh Dương Trần: コレマジで助かったわ!!!URLや画像をめっちゃ管理することができるなんて、マジ最高!!!こういうのあればAIなんていらないわ!!
  • (2023-08-22) Kiên Bùi: The extention is extremely surprising
  • (2023-08-22) Ngân Nguyễn: This tool has proven to be an invaluable companion during my reading journey. Its simplicity and subtlety are what make it so effective. I appreciate how straightforward it is to use. Overall, it's a fantastic tool that enhances my online reading experience.
  • (2023-08-22) Mạnh Đức Bùi: reliable and smart bookmark manager. it can store every file types, from images and videos and links
  • (2023-08-22) K58 Tô Bình: Very good
  • (2023-08-22) Hoàng Mai Linh: Very good
  • (2023-08-21) Nhổn Làm TV: I have been using the SaveDay extension for quickly bookmarking files, URLs, images, and searching for files, and I must say, it has completely transformed the way I manage my online content. This extension has taken convenience and efficiency to a whole new level.
  • (2023-08-21) Binh To: Easy to use and really helpful


6,000 history
4.7586 (174 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-05 / 2.2.2
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