Go full screen with one click on the full screen button. That includes also the full screen movies such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
Відчуйте плавний повноекранний перегляд за допомогою мого розширення для браузера. Незалежно від того, чи переглядаєте ви веб-сторінки чи переглядаєте відео HTML5 на таких популярних платформах, як YouTube™, Vimeo, Dailymotion і Youku, насолоджуйтеся захоплюючим повноекранним досвідом одним клацанням миші. Це легке доповнення розроблено для того, щоб без зусиль покращити роботу в Інтернеті.
Повний екран — це легка та корисна надбудова, призначена для швидкого вмикання повноекранного режиму для веб-сторінок, зображень і відео. Це повноекранний режим будь-чого в Інтернеті. За допомогою цього розширення для браузера ви можете легко перейти в повноекранний режим одним натисканням кнопки. Виберіть потрібне завдання: переглядайте веб-сторінку чи відео на весь екран, розгорніть вікно на весь екран або миттєво розгорніть поточне відео HTML5.
Функції розширення для браузера:
◆ Перехід на весь екран одним клацанням миші:
Легко перемикайтеся між звичайним переглядом і повноекранним режимом для веб-сторінок або відео HTML5 одним клацанням миші.
◆ Функція мультимедійного повноекранного режиму:
Визначає статус поточного відтворення відео HTML5 і переводить його в повноекранний режим залежно від того, відтворюється воно чи ні. Він містить можливість додавати в білий або чорний список певні веб-сайти для використання цієї функції.
◆ Параметри відображення:
- Переведіть поточну веб-сторінку або відео HTML5 на весь екран без видимої панелі інструментів.
- Автоматично розгортайте HTML-відео відповідно до розміру екрана вікна, зберігаючи початкове співвідношення сторін. Як, наприклад, відео YouTube у повноекранному режимі.
- Відкрити поточну вкладку у спливаючому вікні.
- Розгорнути вікно веб-браузера для поточного вікна.
◆ Автоматичний повний екран:
Можливість автоматичного переходу в повноекранний режим під час відкриття веб-браузера. Під час запуску він оновлює поточне вікно, щоб встановити повноекранний стан вікна.
◆ Двічі клацніть меню:
Панель швидкого доступу, щоб відкрити поточну вкладку або всі вкладки на весь екран, розгорнути вікно, спливаюче вікно або впорядкувати всі вкладки в матриці 1x2 або 2x2.
◆ Настроювана піктограма кнопки браузера:
Можливість змінити піктограму браузера на темну або світлу тему.
◆ Спеціальні повноекранні комбінації клавіатури:
Ярлик для швидкого відкриття цієї сторінки в повноекранному режимі.
◆ Сумісність із розширенням браузера "Turn Off the Lights" для автоматичного затемнення на YouTube™.
◆ Підтримка темного режиму.
Інформація про проект:
Необхідні дозволи:
◆ "contextMenus": додайте пункт меню "Перейти на весь екран" у контекстне меню веб-браузера.
◆ "вкладки": керуйте вкладками, щоб відкривати їх у новій спливаючій панелі та виявляти відео HTML5, яке зараз відтворюється.
◆ "зберігання": збереження налаштувань локально та синхронізація з обліковим записом веб-браузера.
◆ "<all_urls>": Керуйте кнопкою на всіх веб-сайтах, включаючи http, https, ftp і файл.
<<< Функція опції >>>
Розблокуйте додаткову функцію, щоб захистити очі вночі та зосередитися на відеопрогравачі, наприклад YouTube™, встановивши розширення для браузера Turn Off the Lights для YouTube і не тільки.
Примітка: YouTube є торговою маркою Google Inc. Використання цієї торгової марки регулюється дозволами Google.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-01) Easy GBP: 1. NO ability to open any video in a browser window as promised. Instead, it always opens it full screen in the monitor. 2. The HOW TO video is not a How To Video! It is a YouTube video advertisement for a wrist watch unboxing that never leads to training how to use this extension. 3. Here's one weird forgotten trick you can use to make a video go full screen: F11.
- (2023-06-24) Ujjaval Gohil: The shortcut for the extension does not work after some time in full screen
- (2023-05-11) Petite: I wish it would turn the window back to "maximize" instead of "restore down" when exiting Fullscreen mode.
- (2023-04-17) Andre Lima: uma extensão para apertar F11
- (2023-04-05) Kristieene Knowles: This is very handy on laptop without having to press FN + F11 however when you exit the full screen mode, the window is restored down, meaning that its a smaller window. Other than that a very handy extension.
- (2023-03-11) Matt: This is literally just F11??? What's the point of this?
- (2023-02-26) Rexford Gyasi: This is effective on most site, but i notice the following settings do not have an effect on Plex via chrome browser (Version 111.0.5563.41 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)). Full screen settings,.. - This opens the video direct in the full screen mode (if video is available on this website) - - Set the video player to full screen in the current web browser window size Basically the navigation bar and toolbar still remains when Full screen is turned on.
- (2023-01-18) LoriCat: Please add an option to have this extension auto-fullscreen everything, which is what I'm looking for! Aside from that, this is a good extension that does what it says it does.
- (2023-01-13) Ivan Netkachev: При выходе из полного экрана сворачивает браузер, жаль
- (2023-01-03) Ayman Mahrous: the best
- (2022-10-05) Omar Soberanes: Excelente para forzar aplicaciones como miro.app que no permiten usar el f11
- (2022-10-02) charlotte creative: It just puts your screen on full mode the same as if you pressed F11 on your keyboard, no screenshot tools or anything.
- (2022-09-17) Jhul Jesus Shock: F11 solo eso .___.
- (2022-09-03) bloodys spammers: Edit: not work in my android opera or android chrome . Dev must test on áll device . Project alive or is dead ?
- (2022-08-31) mess php: ( " chrome://extensions/shortcuts " or " edge://extensions/shortcuts " ) + ( Ctrl + M )
- (2022-06-14) G: Doesn't show seekbar or buttons in "Set the video player to full screen in the current web browser window size" option.
- (2022-04-02) Adan Md: Works versus the other option, "Fullscreen Anything", which doesn't work at all for me.
- (2022-02-11) Francis: Doesn't work properly on Opera GX - stuck in fullscreen. I suggest to avoid if on that browser
- (2022-01-16) N D (Oakie): Does what it says it will do! Just what I've been looking for. Yes, you can just take your fingers off the mouse and hit F11. But who has that kind of energy? This lets you surf and keep your hands on touchpad or mouse. To un-fullscreen, just move mouse to top of screen and click the (x) that comes down.
- (2021-07-30) pp4mnk puppy: I like this extension.- You can make the same with F11,.- but when you are not writing but using your mouse , it's a fast way to maximice you screen.- RECOMENDED. -https://twitter.com/XenialPup/status/1419908073586675729?s=20
- (2021-07-25) Leo J: Configurable shortcut makes it easy to use
- (2021-07-09) Alejandro Acosta: la única extensión que me sirvió para ver las transmisiones en vivo de bet365 a pantalla completa. 👌👌
- (2021-06-30) Dhania Saleem: piece of trash to be honest
- (2021-05-06) PersIm: После выхода из полноэкранного режима браузер не разворачивается на полный экран, как он был до нажатия кнопки full screen. Может я чего-то не понял, но как-то это неудобно. ОС Ubuntu 20.
- (2021-04-22) Truth: I liked it but when I when full screen mode I couldn't "Exit Full Screen" with the F11 or any F buttons. When I made it full screen the new tab a made also went full screen. The only way to exit the full screen was to delete the tab that I used full screen on.
- (2021-04-11) Agro Alt: This Works Imagine a button near your address bar that does what F11 does. -Other reviews or talking about lots of expectations they had but if you want an extension to add a 1 click button to the extensions bar that is always on screen and replaces the need to press F11 or use the menu to go full screen then this does that. 100% what i expected thanks. I will toss a few bucks to the dono link in the description for your efforts.
- (2021-03-01) Mikaella Dagasdas: Which dumbass thought that using F11 as the key to remove the full screen mode? If the F11 key is working then I wouldn't have even added this extension. Can even use Esc for it, if you have the same circumstances as me, don't even try to do it yourself.
- (2021-02-11) George e.g. Smiths: I use it with Chrome and Edge, so far so good. It is like F11, with the advantage that it is clickable in the bar. But going back it always goes to Normal Window, unlike F11 which returns to the previous state (either Maximized or Normal). Since I use my windows all maximized this is quite frustrating (and unfortunate). Can you fix this? Thanks.
- (2021-01-23) Afrim: __ ENGLISH Hello, is it possible to update your addon, can you make the windows task bar appear which is at the bottom also in full screen, when you hover the mouse the bar appears and disappears, like the tabs at the top . Thank you __ FR Bonjour, est il possible de faire un mise a jour de votre addon, pouvez vous faire apparaître la barre des taches de windows qui est en bas aussi en plein écran, au survol de la souris la barre apparait et disparait, comme les onglet en haut. Merci
- (2021-01-02) Jeffrey Kaplan: Useless extension. F11 toggles full screen mode just as easy as reaching for an onscreen button without adding extra memory usage to the browser.
- (2020-12-27) Ramanda Adam: It works for me. Thank you so much. Great extensions
- (2020-11-30) Heather Dufrene: The only function that works is that it will full screen your web browser. The main feature I installed this extension for was the "AUTO FULLSCREEN" of video options, of which this feature does not work sadly.
- (2020-11-27) Dexter Morgen: It does full screen but: Problem: after (F11) it does minimise the window. It´s annoying to maximise the window again. I want hide the frame of window and bookmark bar without to use my keyboard (it´s a compact one: need to wake it up first then press "fn+F11"). There is another app, which does full screen but does´t minimise the window after.
- (2020-07-18) Ellie Ng: Doesn't do exactly what I want, but Stefan is eager to help and take constructive criticism. Thank you! (Edit to 5 stars:) After hearing what I wanted from this extension, Stefan added the ability to "full screen" (removing the tabs, address and extension bar) multiple chrome windows at once and be able to see them all on one screen. He also sent me the precise instructions to how the new updates worked, to see if that's what I wanted. I really admire and appreciate his dedication to this :)
- (2020-07-12) Jonah Solemslie: Works great. Thanks!
- (2020-07-02) Elis Öhrman: all it does is press the f11 key for you?
- (2020-04-16) Kittles Cumming: I really want to like this extension, however, its malfunction is rendering that impossible. I've spent a good amount of time trying to figure out why the extension resizes (minimizes) my window before and sometimes after going full screen. The adjustment creates a need for an additional step taken before the window is positioned in full screen mode, thus making the one-click method inapplicable. Does anyone have any thoughts on why the screen minimizes priors to expansion and after exiting full screen? In addition to the extension minimizing upon exit, the Auto full screen feature has too failed. The extension needs to be re-examined it is infested with bugs.
- (2020-04-13) Giorgio Losi: Sorry but doesn't work with latest chrome. Tried to restart chrome. Edit: I could use it by editing some advance settings, very good! I suggest you to make it work out of the box if not people would assume it doesn't work.
- (2020-04-12) ANTONIO CARLOS TORRES DE LIMA: esta extensão é muito util ................parabéns à todos envolvidos neste projeto ....................
- (2020-04-06) Elihu Yu: Didn't work for me. I tried clicking on the icon and restarting the browser a few times. Even tried messing around with the options. Would really like this extension to work. Thanks for your hard work.
- (2020-04-04) jhon doe: I like this! some websites don't allow full screen but with this extension, you can do it. strongly recommend
- (2020-03-18) Ch311o: With its current update; I have gone back to loving this extensions. I always use it to read, because it makes the website bigger; meaning that there is more text in the screen. It is extremely useful. Can't recommend it enough, P.S. I was notified that version will change this. So you can ignore what I previously said, In the previous update this app was perfect, but no every time I reload a page, or go to a different page it un fullscreens. This is simple annoying and I wished that there way a setting to make it so it used to be. If they change it then I will change my review to 5 stars.
- (2020-02-02) Thor Galle: Stefan, the many people who are giving a 1⭐️do this for a reason. "it doesn't add anything", "same as F11". You reply that they have to look in the settings. But this extension should really do just 1 thing out of the box, and it fails to do that. HTML5 fullscreen without titlebars/urls is what these people expect. There is 1 setting that does this indeed: "This opens the video direct in fullscreen mode (if video is available on this website)" I don't even use it on video pages. But it works everywhere. Why isn't this the default setting? Making that the default option and/or making the explanation better would prevent your 1-stars.
- (2020-01-08) Paweł Przytuła: Works great on Chrome - this extension is blocking Full Screen and only option to exit it is to click on the "X" in the circle on upper middle position. I always use it with remote desktop and noone can know it.
- (2019-12-19) Vraja D: Works great, better than the other full screen video extensions. I noticed people making complaints, they need to do the settings right.
- (2019-11-28) FX Partisan: Add a feature which enables the user to see chrome tabs and address bar when he moves the mouse pointer on top of the screen. Just like Firefox browser.
- (2019-10-07) JadowBro: works for youtube but i wouldn't consider donating till it works for funimation
- (2019-10-01) Bartek Brak: adware that does nothing that browser can't do
- (2019-09-20) James Utting: If this installed and the Tabs and and Address Bar are still visible in Full Screen mode. Click on "View" in the Chrome Browser Menu at the top,of the screen and uncheck "Always show toolbar in Full Screen" and you will have true Full Screen with no tabs or address bar visible in Full Screen. However with macOS Mojave this can be done without this extension and so basically it adds a convenient button to use for tis function.
3.6685 (362 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-14 / 1.8.4
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