Your own personal intelligent web history search engine: Wisplight provides a clever full text search into your browser history.
Wisplight turbo-charges your browser history by focusing on what matters. Most browsers only allow you to search your history by the URL and the web page title. Wisplight is clever. It indexes the actual content of a page including any available metadata such as authors, publish dates and people mentioned in the article.
Wisplight achieves this magic with a companion desktop app which ensures your data remains stored locally on your device and is never uploaded to the cloud.
This early version of Wisplight is optimised for articles from blogs and news sites but it's constantly being tuned and updated with improved analysis features and better accuracy. Please check out the support URL on this page to contact the author with suggestions and feedback!
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-22) Greg Cromwell: Powerful tool to I would have like to of added to the collection. Can't be added to existing browser, chrome must use installed into "program files". Can't figure out search syntax, a two word phrase will only find the intended results after a single character from the end of your query is removed. I just found "Full Text Tabs Forever" but can't install due to manifest invalid error.