Description from extension meta
Kelime ve karakter sayacı
Image from store
Description from store
Count me up is a cross-browser compatible extension, which aims to provide an intuitive and clean interface for word and character counting.
- Quick view on right click
- Auto update on text selection
- Multiple types of view: in side menu, in popup or in the extension
- Dark theme
- Supports 52 languages(all available languages)
For quick view:
- Select text -> right click
To open one of the views:
Click the extension icon or select text -> right click -> click on the extensions entry
To close the side menus:
Click the X in the corner or press the middle click (the wheel) on the web-page
If you want only the quick view you can find the light version here:
If you like the extension and would like to use it in other browsers as well you can find it in their respective web-stores:
Any other chromium based browser(chrome, edge, vivaldi, brave, etc) can install it from the chrome web-store.
Most of the translations are automated.
For any wrong translation, any bugs found or feature request please send me an email or open a ticket on Github.
You can find them in the "More information" section.
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-15) bulletproof2k: Благодарю :)
- (2023-04-11) Jordi Prenafeta i Pàmpols: Funciona prou bé, però cal millorar-ne la traducció catalana: el mot anglès "characters" es tradueix per "personatges" i no per "caràcters" com hauria de ser. Espero que el proveïdor ho arrangi aviat, perquè l'errada despista l'usuari i desacredita el producte.
- (2023-01-16) Alex López: no sirve, la opción de click derecho siempre dice 3 words, 27 characteres
- (2022-10-07) Luis Serrano: La opción de mostrarse como barras laterales no funciona.
- (2021-10-25) Pat MySecret: Better than many similar counter extensions. It's in the context menu as many of them are, and I don't prefer that, but at least it shows there automatically and you don't have to do an additional click. It offers you a pad to edit in, but that's a copy paste deal whereas Clipboard Helper will import it in. I use Word Counter because it is more automatic and you can screen the count live vs in context menu.
- (2021-07-28) Harry Shares: i have just installed 3 different word counter and in my humble opinion this is THE BEST word counter so far. Thank you very much
- (2021-03-08) Fitness Haswell: very good! just offer a better translation please, tell me if you need Chinese Version.