Description from extension meta
Verschieben, sortieren und kopieren Sie Videos in Ihren Wiedergabelisten schneller und einfacher.
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Description from store
Diese Erweiterung spart Ihnen viel Zeit bei der Verwaltung Ihrer Wiedergabelisten.
Die Bedienung wurde vereinfacht, damit Sie Ihre Aufgaben noch schneller erledigen können.
Zusätzliche Funktionen, auf die Sie gewartet haben.
✔️ Unterstützt die neue Schnittstelle Manifest V3
✔️ Das Benutzererlebnis wurde von Grund auf neu gestaltet
✔️ Gleiche Darstellung Dunkel/Hell wie in YouTube™
✔️ Ausgewählte Videos werden deutlich hervorgehoben
✔️ Symbolschaltfläche zum Ein-/Ausschalten der Mehrfachauswahl
✔️ Aktionsleiste
✔️ Kontextmenü
🚀 Tastaturnavigation
🚀 Videos kopieren, ausschneiden und einfügen
✨ Duplikate finden
🎁 Videos mit dem Titelfilter auswählen
Latest reviews
- (2024-10-27) よもへぐ: 割と最近(半年近く)で操作性などに大幅なアップデートがあったように思う。フィルターで選択や重複を選択などは役に立っているが、それ以外は以前のバージョンの方が私の使い方としては全然使いたい機能が備わっていた。 以前のバージョンで気に入っていたことはプレイリストの動画番号1~選択する動画まで(例1~236)の選択などができていたが、それができなくなって読み込んでいる動画全選択or全解除しかできなくなったことで使いにくくなった。この機能も残してバージョンアップしてくれれば文句なしだった。欲を言えば57~214みたいな任意の範囲の選択ができれば完璧なくらいありがたい。 追記:回答により範囲選択は解決して大満足です それとまとめて選択した動画をプレイリストに入れると選択した順に関わらず必ず同じ順番でプレイリストに追加される(規則性まではよくわからないが選択順を変えても同じ順で追加される)仕様になっているので、自分の見たい順番に選択しても無意味になる点が残念。 複数選択の数が度が過ぎると操作してもエラーが出たりして操作が完了されないことがあるから選択数の上限を記すか決められているかすると困らない。 2024/8/8 ほかの拡張機能との兼ね合いのせいなのかわからないけどこの拡張機能のオンオフのボタンがなくなり使えなくなった、何が悪いのかよくわからん。追記:これは解決!神! 他の拡張機能で動画を非表示にしてることとかもあるがまとめて選択にしたらその非表示の動画まで選択して操作されてしまうのが残念。これも解決すれば個人的にさらに完璧になる
- (2024-10-03) Adriano: The most important Youtube extension is back!!
- (2024-10-02) Alexander Raymondos: Amazing extension but sadly the recent anti adblock Youtube updates seem to break it again and again. Since end of September its broken again, I hope it gets fixed soon 🙏
- (2024-09-25) Carlos Luiz: This extension is very good, but for now dont work with playlists :*( Plz, fix this :0
- (2024-09-02) Erick: Still giving it, a 5 star All fixed.
- (2024-08-29) Alexander Dyachenko: doesn't work anymore
- (2024-08-26) Ash Simmonds: Been great for me for ages - stopped working as of 19-Jul-2022. Probably just YT messing with div names and such. Will check back again soon to see if it gets fixed. Edit: as of August 2024 it again stopped working due to YT messing around, have implemented a fix and contacted the devs, so hopefully they can patch it soon.
- (2024-08-11) August Crossroads: Not working right now :(
- (2024-08-08) タツノオトシゴ: 後で見るリストの整頓に使っています。 複数選択ができないバグは修正されたようです。 ただ、動画を複数チェックした状態で新しい再生リストを作成しても一件しか登録されないバグは残っています。開発さんは把握していて修正待ちです。 8/23↑のバグなくなりました。 12/19ホーム画面・登録チャンネルで動画が認識されないバグ直りました。お疲れさまです。 24/04/04後で見るリストで再生リストに保存が出来なくなりました。一旦キューに追加して保存をすると保存できるらしいです。 8/8動かなくなりましたが、開発さんは次のバージョンでこのバグを修正する予定だそうです。グーグルの更新が要因っぽいです。
- (2024-08-08) Andrea Alison: It works for deleting the videos in the self-generated playlists (playlists that you create by yourself). On Liked and Watch Later playlist, this extension doesn't work at all, including the deleting any videos. Transferring is okay. Also, we have to select only 100 videos for a batch to start the execution and making the progress. If you select in bulk more than 100 videos when you want to delete, the videos aren't getting deleted at all. I think it's a bug. The extension doesn't seem to work on YouTube now. I can't even short my playlist. Please fix this, ya!
- (2024-08-08) Mirelis Santa Herrera: Esta extensión no funciona, a 7 de agosto de 2024.
- (2024-06-13) Grue Turtle: Why are these features not built into YouTube? Oh yeah, YT hates its users. This new update is awesome! Please join this guy's Patreon so he's encouraged to keep this thing going. When YT manages to change something that breaks this extension, I don't use YT until this extension works again. I absolutely cannot manage my subscriptions and keep up with the stuff I want to watch while filtering out the uploads I can skip without this. Please join this guy's patreon, y'all. Nobody seems to be there and I need you guys to also give this guy a reason to continue maintaining this project! Now if only we had the same thing for Rumble...
- (2024-06-08) Tim Luckey: This extension is the best thing to ever happen to Youtube. They need to hire this developer to work for them! The Dev is fast at updates when it comes to fixing what Youtube messes up. It seems like YT is actively trying to break this extension every week! Hey Dev, if you need someone to beta test fixes for you, hit me up :) -*-* Old Review Below -*-* -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* I love that I found this extension. It helps so much now that Youtube is blocking the old design they had with more functionality. The only thing I would add is that it would be cool if you could say select the number one video and the number 10 video and then it would select all the ones in between. Or make it so you could drag a box between those videos and they all get checked. Just a thought! :) EDIT: It seems the extension stopped working on Feb 9th 2021, Youtube sucks without it. I hope the developer sees this and fixes it!! Thanks for the wonderful extension so far :) EDIT 2: Yeah buddy, the developer has fixed this wonderful extension! Thanks a million!!!! Update (April 2nd): It seems to be displaying as broken for me. Not sure if anyone else is having this problem or not. EDIT 3: Always a fast fix, thank you! Update (Jun 13): I think it's messed up again :( Can't seem to move multiple videos around anymore. Youtube keep changing things or what? EDIT 4: Thanks for the fast fix! Love this extension, can't live without it!!! EDIT 5: June 8th 2024: I think Youtube changed something again. You can't move groups of videos around any playlist other than the Watch Later playlist. A fix would be awesome, like I said before, I can't live without this extension!!!
- (2024-04-07) El Jé: This extension is a must-have! It's simply incredible all that you can do to manage your playlists with it! A masterpiece!
- (2024-01-29) Steph Nachname: Tolle App, besonders interessant für mich ist die Funktion zur Auswahl noch nicht angeschauter Videos. Der Anwendungsfall ist, dass ich Playlists aus verschiedenen Kanälen erstelle. Dabei klicke ich auf den Videotab in einem Kanal und wähle dann die Videos aus. Dort will ich idealerweise alle Videos auswählen, die ich noch nicht gesehen habe. Ideal wäre also die Funktion mit dem Gesehen und z.B. negativ 2%. Damit könnte ich auswählen, bei welchen Videos ich kurz reingeschaut, sie aber nicht zu Ende geschaut habe. Das funktioniert soweit, aber momentan finde ich noch keinen Weg, Videos auszuwählen, die komplett noch gar nicht angeschaut wurden. Evtl. würde das schon funktionieren, wenn der Filter die Auswahl 0% erlauben würde? Nebenfrage, erlaubt Chrome keine Spenden vom Google Playstore Account? Ich gehe durch Google Pay aber kann nur Kreditkarten auswählen.
- (2024-01-19) Raiyhan Ali Fahmil Fikar: please add youtube music only features to select all within a playlist, on there it automatically sorts only music contents so its alot easier to copy all related musics to a new playlist
- (2024-01-03) Morrison: Godsend
- (2023-12-19) Unsorted Videos: 100% Working now .... 19/12/2023 Happy Days
- (2023-11-14) Alex selone: Sorry what do you mean by context menu? I don't see any option to load entire playlist by default in the extension settings.
- (2023-11-08) J Jones: This extension actually caused my youtube account to be banned and all my content deleted! I installed it to offload an overly long 'watch later' list to several smaller playlists. It worked well for that, however, I guess youtube didn't like it, and they literally banned my account the next day.
- (2023-11-06) Mira: I'd love if once an action is taken on videos those videos stay selected. That would save a lot of time
- (2023-11-04) Alex selone: Over a month ago I asked if you could implement an optional setting to to always load entire playlists by default, is it doable or not? It would be really useful
- (2023-10-26) Miguel Sartori: Hope it would add videos to queue in the order of selection, is that possible?
- (2023-10-23) Halkras12: Hayat ve zaman kurtaran bir uygulama artık hem kendimin hem de başka kullanıcıların listelerinin videolarını sorunsuzca taşıyabilirim
- (2023-10-23) Cosmic Mage: Superb!
- (2023-10-22) Allan Gonçalves Santana: Ela é muito útil e resolve o maior problema do Youtube de forma magnifica, recomendo muito.
- (2023-10-20) Toetar: funktioniert leider nicht besonder gut. 100/100 videos ausgewählt und gelöscht. dann youtube aktualisiert. tatsächlich wurden höchstens 10 videos entfernt.
- (2023-10-20) Moritz Motz: Diese Erweiterung hat mir sehr sehr geholfen meine Playlists zu bearbeiten und neue Playlists anzulegen. Ohne diese Erweiterung musste ich tausend mal klicken und benötigte mehrere Stunden. Jetzt bin ich nach wenigen Klicks mit meiner Arbeit fertig. Deshalb habe ich auch großzügig gespendet. Vielen Dank und großes Lob an den Entwickler.
- (2023-10-18) Giacomo Guadagna: Would be useful to have quick buttons to rapidly add all current visualized videos in queue or add all visualized to playlist, without need of multiple clicks. or even set a shortcut to do that, would be useful also to be able to customize shortcuts in the extensions page.
- (2023-10-15) Vihanga: I'm SOOO grateful for the watched filter. I don't mind the UI being clunky and the blue shade being annoying compared to the old one and all that. These updates are frickin awesome..
- (2023-10-13) Justin Yi-Riley: Sometimes the extension wont work and a big yellow middle finger will appear and a pop up message says ""💩 YOU ARE BLACKLISTED FOR PROHIBITED ACTS 💩" what does this mean?
- (2023-10-07) LaQuan Wunderman: This extension is a lifesaver! It makes the youtube experience so much better. One thing that would make it even better would be more filtering options, like by video format (shorts, videos, live), and an extended add to playlists window so that you can see more playlists in the list. Anyway, thank you!
- (2023-10-01) Jack Axelrod: I used for one week and it works amazing, can you add a way to select not only videos, but playlists? What I mean is, instead of open the playlist, activate multiselect, and select all the videos in the playlist, I think it's better to directly select the playlist preview as all the videos in it. Is that possible?
- (2023-09-26) Eli Descartes: Works perfectly except that sometimes doesn't add videos to playlists with more than 4000+ videos, or doesn't add more than 1000+ videos to a playlist, so it get some errors with large amount of videos. It would be great if that can be fixed.
- (2023-09-22) Lucas 'Ktulu789': I just installed chrome-extension://gpgbiinpmelaihndlegbgfkmnpofgfei/options.html opened up There is no thext there at all, just some icons on some pages
- (2023-09-20) Alex selone: Can you make an option to always load entire playlist when opening a new playlist? and also an option to disable shortcut? Thank you
- (2023-09-18) Pietro Accorsi: Thank you for making this extension, this saved me a ton of time. Would be useful if there was an option to move videos in playlists in specific parts, like move 100 to button or move to number 200 of the playlist videos numbers.
- (2023-09-17) BJ: How to paste links from a text file into new playlist?
- (2023-09-13) Inchworm: Thank you! Just migrated 1300 videos from "Watch Later" to a new playlist in just a few clicks.
- (2023-09-09) Rebecca Zee: A channel that I subscribe recently put in a community post that he will mark all old videos as unlisted and to bookmark them. I was searching the internet a bit since I was manually saving the videos into a playlist. I was wondering if there was a way to batch select videos since it seemed like it was taking forever manually trying to save each video. I do not know if it saved all the videos though. I scrolled through all the videos to hopefully save all of the videos and shorts. The number of videos stated on the YouTuber's channel does not seem to entirely match but it looks like it is only a few. I might be forgetting to look someplace. Anyway, I do really recommend this extension for anyone who wants to batch select a lot of videos. I might either uninstall or disable this extension since I do not know what else I would be using this extension for. The extension does seem to really work and do what it is supposed to do.
- (2023-09-09) Aidan Mitchell: This is fantastic, it made the process of moving 4.5k videos from watch later to a new playlist super straightforward, then let me delete the same selected videos from the original playlist. It will select as many videos as you load in, so if you want to select more than 100 at a time, just keep scrolling down the playlist you're copying from and you can copy hundreds in one action. I'm disabled, it is very hard for me to use the computer without help, now i can watch and queue youtube videos on my TV so much easier again!
- (2023-09-01) Juliette Mz: Génial, j'ai économisé des heures grâce à cette application !
- (2023-08-30) Dekkka: Can't delete videos from playlist. They appear to be deleted but appear again after refreshing the page.
- (2023-08-30) Trentoast: It's great but why does it say I am blacklisted what did I do wrong?
- (2023-08-29) RICHARD T.: Update 3 V3.3 Everything working for me. Right Click selection menu works well. Thank for adding that. Thank you for the extension. Now if I could add video to watchlist from the bell to hunt an extension for that. Update 2 for V3.1 The action bar kebab menu should be added to the right click menu for sure. Having to enable and disable selection mode still feels like hassle compared to old style. Working well other than hassles of using action bar and toggling on/off multiselect Update V3.1 The Kebab menu now works. So now its okay. Not a fan of the new interface so far. Would like to disable the extra confirmation windows. Wish I could just right click on any video and see the action kebab menu where I have the mouse instead of having to cross the screen and click in the action menu. Updated from broken v2 to v3 and its still broken. Useless until fixed. The three dot menu stopped working sometime early 2023. Hope they fix it. v3 version three dot/kebab menu still not opening. I disabled all other extensions and still will not open. can select video and click delete button on keyboard and a window will pop up tp confirm, but after clicking ok nothing happens. V3 dislikes: throbbing heart is annoying on overlay Bottom center overlay covers video there Have to turn it on and off with button instead of always on like v2
- (2023-08-27) R K: Awesome extension to mass add all my subscription videos to my watch later playlist instead of manually adding 1 by 1. Thank you!
- (2023-08-26) Waldemar Regner: Taugt leider nichts: Funktioniert nicht zufriedenstellend! Meistens funktioniert diese Erweiterung überhaupt nicht! Bis heute hat mir diese Erweiterung nur unnötig Arbeit bereitet!
- (2023-08-23) FairySlash: it works well
- (2023-08-12) Just Nierninwa: Same as other people. It regularly only adds a single video. I've lost dozens when trying to split my watch later into multiple playlists. And even when it works, removing all of the selected videos doesn't. I'm gonna switch to something else. I am mad.
- (2023-08-04) TheImposter: Used the move to new playlist feature... then used cut. Extension only moved a single video to the new playlist and saved nothing from the cut. Lost watchlater playlist of 80 or so videos.