Pick any color on any webpage in your Chrome browser with a simple mouse click.
Introducing Better Color Picker, a top-notch tool for creative professionals! This browser extension simplifies color selection, making your design tasks smoother and more efficient.
Here's what Better Color Picker offers:
1. **Effortless Color Selection:** Say goodbye to manually picking colors. With Better Color Picker, simply hover over any element on a website to instantly identify its color.
2. **Seamless Integration:** Better Color Picker smoothly integrates with popular design tools like Adobe Photoshop and Sketch. Easily transfer your selected colors to your preferred design software.
3. **Color Format Variety:** Better Color Picker supports various color formats, including HEX, RGB, HSV, and CSS, giving you flexibility in choosing colors.
4. **Color History:** Keep track of all selected colors. This feature simplifies revisiting previous projects and maintaining design consistency.
5. **User-Friendly Interface:** Better Color Picker prioritizes user experience with its intuitive interface, suitable for designers of all skill levels.
Unlock Better Color Picker's potential and take your design projects to new heights. Try it out today!
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4.7324 (71 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-16 / 0.4
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