Share a link to any email with your team.
🔗 One-click link creation to quickly share any email
📋 Paste email links in any app (like Slack, Notion, Google Docs, and more)
✅ Always up-to-date with new replies
🔒 Generate unique and secure links to any email
⛔️ No more needless CC’s and FWD’s - just share the link
Use Streak to share a link to any email thread right from Gmail.
Streak is a Premier Google Partner and Google Cloud Partner of the Year. We're used by hundreds of thousands of companies including Uber, Opendoor, Y Combinator, Keller Williams.
Looking for a Gmail/Google Workspace CRM solution with even more email tools?
Check out Streak CRM for Gmail -
Have questions or comments about Streak? Email us at, we would love to hear from you!