Description from extension meta
Verify Google ReCaptcha V2 automatically with solving services
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Description from store
Verify google ReCaptcha automatically with 2captcha, DeathByCaptcha, ImageTyperz, Anti-Captcha, BestCaptchaSolver And EndCaptcha
Without API or TOKEN key it won't work!!
**Migrated new security model from Chrome 85 (
**Fixed a bug for
to get your API key you need create account on one of listed solving service
To contribute me
Latest reviews
- (2023-02-02) Impetra Plus: Not working at all
- (2022-05-11) Rage TheLegend: It works !
- (2021-11-29) Nguyễn Trung: Bro , your extension is the best , dont need to know about coding or anything like that , just put the account and wait <3 love it , dont care about some stupid comments , you are the best !
- (2021-10-20) Engin Rençber: İmagetyperz adlı siteye boşu boşuna 10$ Yatırmışım bu uzantı çalışmıyor. Uzantıyı sildim bir daha da yüklemeyeceğim. Hiç kimseye tavsiye etmiyorum.
- (2021-10-19) T Love Status: It stopped working please fix it
- (2021-07-06) Please add support to
- (2021-07-04) Jadson Tavares: Could you put hcaptcha option?
- (2021-05-11) Thanasis Alexiou: it doesn't work
- (2021-04-27) Сергей Петров (exAlucard): Hi, when solving a captcha-a gray window appears on the window, why? What can I do to prevent it from appearing?
- (2021-04-15) jay jim: too much of this error in browser console "grecaptcha not defined" Admin, this needs update. or paid version please respond
- (2021-02-25) Rosmery Rodriguez Reyes: Lo estoy probando con una cuenta, configure como indican el key y NO FUNCIONA. En que me estaré equivocando? mi link de referencia si tienen suerte en otra pagina de captchas me avisan
- (2021-02-14) Riki Jayadinata: Best.. Work any website
- (2021-02-01) El Rabipelado: Please add funcaptcha
- (2021-01-23) Sin Wun Iris Sit: It works! The hateful ReCaptcha block my way to my school's website for weeks!!!!! This tool can function when I change the system into "Anti-Captcha". It is really helps me a lot. Love it :D.
- (2021-01-07) Lucas Goulart: Looking forward for a paid version!!!
- (2020-12-09) kiran gavhane: u need money to bypass a recaptha!!!
- (2020-10-05) Kevin Snejstrup: I love it! I've always used this chrome extension, it simply just works. I do have one request; can you add Captchatronix (Unlimited Captcha Solving) to this extension? Would be much appreciated!
- (2020-08-20) Phạm Lý: need more captcha resolution service of the web
- (2020-08-13) Ibraheem H.S: fake
- (2020-07-06) Mohamed Abdo: Doesn't Work!!
- (2020-06-24) Tanay Parikh: u have to play
- (2020-04-12) Vu Tuan: Good!
- (2020-01-19) Alec McDaniel: every time i try to use it it gives the error ERROR_WRONG_USER_KEY please fix this and ill give it a higher rating
- (2020-01-03) Tomasz Jaskólski: works perfectly
- (2019-11-20) name last name: I don't know why there are so many bad reviews. It just worked for me (Im using Anti-Captcha). Average wait is 53 seconds. I'm going to try to use this with a Macro Recorder.
- (2019-11-07) Puja Acharjee: [email protected]
- (2019-09-08) ismail basbuga: please add recaptcha...
- (2019-08-09) Rain_ Bot: working fine and as intended, great tool for everyone who's to lazy to solve captchas and outsource it insted ^-^
- (2019-07-24) Sam Tucker: Thanks devloper it's working great. I don't know why people rating this extension so low. You need to use one of the PAID captcha solving website to get api or user/pass which you can use with this extension to solve captchas.
- (2019-07-14) Оксана Орешкина: Не работает!
- (2019-07-13) Фёдор Серов: Одним словом кидалово, не советую!
- (2019-07-13) Светлана Онищенко: Очень много пустых списываний средств, т.е. капча не разгаданна а деньги снимают!
- (2019-07-12) Ирина Тимофеева: Увы, но не работает оно!(
- (2019-07-11) Эвелина Скворцова: Не рабочее!
- (2019-07-09) Mauro Jose: i liked
- (2019-07-09) Иван Комаров: Не работает
- (2019-07-08) Лерочка Наумова: Не чего не разгадывает!
- (2019-07-07) Вениамин Антилогов: Не работает!
- (2019-07-01) Артур Логинов: Тупо деньги снимает, и не чего не разгадывает!
- (2019-06-30) Валентина Смолина: Не работает!
- (2019-06-25) Александра Любимова: Вроде всё работает, и деньги постоянно снимают, но так и не на один сайт вход не выполнен!
- (2019-06-24) Виктор Сафронов: Не работает!
- (2019-06-23) Андрей Сиротин: из 20 сайтов только на 1 зашёл, а деньги периодически снимали на всех сайтах, удаляю!
- (2019-06-23) Сергей Иванов: Деньги списывает, но разгадывания нет!
- (2019-06-22) Владимир Головчанский: Не разгадывает!
- (2019-06-21) Степан Иванов: Не работает!!!
- (2019-06-19) Маргарита Баранова: за 30 минут не чего не разгадало, а деньги капают в минус, печаль(
- (2019-06-18) Алексей Сычев: Не работает!
- (2019-06-12) Дмитрий Сверидов: что то у меня не как не хочет он работать!
- (2019-06-11) Пётр Перевалов: Не работает в хроме оно!