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Stream or Download Movies with NO Ads. Best 123Movies Alternative.
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⭐ 123Movies Alternative ⭐
✅ 123Movies FREE Alternative to watch movies online & Free Movie Downloads ✅
NOTE: Android users, find the MovieDownloader Android App here:
🎬Want to watch free movies online & know which site is the best 123Movies alternative? 🎬
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ IMPORTANT info about Bollywood movies, Nollywood movies & other countries as well. MovieDownloader does NOT have links to every movie that has ever existed. The majority is Hollywood movies but there are lots of others as well. Please do NOT leave a negative review just because an obscure Bollywood movie you found info on is not available for downloading or streaming. Please understand that it's not possible to have every movie in existence available. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
MovieDownloader is an alternative to the popular brand 123Movies! When you install the MovieDownloader extension, no more endless pop-ups and ads while trying to find or watch movies. We use TMDB api to retrieve data for thousands of movies across every genre – horror, action, comedy, you name it! We then display that data to you and you choose the correct movie. From there, you simply click the button to stream the movie or click the download button to find it and download it. If you loved GoMovies, 123Movies, or Fmovies, you'll love MovieDownloader because you're not bombarded with annoying popup ads every time you click while trying to watch movies online. It's easy and fast to find and stream or download movies.
Why MovieDownloader is the BEST 123Movies free alternative:
✅Instant Movie Streaming & Movie Downloads: Binge watch free HD movies – stream movies online or download movies to watch offline at a later time.
✅Movies AND TV Shows: No matter your favorite genre, we have it.
✅Ad-Free Experience: No more annoying ads interrupting you while you watch movies online.
✅Watch List: Find & save movies you want to watch in your watch list to download them or stream them later.
✅Find Movie Download Links FAST: Finding movie download links is super fast.
✅Ratings & Reviews: Leave a rating or a review on movies & TV shows.
✅Social - Follow other users & learn about more free movies from your friends.
🚀Are you ready to move from the ad filled movie sites like all of the 123Movies free sites? MovieDownloader allows for all the movie streaming and movie downloads you want. Ditch those ad-filled sites like 123Movies and Fmovies and experience the difference for yourself!
📈MovieDownloader vs. 123Movies – See the Difference📈
MovieDownloader is simply better:
✅Bigger movie selection throughout all genres
✅User-friendly interface making it very easy to use
✅Faster downloads & searches
✅Streaming in 3 clicks instead of 15 like other free movie sites
✅Movie streaming without any annoying ads whenever you pause or click
Install the MovieDownloader extension today and see why it's the best choice for serious movie fans!
How it works:
1. Click on the MovieDownloader icon in the top right corner of your chrome browser. A new browser tab will open.
2. Click on the "Streaming" option and you will be directed to This is the site that displays all the movie data.
3. Search or browse movies until you find one you want to watch.
4. Click the "stream" option and a window will popup showing you a few movie options.
5. Choose which movie you want and click the "stream" button.
6. A video player will open and you click the "play" button.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐NOTE: Not all movies that are listed on the website are available for stream or download. There are currently about 200,000 titles from different genres and languages and only about 20,000 streaming links.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
IMPORTANT: MovieDownloader is NOT a torrent downloader. We don't store files or links. Any DMCA removal requests should be sent to Google, as Google is the provider of the links displayed within Movie Downloader. We have no ability to remove any data because it's not our data, it's links that are indexed in Google organic search results.
Affiliate Disclosure - On the download page, there is a banner to a VPN that is an affiliate link and IF the end user chooses to purchase a VPN, we receive a small commission.
3.0833 (12 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-21 / 1.0.5
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