extension ExtPose

Another Mail Merge Lite

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Description from extension meta

Simple app to send emails to multiple destinations at the same time

Image from store Another Mail Merge Lite
Description from store Ez az egyszerű alkalmazás lehetővé teszi e-mailek küldését egyszerre több e-mail címre. Az e-mail címek listáját számítógépéről vagy a Google Drive-ból választhatja ki (a Google Táblázatok, az Excel vagy a CSV fájlok támogatottak). Az elküldött e-maileket személyre szabhatja keresztnevekkel, vezetéknevekkel stb., Hogy növelje a válaszadási arányt. Ez a szoftver 100% -ban ingyenes, és egy ingyenes és egyszerű e-mail marketing megoldás azoknak a vállalatoknak / vállalkozásoknak, akiknek nem kell sokakat e-mailt küldeniük kilátások. Így kezdheti el. 1) Telepítse a Mail Merge for Gmail szoftvert 2) Készítse el azok listáját, akiknek e-mailt szeretne küldeni, adjon hozzá részleteket, például keresztneveket és vezetékneveket 3) Hozza létre a használni kívánt e-mail sablont 4) Kezdje el küldeni az e-maileket Az e-maileket azonnal elküldik az Ön Gmail-fiókjából, és megtekinthetők a Gmail-fiók „Elküldött” mappájában. Szoftverünk rendelkezik mintasablonokkal / CSV fájlokkal, amelyek módosíthatja saját igényeinek megfelelően. Csak módosítsa az e-mail sablont, és már ma elkezdheti e-mailek küldését. Jogi nyilatkozat: Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy ezt a bővítményt NEM a Google készítette, és egy független fejlesztői csapat készítette. Minden szerzői jog a megfelelő tulajdonosoké. A Google nem támogatja vagy szponzorálja ezt a Chrome-bővítményt. A Mail Merge for Gmail nem a Google Inc. tulajdonában van, nem rendelkezik engedéllyel és nem a Google Inc. leányvállalata.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-16) Sohail Miyan: This is very helpful to send more then 500 E-mails at once, I use it daily and I not face any kind of technical issue. I just add my all mail in a google sheet in column A and I send them Very Helpful more better then G-mass,
  • (2024-01-18) Tron Trondson IV: What a POS.
  • (2023-10-13) David Price: All the work of setting it up and it doesn't work when you try to log in with your Gmail account.No formatting available on your message either, terrible - avoid at all costs
  • (2023-10-04) Robert Lasher: of 51 email addresses it only sent to two. not worth the effort
  • (2023-09-15) Kioni Apartments: ZERO FORMATTING.... TERRIBLE
  • (2023-08-15) John Smith: Needs basic formatting, not just one long string of text
  • (2023-08-15) Technology department of MSRC: it doesn't work at all.
  • (2023-07-26) A I: This is the ONLY FREE mail merge tool out there. I can send up to 500 emails in bulk every 24 hours for sales purposes. If you open multiple gmails, you can send even more emails. Only problem is that the email will only contain text. No images, no templates to make it look fancy.
  • (2023-07-07) very nice
  • (2023-04-19) love it
  • (2023-01-14) dou Tony: error
  • (2023-01-11) Mark Norviel: The extension works as described. No support, means take it as is. It is basic, no frills. If you review your email content it will look just like you typed it, but when you send the email it will arrive in the recipients in-box as unformatted text all run together. In other words, no line breaks or other formatting. If you want the email text to be formatted you will need to use HTML tags such <bold> and <br> etc. A bigger issue in my mind, however, is when you use this mail merge tool, the recipient will either get a warning that the email is dangerous or it will end up in their spam filter.
  • (2022-10-07) carolyn kagan: Didn't work - not recognising several addresses. Moreover the functionality is so limited that it defeats the object - no provision for attachments or for html clickable links, for example.
  • (2022-07-06) Alejandro Maneffa: Everything works as you said, except that the email does not come out with the format that you see in the preview and instead of having the paragraph breaks and spacing that I put when I created the text to send, the emails came as a single string without any Format.
  • (2022-06-15) Matt Foley: This product is an utter waste of time. Do not waste your time like I did. Walk away. Do not add to Chrome. It DOES NOT FORMAT ANYTHING. My simple 6 paragraph email message turned into a rambling blob of text without the spaces between paragraphs. Also, it DOES NOT HAVE FUNCTIONALITY TO ADD AN ATTACHMENT. It is AWFUL!
  • (2022-05-13) John James: I just love how this allows me to send personalised emails! I find it trouble free and it works as promised. You just need to remember to put the email addresses into the special column that is created when you format the worksheet. I've used it to merge data into multiple fields throughout the message, and also CC the messages to different people. This has revolutionised my workflow... no more using the BCC field and sending impersonal messages!
  • (2022-03-24) Joel Dignam: This extension did not work for me. I could not get it to connect with google sheets to send a mail merge.
  • (2022-03-16) UH GANDR: It was very glitchy, but never explained what went wrong. Through trial and error I realized that "email" had to be the first field on my sheet or it wouldn't even load the list. And I never could get them to send, but I don't know why because it never gave specifics, just said "26 emails failed to send".
  • (2022-01-31) Ayushi Soni: Amazing Option to send multiple emails all together.
  • (2021-12-28) Oscar Mcgowan: Wonderfull setup for mail-merge
  • (2021-11-19) Support Trustwallët: please set word arrange
  • (2021-10-26) W Greg: Great Extension. Well Done Guys
  • (2021-09-04) Nicolo Belavendram (Dr Nic): Good for my urgent need.
  • (2021-08-30) Hoshiar Mal: excellent!!
  • (2021-05-17) anupam kumar: removed the Formatting of the Content of Email, Kindly improve upon this
  • (2021-04-22) Vaibhav Puranik: This Extension captured and sent Emails, but removed the Formatting of the Content of Email, which Primarily DEFEATS the EXPRESSION, IMPRESSION and PURPOSE OF THE email sent.....
  • (2021-02-12) Misha Filip: This is a simple e-mail merge extension. It works. It has no silly quotas like YAMM. I used it with a Google account and from Google Drive, so it may be different in other circumstances. However, to get it to work, one needs to ensure the following: 1. the tab in a spreadsheet where the merge data is residing must be the leftmost (first) tab in the spreadsheet. If it is not, it won't find the data. 2. the email addresses must be in the leftmost column of that first tab. 3. take care with tag names, e.g. "First name" must be used exactly like that {{First name}}, it is case sensitive, so {{First Name}} will not work. This was highlighted in the example provided. 4. A good feature is that one can select which rows to merge and which not to (by ticking/unticking) and any "illegal" rows are "crossed out" so you can decide whether to ignore them or go back to data and fix any issues. 5. the email template gives different results in preview mode (where things look OK) and the actual email received after the merge. The actual mail merge strips all line breaks / carriage returns and turns the text into one long paragraph. I have not played with many HTML formatting options, but when I inserted "<br>"s in the template text, that looked ugly in the preview, but produced line breaks in the received merged email. I suspect that the text can be HTML formatted to make it look good. Maybe it's not good enough to use with external clients [it has not got many features] but for internal mailings it looks like it is a good solution.
  • (2020-11-16) Nikos Pasxalakis: It's a really bad extension don't download it!
  • (2020-10-28) Liêm Pha Tô: không thể gửi đi được, cũng không được báo lý dó gì mà không gửi được luôn


10,000 history
2.6667 (36 votes)
Last update / version
2022-09-26 / 3.0.1
Listing languages
