Description from extension meta
Skatieties video, izmantojot režīmu Picture-in-Picture (Peldošā video atskaņotājs). Atbalstīt visu veidu video vietnes.
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Description from store
Picture-in-Picture lets you to watch videos in a popup window (always on top of other windows) so you can keep an eye on what you’re watching while interacting with other sites.
- Adds a Picture in Picture button to the video player of supported sites
- Users can choose to click on the Picture in Picture button on the video player or the extension icon on the toolbar
Latest reviews
- (2020-10-07) El Cubo de Lágrimas: Funciona para Youtube, pero no funciona para las demás webs, ni siquiera con Facebook. Una lástima, porque se ve prometedor.
- (2020-10-06) Xtreviouz: Works on crunchyroll
- (2020-10-05) Frenchgal 21: Very handy 100% must useeeee <3
- (2020-10-04) 0003 SCP-: 什么时候支持一下pornhub呀,小小的建议👀👀👀
- (2020-09-29) Kurdish Boy: Thank you
- (2020-09-17) Whitebrim: Perfectly working for youtube.
- (2020-09-16) Aga Mur: sangat membantu, bisa menonton streaming mengambang di depan layar, bahkan jika chrome di minimize sekali pun.....mantap
- (2020-09-14) Bill Tarrillo DJ: Perfecta! Muchas otras extensiones son completamente inútiles y le tenía poca fe a obtener las pestañas flotantes con solo un clip, pero esta vez me he llevado una sorpresa en lo funcional y relevante se ha vuelto esta extensión en mi quehacer cotidiano. Precisa! 5 stars. Espero sigan mejorando.
- (2020-09-10) Hou: Hopefully it won't die like similar extensions, keep the good work!
- (2020-09-10) Vitamin Ex: I was originally using a different extension, but, it's no longer supported and has been removed from the store. I was searching for a replacement and started installing several extensions. Most extensions require you to click on the extension button on the top-right of the screen to use it which is not what I was looking for. I wanted an extension with an embedded button on the actual video player. I downloaded around 10 different extensions and none of them had the embedded button, BUT, this one has it. This is exactly what I was looking for, and in my opinion, this is the best floating player on the store right now.
- (2020-09-09) serena: doesn't support subtitles on netflix :/
- (2020-09-07) Genny Haru: The extension works as intended, at least when watching on Youtube. However, this extension seems like it contains malware. Everytime I visit certain shopping or online purchase websites, the URL links generate affiliate link and pops up up a new tab of other website when I start clicking on the link from the online shopping page. When I disabled it, then the URL becomes normal and no affiliate URL shows up. So, I don't know if this extension really an issue for that and has malware, but I really won't use it for now.
- (2020-09-06) Dylan H: No problems whats so ever especially for watching music videos on youtube
- (2020-09-05) M M: Works great for Eurosport player website!
- (2020-09-04) Siacek: this extension is perfect you can add picture in picture on twitch ?
- (2020-08-29) Viviane Vasconcelos: muito bom, funciona em qualquer site.
- (2020-08-26) 吳仕宜: 超好用 大推~~
- (2020-08-25) catalina de los rios: Me encanta la verdad, es muy chevere!
- (2020-08-23) Antonella Hans: Esto es para personas igual que yo, cuando usen la extencion solo debe haber 1 pestaña de youtube y si ya tenia la pestaña antes de poner la extencion vuelva a cargar la pestaña y despues van a las opciones de youtube abajito del video donde sale para poner en modo cine y listo espero que no tengan que esperar semanas para darse cuanta de esto
- (2020-08-22) __________________: I recommend this extension but the reason its three stars is because you cant skip ads with it on
- (2020-08-21) Minjoon Kim: Works so great!
- (2020-08-21) Xiao huang: 完美
- (2020-08-13) Nisha Thivy: Works exactly like the YouTube miniplayer.
- (2020-08-12) Hacker: it works but needs to work with hulu
- (2020-08-10) Claire Lin: 一邊工作一邊看影片超好用~~~可以看YT跟B站影片,只可惜沒B站彈幕^^"
- (2020-08-09) Roman Lepishin: Caught the extension using a lot of CPU by monitoring task manager and killing the process. It will always periodically spike CPU usage even when not using it. Makes me think it's got a low key crypto miner, would not recommend.
- (2020-07-30) Vivek Thakur: This thing is awesome! From a satisfied 10 yr old kid 😁!
- (2020-07-25) Nathanf23: It doesn't work for Youtube TV
- (2020-07-25) Irina Syn: Плюс большой, что интерфейс минимальный и понятный, есть подобные расширения но они в этом вопросе проигрывают. Минусы: во-первых, как уже было сказано не мной, затемнение при наведении мышкой - бесполезное; во-вторых, хотелось что бы место и размер окна можно было раз и навсегда настроить, правый нижний угол или другие углы меня например не устраивают; и третье, если бы окно двойным кликом открывалось в фул-экран было бы вообще идеальное расширение для ютюба .
- (2020-07-11) Искандар Раджабов: ne rabotaet
- (2020-07-07) Jack Daniels: На сайте не работает (
- (2020-07-03) La Viloria: Finally! This was all I wanted. I just wanted to be able to watch videos while playing video games. I had to even download an overlay app which doesnt work that well. This was easier. Just install the extension and done, now im watching video while playing games. If you guys can add a transparency slider so I can see my game a bit more but for now this is good!
- (2020-06-30) Francesco Milano: WARNING! This extension contains malware that redirects all searches made on google to bing, through the search engine
- (2020-06-30) Maciej Mieńko: Super. Wtyczka ewidentnie korzysta z narzędzi wbudowanych w Chrome, ale niewyeksponowanych z jakiegoś powodu, przez co działa idealnie.
- (2020-06-27) Maykol Ken: Muy buena extensión, cumple perfectamente lo que promete.
- (2020-06-24) Mohd Arbaaz: Works fine👍
- (2020-06-24) lukaeron: gostei, bem prático.
- (2020-04-13) Justin Dang: If not working (on Windows 10) disable the automatic hiding of the windows taskbar (with the extension running). Worked. Enabling it again afterwards works fine (sometimes).
- (2020-04-13) Alper Akalın: Udemy ile çalışıyor.
- (2020-04-12) Nick Taylor: Misleading title. It sparked the hope that I could turn any webpage into a picture-in-picture popup. Not able to do this because it only works with videos (something NOT included in the title!). Uninstalled.
- (2020-04-11) Novantric: Does as intended, best for youtube after trying other alternatives, gets the job done. No complaints here.
- (2020-04-10) Samuel Juarez Pulache: Todo bien, funciona perfecto
- (2020-04-08) WhoKnows Now: how do i use it
- (2020-04-08) Konstantinos Kavouras: Nice! Thanks
- (2020-04-08) 蔡奇儒: 2020/4/8 壞了,畫面全黑
- (2020-04-08) cz Cube: It's working perfectly!
- (2020-04-08) Rafael Batista: Perfeito!
- (2020-04-07) 尘心: 整体不错,就是控件太少了。看到评论说只能开一个小的,但那个画面是可以拉伸的,自由调节还不错
- (2020-04-06) francisco jimenez tavara: bueno
- (2020-04-02) I-b b-I: Works perfectly with YT and Twitch. Click the button of the extension and a floating, PIP-player appears in an own tab/window. Once activated for a video or website in general, you can switch tabs and even open other programs,all while the player stays on top. Player/window size can easily be customized. Only thing I'm missing out is the video progress bar and a few shortcuts --!!when the video-player window is "activated"!!--(clicked on the task in the taskbar or the player-window itself),such as the arrow keys for +-5sec, volume etc. But of course you can do this on the main tab for YT/Twitch. There are many other PiP/YT enhancers, sometimes with a few additional options, but with most of them I've had problems with PiP and the "always on top" feature. Most of the tested ones were only able to display a standalone player on the YT/Twitch tab, so you can maybe read comments while watching a video and scrolling down, but as soon as tab is switched, the player disappears. I dont need any other features than a working PiP, so this extension fits my needs perfectly. Thumbs up!
4.3 (312 votes)
Last update / version
2020-05-09 / 0.0.6
Listing languages