Description from extension meta
Integrate third-party services with VOID platforms.
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Description from store
VOIDSync offers a seamless integration of your ChatGPT account with VOID Chat, enabling you create your own personalized and unrestricted AI agents using GPT models available from your account completely for free.
Key Functions of VOIDSync:
- Links your ChatGPT account with VOID Chat.
- Activates GPT-3.5/GPT-4 Tokenization.
VOID Chat vs ChatGPT differences:
- On VOID Chat, you can use direct system instructions known as "subprompts."
- On VOID Chat, you can modify the AI's responses for fine-tuning its behavior.
- VOID Chat protects your inputs against being scanned by moderation.
- Difference between subprompts and OpenAI's Custom Instructions?
-> VOID's subprompts are far superior since they do not surround your instructions with internal safe gurads, and have been available much longer before the introduction of Custom Instructions.
- What sets VOID agents apart from the official Gizmo?
-> Accessible to both free and Plus users.
-> Fine-tuning the AI by editing its outputs.
-> Predict/Continue any kind of text.
-> Up to 40 GPT-4 interactions for Plus users every 3 hours, compared to Gizmo's 20.
-> Flexibility to alter instructions during interactions and insert them at any point.
-> Unrestricted and more versatile.
- Where are my VOID instances stored?
-> They are stored locally on your computer. Note that clearing storage, either manually or due to automatic browser policies, will erase these instances.
- Aria doesn't do [Insert request]?
-> Aria is designed as a neutral, proof-of-concept AI agent, optimized for use with GPT-4. To create a different or similar AI, please use the VOID Playground.
Safety Notice: VOID warrants that it does not, under any circumstances, store any third-party data, including, without limitation, access tokens, in any form or shape on any of its servers. Such third-party data are utilized solely for the purpose of temporarily executing the actions initiated by the user, including but not limited to, dispatching a message to your VOID AI agent via a service such as OpenAI.
VOID Chat:
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-01) Jason Dallas: It works. Just know that if you are logged into your OpenAI ChatGPT account in that browser session, this extension will utilize that account to communicate with OpenAI servers even while you are on the Void website. This means your primary OpenAI account can be monitored, flagged, and banned based on how you use the Void Chat website.