extension ExtPose

Ogame Infinity

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Description from extension meta

OGI - To Ogame's infinity and beyond!

Image from store Ogame Infinity
Description from store This extension provides a set additional features for OGame. Copyrights: OGame is a browser game from GameForge.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-03) Menfis: Buenas no se que ah pasado no me salen las opciones ni nada solo me ve normal pero no sale niguna d las opciones ni los planetas de los demas en galacia ni los recursos que tengo ni ninguna d las opciones q salian arriba d los planetas q puede estar pasando
  • (2023-10-28) Terega-Nui Arakino: Great, just brings tons of useful functionalities. Would be great to have a kind of tutorial but anyway we can manage without it.
  • (2023-10-15) Steffen Günster: Play successfull without this? no way!
  • (2023-10-01) cafer taflan: Birisi de Neyin ne işe yaradığını yazsaydı keşke. Keşif filosu tanımlayamıyorum. Tıklayınca bütün nakliye gemilerimi yüklüyor.
  • (2023-09-13) Thomas: Indispensable ! Il persiste tout de même des bugs mineurs.
  • (2023-07-25) ulis!!: no esta funcionando en chrome , y en firefox si
  • (2023-07-15) Eduardo Oliveira: Até ontem, dia 14/07/23, estava funcionando bem. Não sei o que houve, mas acho q foi após uma manutenção no servidor do jogo, toda vez que eu faço algo no jogo, como ir para página de outro planeta por exemplo, a extensão parece parar de funcionar, e eu preciso atuailzar a página para voltar. Mas aí novamente eu faço algo e para de novo.
  • (2023-07-14) M. P.: Couldnt play without it. Indispensable!
  • (2023-07-04) gerson diaz: todo iba muy bien, pero hasta hace unos dias no funciona en chrome, en los demas navegadores funciona pero no envia bien la flota de expedision, cuando solucionen lo del chrome y vuelva a ser lo mismo que antes le dare 5 estrellas
  • (2023-06-29) Stephen Arneill: although great, you need to have this plugin broken into several plugins, for example i prefer to use AntigameReborn for my fleet disbatch, but would love to keep this for statistics and data enhancement. maybe include a option to enable/disable features
  • (2023-04-24) Max B: Une mauvaise copie de oglight
  • (2023-03-14) Mr. Akhlan: Impossible de mettre une quantité fixe de ressources dans les vaisseaux depuis ce midi
  • (2023-02-10) Nicholas E: I like the addon, but it is so buggy. It constantly breaks the research tab so that the research times are not visible. The overview panel on the right tries to display all of the resources on each planet and moon, but it bugs out all the time and just displays NaN. There are some great features in this, but someone needs to fix the issues. Its as frustrating as it is helpful and I'm not sure if its worth keeping enabled.
  • (2023-02-04) NieMa: It works tragically, at times as if some cryptocurrency miners were firing in it. It's hard, it causes the browser to slow down, the game itself also works clunky with this add-on. Plus one is that compared to AGR, sometimes someone will release an update, and it has working expedition fast send,. Although there is still a lot to improve - especially when it comes to performance on slightly older devices. Because using it simply causes tragic lags + completely tires the equipment.
  • (2023-01-06) Ryzen: Impossible de recycler les champs de débris, dommage sinon très bonne extension vraiment utile.
  • (2022-11-30) Fernando: I love this extension but last month I have had problems with resource cost calculations. As far as I know, NaN is Not a Number result in a javascript operation... I'm using es-ES culture in Chrome browser. Hope it get fixed soon to raise my vote to 5 star ;)
  • (2022-10-27) LifeOnShuffle LifeOnShuffle: Tempo de pesquisa: NaN.NaN - NaN:NaN:NaN
  • (2022-10-26) Daniel Ian Ruiz de Mendoza Lafont (Walorikot): I cannot play OGame without this extension anymore.
  • (2022-10-09) Dario H: In this update you can not check all the player planet activitiy in galaxy view. Last you could check really fast activity checking all his planets clicking the triangle. Now you can only check activity one by one in galaxy mode. If you wannna now all his planets you must go to classify or look for the player name in the player search. It is a big mistake.
  • (2022-09-26) Sergio Patricio Arias: Por favor. Bienvenida la actualización, pero siguen varios errores dando vueltas. El envío de flotas sobre todo. 26/09: Testing the new update. So far no problems. Thank you very much for your time and effort. // Probando la nueva actualización. Hasta ahora sin problemas. Muchas gracias por su tiempo y esfuerzo.
  • (2022-09-17) Adam Szczypa: after the 2.0.19 update i can't send more than 9999 ships and 9 999 999 resource at once, it literally removes the integer i put into the amount field
  • (2022-09-13) rodolfo oliveira: Last update brought more problems than solutions. Why is not possible to use more than 9999 of anything? ships, resources, nothing higher than that is possible... huge error- should be corrected promptly
  • (2022-09-12) Edouard: Bonjour, J'ai un probleme pour transporter mes ressources. L'extension m'empeche de mettre le montant de ressources que je veux pour le transport et me met un montant beaucoup plus petit.
  • (2022-09-12) Rainer G.: I just loved this extension but since the last update destroyed the possibility to write numbers i had to disable it. 5 Stars after it got fixed
  • (2022-09-11) john do: after yesterday's update there are problems with displaying the amount of raw materials
  • (2022-09-11) Camilo Chacon: esta bien, pero con la actualizacion de hoy falla el seleccionar recursos, solo se pueden seleccionar hasta 900 de cada recursos. por favor corregirlo
  • (2022-09-09) Luis S: cant use it anymore since few days it changes all nummbers when i type 100000 it makes 1 out of it cant ship res with this app all 0 gets deleted :/ sad
  • (2022-07-17) Piotr pzikiewicz: Please update
  • (2022-07-16) Kaze Noshi (Azeris): Please update plug-in for new ogame expansion we can't do spy action from galaxy view etc. thanks
  • (2022-07-15) onur taşcı: 14.07.2022 Tarihinden itibaren Casus atmada , ve Galaxy de harebe toplamada sorun yaratıyor destek olur musunuz ?
  • (2022-06-14) Mehmet Burak: Çok faydalı harika bir eklenti.
  • (2022-05-16) David Craven: Love this extension, the features are awesome. Would it be possible to extend and add customization to the spy report handling? AntiGame has options to delete reports below a configurable amount of resources or fleet or over a threshold of defence. Something like that would be awesome for people who spy a lot. :)
  • (2022-04-14) Tolga Zafer Çıkrıkçı: It has almost everything a player may need but I need explanation on how to use spy-reports and target list menu. That's why I gave 4 stars instead of 5. Good job.
  • (2022-02-26) Eser Göbekli: kimin nerde gezegeni, saldırı istediğinizi kısa yola alma, bir gezegende gerekli olacak madeni kitleyip kolayca gönderme, bi yere nakliye atarken ne kadar gemi gerekicek göstermesi, keşif butonları vsvs çok işlevli faydalı.
  • (2021-09-30) Indyka: FR : Mieux que AGO ( une autre extension dans le genre ) ! EN : Better than AGO !
  • (2021-03-22) Jérémy Jouanne: It was great but as today it stoped working...
  • (2021-03-21) Elias Alves Ribeiro: Era a melhor mas após a atualização, perdeu muito do que a tornava especial parabéns ao desenvolvedor, fez um ótimo trabalho e depois piorou ela.
  • (2021-02-02) Ivanov Augustin: Love it till now. But i miss something from Antigame. When I want to build something, the Antigame was telling us how many cargos do you need to send those resources. We have this too and i didnt find it or just missing ? :D
  • (2021-01-31) Halil Meriç: Türkçe ( Turkish ) Dil eklentisi olması gerekliydi.
  • (2021-01-09) JMiguel Digital Studio: Gostei muito é bem intuitivo, ajuda muito fiquei impressionado o raio x que dá do seu mundo e do seu oponente. Parabéns belo trabalho!
  • (2021-01-05) Andrea Caudera: Epic Job!!
  • (2021-01-05) Thomas VB: It broke in 2021
  • (2020-09-06) Dominik Huppert: a super smooth and lightweight addon for ogame with all features for fleeters miners and expo gamers. really nice overview and ideas in this addon. never without it! makes a whole new experience for ogame!
  • (2020-08-25) ॐKastigadorॐ Castiga: Excelente, supera o UV e AGR. Parabéns ao desenvolvedor.
  • (2020-08-15) ye suis la nuit: The best addon to ogame ever ^^


20,000 history
4.022 (91 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-03 / 2.5.1
Listing languages
