Heatmap of resources loaded in the browser using the Resource Timing API
A front-end performance heatmap of resources loaded in the browser using the Resource Timing API.
The heatmap colours and the first ms value indicate at what point in the page load did the image finished loading. It's a good indicator of user experience. "It took 3450ms before the user saw this image." The second value in brackets is the time it took the browser to load that specific image.
The legend attached to the bottom of the page shows timings for the full page load and hovering over a coloured area on the heatmap will move the timeline indicator to show you when that image was fully loaded.
Code: https://github.com/zeman/perfmap
Latest reviews
- (2017-10-18) Jo Be: +Me sorprendió la manera de mostrar las estadísticas. -Se podrían poner más claros los tiempo.
- (2017-07-14) Kawtsar Herdiyanto Purbo: Could you please that I am able to modify the text result. Like change the font size maybe? Thank you
- (2015-08-08) Laur Rent: Great tool. Really useful. Thanks a lot.
- (2014-10-18) Florian Sivadon: Une petite extension sympa pour le développement d'un site. Je m'en suis servi notamment pour voir les différences de temps de chargements entre des JPEG et des JPEG progressifs. ----- A nice extension for the development of a website. I used it to see the differences in loading times between JPEG and progressive JPEG .
4.7 (13 votes)
Last update / version
2014-10-25 / 1.2
Listing languages