extension ExtPose

Briefy - Webpage, Text, YouTube, PDF Summary With Visual Views

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Description from extension meta

Summarize any webpage, email, YouTube video, and PDF in 1 click, build your knowledge base, and chat with it just like with a human.

Image from store Briefy - Webpage, Text, YouTube, PDF Summary With Visual Views
Description from store Transform the way you consume information with Briefy! ✨ Powered by AI, Briefy quickly summarizes complex texts into structured summaries such as short paragraphs, detailed items, tables, mindmaps, and more. Multiple languages are supported. We offer Chrome and Safari extensions. Whether you're browsing news, reading papers, or checking emails, easily get the key points with just 1 click on both desktop and mobile phones! 🚀 🌟 How to Use It: 1️⃣ Add the extension to your Chrome. 2️⃣ Sign in with your email address. 3️⃣ Open any web page and click the Briefy magic button on the page for an instant summary. 💥 Our Best Features: 💡Key points with 1 click To get the summary, you only need to click the Briefy magic button on the page. No more tedious copying, pasting, or app switching! 💡Web page summary Whether it's news, academic papers, or blog articles, it efficiently condenses any content page and organizes it into a structured summary. 💡List, table, mindmap views Briefy goes beyond conventional summaries, offering insights through key points, tables, and mindmap views. Dive deeper into texts in seconds! 💡Ask any question about the content Dive deeper into summarized content by asking specific questions. Briefy provides detailed, context-aware answers, ensuring you grasp every aspect of the information. 💡Reference back to the source content Easily navigate to the original source material for a more comprehensive understanding. Cross-check and explore detailed information, ensuring a thorough grasp of the subject matter. 💡Gmails and threads summary Easily manage your inbox with Briefy. Click the magic button in Gmail to summarize emails and conversation threads. 💡Inline summary translation Get inline translations of the summary in Premium and Ultra plans. Choose your preferred language and enhance comprehension and reading speed! 💡Customized output language Read summaries in your native language, no matter what language the source content is in. Now we support summarizing in mainstream languages such as English, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, and more. ☀️ How It Works: Briefy utilizes Large Language Models (LLMs) technology to provide concise summaries, allowing users to effortlessly digest complex content without accessing ChatGPT or OpenAI accounts. 💬 Frequently Asked Questions: 📍 Is Briefy free? Briefy offers a free plan with limited usage quotas, perfect for trying out our summarizing capabilities. For more advanced features, consider upgrading to our Standard, Premium, or Ultra plans to enhance your summarizing experience! 📍How to upgrade my plan? In the extension, go to "Your account" - "Manage plan", and you'll find all the plans. Choose the plan you need and it will be effective immediately. 📍 Does Briefy have iOS and Mac versions? Absolutely! Briefy is available on iOS and iPad, and a Mac version is in the works and coming soon! 📍 Will there be new features? Definitely! We're constantly developing new features to enhance our users' experience. Stay updated with our rapidly released versions for more exciting functionalities! 📍 Do I need a ChatGPT/OpenAI account? No, you don't need a ChatGPT/OpenAI account to use it. Our extension is designed for ease of use and accessibility. 📧 Contact Us: Have questions about using Briefy? Reach out to us at [email protected] – we're always ready to assist. Your feedback drives our innovation. A great product meets its users' needs, and we're committed to doing just that. Feel free to send us your suggestions and thoughts as well! 🔨 Changelog: 2.0.0: May 10, 2024 - Introduced Briefy Knowledge Base where summaries are saved, reviewed, queried, and shared - Supported saving summaries to Briefy Knowledge Base - Supported sharing summaries with permalinks - Polished the UI elements and squashed some bugs 1.10.0: Apr 8, 2024 - Supported summarizing YouTube videos - Supported summarizing any text content with web summarizer - Supported summarizing long content of up to 400K characters - Supported charging multiple Briefys for summarizing longer content - Added upsell dialog for Briefy for Gmail - Refactored content parsing logic for better performance - Polished the UI elements and squashed some bugs 1.9.1: Mar 15, 2024 - Squashed some bugs 1.9.0: Mar 5, 2024 - Supported rendering summaries in Markdown - Supported subscription with annual plans - Fixed UI misalignment on some websites - Polished the UI elements and squashed some bugs 1.8.4: Jan 25, 2024 - Reorganized extension menu for a better interface - Polished the UI elements and squashed some bugs 1.8.0: Jan 2, 2024 - Supported reference to original content - Supported "asking questions" to the content and added a quick menu with possibly-asked questions - Supported copying summary in Markdown format in all views - Supported regenerating summary - Reorganized function buttons and grouped them into the bottom-left corner - Supported new output languages: Thai, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese - Supported choosing summary view in the popup menu - Polished the UI elements and squashed some bugs 1.7.0: Dec 13, 2023 - Supported summarizing content in Table view - Supported summarizing content in Mindmap view - Supported expanded table and mindmap into full screen - Supported extracting the main idea of content into a new section in List view - Supported moving the floating Briefy button to anywhere on both sides of the browser window - Supported moving the Briefy window to anywhere in the browser window - Moved the floating Briefy button to bottom-left corner by default - Polished the UI elements and squashed some bugs 1.6.0: Nov 22, 2023 - Introduced a set of new and better structured plans for different levels of Briefy usage - Supported translating summaries into frequently used languages, inline with the original language - Fixed frequent crashes caused by the service worker on iOS/iPadOS Safari - Fixed failure to infer time and location from the original content - Polished the UI elements and squashed some bugs 1.5.1: Nov 9, 2023 - Squashed some bugs 1.5.0: Oct 19, 2023 - Supported summarizing Gmail threads - Supported new output languages: Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish - Supported signing in with Apple - Improved algorithm for content capturing. Now more websites are supported. - Polished the UI elements and squashed some bugs 1.4.0: Oct 11, 2023 - Added a new feature to hide the Briefy magic button: - Hide this time - Hide on this website - Hide on all websites - Polished the UI elements - Squashed some bugs 1.3.0: Sept 22, 2023 - Enhanced Briefy magic button logic for improved user experience: - Embedded magic button now displays on content pages from most-visited websites in the world - Floating magic button now displays on content pages from other websites - Browser extension menu magic button now displays on the browser extension menu - Improved user guidance for downloading and installing browser extensions - Improved user guidance for learning how to use Briefy after installation - Squashed some bugs 1.2.2: Sept 20, 2023 - Squashed some bugs 1.2.1: Sept 18, 2023 - Squashed some bugs 1.2.0: Sept 15, 2023 - Supported specifying output language in Japanese - Added a new interface for the extension action button - Improved the experience of the magic button and user menu - Squashed some bugs 1.1.2: Sept 13, 2023 - Fixed an issue where the magic button was rendered on unexpected web pages 1.1.1: Sept 11, 2023 - Squashed some bugs 1.1.0: Sept 6, 2023 - Supported stream response for faster loading speed - Supported displaying time saved by Briefy - Optimized user onboarding flow - Fixed an issue where the magic button was not rendered on Medium posts - Squashed some bugs 1.0.1 - Supported premium plan - Squashed some bugs 1.0.0 - Supported basic summarization with bullet points, hashtags, and sentiment - Supported signing up/in with Google accounts

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-17) Duy Trần Trọng Khánh: Briefy work perfect but I couldn't access some feature even I upgrade an account. I double checked, that feature is required Standard or above to use and my account is Standard.
  • (2023-10-20) Been using Briefy for a month now, and it's a real time-saver. I can use it on almost all the web pages. Most of the time as a digital marketer, I use it for browsing content, blogs, etc. The UI's pretty nice btw.
  • (2023-09-21) Yury George: Are the owners serious? The only expanatory info they have shows an article from an arbitrary site that has an embedded button for Briefying, whereas other pages of the same site don't, not saying a word about enacting the function on other websites of interest, neither through Chrome menus. No FAQ, just an option of sending an email to the developers, but what for, just to learn the very basic functionality interface? Is this supposed to be working at all?
  • (2023-09-17) Bella Ho: This is truly a user-friendly product. I was always tiring of reading a long article but at the end feeling that I didn't get the point. It was so frustrating. This tool definitely changes the situation. The summaries are accurate and complete. And the loading time is short so basically the experience is smooth. Keep on building this tool team!
  • (2023-09-06) Hao Wu: Fancy UI, nice start for a LLM based reading assistant tool
  • (2023-09-06) Mia: 使ってみた感想 要約機能のツールは他にもたくさんあるけど、Briefyの要約はその中でもとても正確。 長文、研究論文、記事を読むのにとても役に立つと思う。 ハッシュタグや絵文字があってデザインも良く、直感的で使いやすい。 日本語もサポートしてて良いと思う。
  • (2023-08-28) Xaa Kii: Recently, I started using Briefy Here's my take: **Ease of Use:** The extension integrates seamlessly into Chrome, making it effortlessly accessible when browsing. With a single click, I can get the essence of lengthy articles or pages without sifting through the entire content. **Accuracy:** I was pleasantly surprised at the accuracy of the summaries. While no tool can capture every nuance, this extension comes commendably close. It prioritizes the main points and presents them in a concise manner. **Design & Interface:** The user interface is intuitive. The design is sleek, not obtrusive, and the summarized content appears in a well-organized manner, making reading a breeze. **Room for Improvement:** While the extension works wonders on standard articles and blogs, it sometimes struggles with highly graphical pages or those with mixed media. I hope future updates address this minor shortcoming. **Verdict:** If you're someone constantly on the move, or just looking to quickly glean the crux of a webpage, Briefy is a valuable tool to have in your arsenal. It's saved me time and kept me informed, making it a worthy addition to my browser.
  • (2023-08-24) Cox Zuck: Briefy is the best summarization tool I've ever used!


2,000 history
4.5 (14 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-12 / 2.0.1
Listing languages
