Description from extension meta
A Simple notepad extension that saves what you jot down and syncs with your Google account!
Image from store
Description from store
SharePad saves your notes locally on your browser AND to your Google account, meaning you can access them at any time on any computer with just the click of a button or a press of a key!
Current Features:
- Automatically syncs notes to Google account
- Displays last save
- Download notes as a .txt file
- Stores caret at position of last character
Upcoming Changes:
- Text Formatting (B, I, U)
- Adjustable font type
- Adjustable font size
- Resizable window
- Range of new colour themes
Access SharePad using a keyboard shortcut for easier and more efficient use!
1. Type 'chrome://extensions/' into your address bar.
2. Click on keyboard shortcuts.
3. Enter a shortcut for SharePad, for example: Ctrl-Q.
4. Done!
Change Log
Fixed problem.
Replaced all local storage functionality with cloud storage.
Tidied up JavaScript,
Added the manual sync function + button.
Fixed the scrollbar positioning issue.
Adjusted notepad area size.
Spacing distance on each new line altered.
All icons replaced with HD versions of themselves,
Info button replaced with a 'Tools' button - Coming Soon,
When saved, download.txt changed to SharePad.txt.
Text formmating introduced
- Bold, Italics, Underline,
Optional survey added on user uninstall.
Shorthand name altered on Manifest & Webstore.
Latest reviews
- (2021-01-07) y o u: i love this but does anyone have any idea why my notes arent saving??
- (2019-11-22) Ajinkya Borade: I liked the UI & important sync feature. But it doesn't have tabs, or any way of having multiple notes
- (2019-05-17) just sayin: Excellent light weight notes, and instant sharing!
- (2019-03-08) Nguyen Pham: ok
- (2019-02-28) aione: 发现一个好东西
- (2018-08-20) Gersom Uzziel Garcia Muñoz: It would be nicer if this was available for other browsers and was able to synchronize notes between browsers
- (2018-04-14) Talia Phelps: good good good
- (2018-04-11) Atharva Bhange: nice
- (2017-06-19) It would be great if it could create a separate note for each link. Plus search and listing all the notes could make it better.
- (2017-05-01) With Love: very good .. i really liked it
- (2017-04-07) Arren Anives: Too much wasted space because of big SharePad icon and name at the top. But thanks for this :)
- (2017-03-14) Benjamí Vilar: Molt pràctic mentre funcionava, però m'ha desaparegut tot el que hi havia escrit. Hi ha manera de recuperar-ho?. Es guarda a algún lloc?
- (2017-01-15) jes: i love it helps with my youtube vids
- (2016-11-29) Gabriel Lino: Tem muito o que melhorar ainda: a sincronização muitas vezes falha, faltam opções de edição (que foram prometidas pelo desenvolvedor), falta ajuste do tamanho da janela. Contudo, é a única extensão de notas pro Chrome que continua sendo atualizada frequentemente, tem visual moderno, e, o principal: um futuro promissor pela frente.
- (2016-11-28) Sophie Crewe: Clever little 'web-extension' for students! Would completely recommend to anyone who isn't a wiz at computers and for those who are, incredibly easy to use.
- (2016-11-25) Literate Aspects: Q. How do you save to Google Drive?
- (2016-11-21) Spring Time Software STS Delhi: vg app :)
- (2016-11-03) marianne jordan labarca: creative i love it
- (2016-11-03) samir chikr: SAMIR
- (2016-11-02) dvd0420: 這個功能太陽春了,只能單一個筆記本記事情,就算有同步,那可被替代的APP太多了。如果只是單一記錄,那就用google文件就好。
- (2016-11-01) Tyler Goulbourne-Martin: very handy app, has became part of my regular use
- (2016-10-31) Леонид Берекет: Formidabil...!!!
- (2016-10-30) Chhamta Pokhrel: very nice
- (2016-10-29) chew siak khoon: OKAY CAN USES FOR KEEP DATA & PHOTO
- (2016-10-29) Jacwab: nice app thank you alex very good ok
- (2016-10-29) Junior Sandoval: Muy útil! :D
- (2016-10-25) Connar.: Brilliant little app! Useful for making notes while I research online and fantastically easy to jot ideas down while watching something online. It is great that I can sync up SharePad between my laptop and my home PC. It makes dissertation research a much faster task. The UI and design are both nice and easy. I will be recommending this to all my friends, family, work colleagues and anyone I see laboriously changing between apps to take notes, or to any one who still writes things down in a notebook.
4.4 (70 votes)
Last update / version
2017-03-13 / 1.0.9
Listing languages