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Badilisha mwonekano wa ChatGPT ili upate UI bora na vipengele bora ukitumia kiendelezi hiki. Kinapatikana pia kwa Sora.
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Ni wakati wa kuboresha mwonekano wa ChatGPT wako ukiwa na StylerGPT - The Ultimate ChatGPT Extension 🎉
Iwapo kiendelezi cha StylerGPT kitakumbwa na matatizo (kawaida hutokea baada ya sasisho kubwa la muundo wa ChatGPT), hakuna haja ya kukiondoa. Fungua tu paneli ya pembeni kisha weka StylerGPT kwenye muda wa kusitisha kupitia Settings. Kitarejea upya kiotomatiki katika sasisho lijalo.
🟢 Kwa nini tumeunda StylerGPT?
Tulitengeneza StylerGPT kwa sababu tunaamini matumizi yako ya AI yanapaswa kuwa tofauti kama wewe ulivyo. Ingawa ChatGPT inatoa uwezo mkubwa, mwonekano wake tulivu haukuendana vizuri na ladha na mapendeleo tofauti ya watumiaji. Tulitaka kubadilisha jinsi unavyopata uzoefu na AI kwa kukupa fursa ya kubinafsisha kila sehemu ya muonekano wa ChatGPT.
🟢 Kwa nini utumie StylerGPT?
Kwa sababu uzoefu wako wa AI unapaswa kudhihirisha upekee wako! StylerGPT ni kiendelezi chenye nguvu kwa ChatGPT, kinachobadilisha mwonekano wako wa ChatGPT kuwa "canvas" iliyobinafsishwa inayoonyesha mtindo wako. Umechoka na mwonekano asili? Jiachie ukitumia rangi angavu, mandhari za kuvutia, na chaguo pana la fonti.
🟢 Vipengele vikuu:
⌨️ Shortcut: kitufe kwenye sehemu ya juu kinachokuruhusu kufungua Settings za StylerGPT (kinaweza kufichwa kwenye paneli ya Settings), pamoja na ufikiaji kupitia vitufe vya Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + S.
🎨 Appearance: chagua kutoka kwenye mandhari za rangi 20 (nyepesi/giza), au tengeneza yako mwenyewe ukitumia chagua-rangi (color picker).
🌈 Colors and gradients: badilisha muonekano wa ChatGPT kwa kutumia rangi zisizo na kikomo au miale ya kuvutia ukitumia chagua-rangi na “gradient generator”.
🖼️ Backgrounds: zaidi ya picha 200 za kupendeza au pakia yako mwenyewe ili kufanya muonekano wa ChatGPT kuwa wako kabisa.
💬 Chat bubbles: badilisha rangi za “bubbles” za maingizo ya mtumiaji na majibu ya msaidizi ukitumia chaguo lisilo na kikomo, na panua mwonekano wa gumzo katika fomati ya “widescreen” ili uone maandishi mengi kwa wakati mmoja.
🔤 Typography: rekebisha ukubwa wa fonti na chagua kutoka takriban familia 100 za fonti kwa majibu ya msaidizi, ili kuimarisha usomaji.
📏 Widescreen: furahia dirisha pana la ChatGPT ambalo hupunguza kuscroll, hivyo kufanya gumzo kuwa rahisi zaidi.
🌟 Themes: zaidi ya mandhari 90 za “premium” zilizoundwa kwa hali ya rangi nyepesi/giza, zenye uwezo wa kukidhi ladha mbalimbali.
🟢 Vipengele vya ziada (kupitia toleo la Premium pekee):
📂 Message Navigator: vinjari meseji zako kirahisi ukitumia vitufe vya uelekezaji, kukusaidia kupata meseji unazohitaji upesi.
🔄 Background Rotation: badilisha picha za mandharinyuma kiotomatiki kulingana na muda uliouchagua, ili kuweka muonekano wa ChatGPT ukiwa mpya na kuvutia.
📚 Prompt History: hifadhi kiotomatiki “prompts” zilizotumwa na vinjari historia yake ukitumia vitufe vya mshale juu/chini moja kwa moja kwenye sehemu ya maandishi.
🎥 Youtube Summarizer: ongeza uwezo wa kupata muhtasari wa video za YouTube kwa kutumia ChatGPT kwa kubofya kitufe kimoja, kikiambatana na kitufe kipya (chenye ikoni unayopenda) chini ya kila video ya YouTube.
🎨 Sora Theme Editor: wezesha ubinafsishaji wa rangi na fonti ndani ya Sora, ili upate uzoefu wa usanifu ulio wa kibinafsi zaidi na unaoendana.
🟢 Inafanyaje kazi:
1️⃣ Sakinisha kiendelezi cha StylerGPT kutoka kwenye Chrome Web Store.
2️⃣ Kiweke (pin) kiendelezi kwenye “toolbar” ya kivinjari chako.
3️⃣ Bofya ikoni ya StylerGPT iliyopo kwenye “toolbar.”
4️⃣ Anza kubinafsisha muonekano wako wa ChatGPT!
StylerGPT si kiendelezi kingine tu cha ChatGPT, bali ni uzoefu kamili wa ChatGPT…
Pata muonekano bora zaidi wa ChatGPT unaoendana na mtindo wako, kwa kiendelezi hiki chenye nguvu cha ChatGPT! 🚀
© 2024 StylerGPT. ChatGPT ni alama ya biashara iliyosajiliwa ya OpenAI OpCo, LLC. Haki zote zimehifadhiwa.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-15) Talib: This is a very cool extension and I like how it changes the colors, UI, and background but I prefer the old chatGPT UI so is it possible to put an option to bring back the old UI?
- (2023-08-11) محمد رضا: عا بود
- (2023-08-03) Yiming Song: Good, good.
- (2023-08-02) RobertoV CB: I like this extension very much, it give me more inspirations.
- (2023-07-11) Brayden Schwartz: Excellent, and endearingly high quality! I will be using this for the long haul, and might even consider the paid version soon.
- (2023-07-07) Travis Smith: This chrome extension has really improved my overall experience with ChatGTP! Very well played @Botrush Team! 🎯
- (2023-07-03) qiang xu: 用着不错,下载功能不错
- (2023-06-24) Frank D. Lawrence, Jr.: I love the extension! It allows for a greater, personalizzed way to use Chatgpt!
- (2023-06-21) chunjie hu: 回复挺好,就是偶尔会卡顿
- (2023-06-20) Karen Azulai: very user friendly. sharing everywhere is very nice but ultimately it's a link...but regardless sharing pdf word etc us extremely helpful.
- (2023-06-19) Bikash Tamang: Great extension. The best among greatest AI extensions.
- (2023-05-31) Abdulkareem Sh. Mahdi Al-Obaidi: Overall, I have had a positive experience using ChatGPT. However, I have recently noticed that there appears to be a limitation on the number of chats per hour. In order to enhance our chat interactions and make them more efficient, I would greatly appreciate receiving instructions or guidance on how to navigate this limitation effectively. Thank you.
- (2023-05-25) alhosani fawzi: excellent i recommend all to try and use it will helps
- (2023-05-25) masataka dev: I was looking for an easy way to export the non-chat person and came across this. It is a great plugin and very helpful!
- (2023-05-23) Shah M: Nice extension! I liked it, but I have encountered a problem. As a ChatGPT Plus user, I installed the extension, but I cannot see the ChatGPT plugin's library option. Can the developer or someone please help me with this issue?
- (2023-05-05) Qiaohong Guo: 很可以!
- (2023-05-05) Diogo P Pedro: Awesome solution and allow me to be so productive on projects but also documenting the entire process.
- (2023-05-03) Bobi Badarevski: A beautiful extension that brings Chat Gpt to life with beauty and functionality.
- (2023-05-03) IIVV LOGISTICS LLC: Good I like it
- (2023-04-29) Hallouz Faiza: Excellent
- (2023-04-29) Yaaroyaaro: Very good tool.Recommended
- (2023-04-29) Cyberwizard Productions: Absolutely love this extension. I've been using it since the first release when all I wanted was to be able to turn off chatGPT's templates. I now have plugins for ChatGPT - but this is the only thing I really use at all.
- (2023-04-27) Эльмира Нурбаева: Хороший помошник
- (2023-04-23) 金总: 为什么下载按钮是灰色的, 提示:此功能已禁用。您需要在设置中启用它。但设置里并没有启用选项
- (2023-04-17) Fu Long Bo: 挺好的
- (2023-04-16) Tomorrow TO: great extension. the ability to save and share the conversation is essential
- (2023-04-13) ge zou: 有时候似乎会反应延迟,总体来说还是非常好用的
- (2023-04-09) José Matos: great app
- (2023-04-09) yong wang: great work
- (2023-04-07) Barlow hu: very good
- (2023-04-01) UnxiBq Herry: like!!!
- (2023-04-01) 极客涨姿势: 看起来挺牛逼的,但是没办法发送聊天内容。
- (2023-03-30) pol peronnet: I love it and I use it on a daily basis. In addition Fabio is super reactive and continiously improving GPT-EZ !
- (2023-03-23) G T: Great extention!!! really good thing
- (2023-03-16) Pratik Purohit: It's super useful - I can download the chat as a PDF and Word document, plus share as a link. The design is neat and user-friendly. Highly recommend!
- (2023-03-14) Federico Samá: Top Extension for ChatGPT !!!
- (2023-03-10) M.Bilal Nawaz: Highly Recommended
- (2023-03-09) wael ahmed: good work
- (2023-03-01) 哗啦啦: 很好用!作者对于feedback回应的也非常及时!
- (2023-02-26) Elliott: It works great and the developer really does listen to your feedback. A great upgrade if you use Open AI alot.
4.8724 (196 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-30 / 2024.12.10
Listing languages