Description from extension meta
使用此 ChatGPT 擴充功能客製化你的 ChatGPT 介面,打造更優質的使用體驗與進階功能。同時也適用於 Sora。
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Description from store
現在是時候為你的 ChatGPT 介面換上新面貌,試試 StylerGPT - The Ultimate ChatGPT Extension 🎉
⚠️ 重要提醒
若 StylerGPT 擴充功能在 ChatGPT 重大介面更新後出現問題,無需解除安裝。只要打開側邊欄,在設定中暫停 StylerGPT。下次更新時它會自動重新啟用。
🟢 為什麼我們要打造 StylerGPT?
我們相信,你和 AI 的互動應該如你一樣獨特。雖然 ChatGPT 功能非常強大,但統一的介面無法滿足所有使用者多樣的美感與需求。我們希望改變你使用 AI 的方式,讓你能自訂 ChatGPT 介面的方方面面。
🟢 為什麼要使用 StylerGPT?
因為你的 AI 體驗應該展現你的個人風格!StylerGPT 是最終極的 ChatGPT 擴充功能,可以將你的 ChatGPT 介面變成能反映你品味的客製化畫布。看膩了預設外觀嗎?用亮麗的色彩、絢麗的背景和豐富的字體選擇激發你的創造力吧。
🟢 主要功能:
⌨️ Shortcut:頂部有一個按鈕可開啟 StylerGPT 設定(可於設定面板中隱藏),也可使用 Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + S 快捷鍵進入。
🎨 Appearance:提供 20 種淺色/深色配色方案可供選擇,或透過色彩選擇器自訂喜歡的色彩。
🌈 Colors and gradients:利用色彩選擇器和漸層產生器自訂你的 ChatGPT 介面,支援無限單色或漸層。
🖼️ Backgrounds:內建 200 多張令人驚豔的圖片,或上傳自己的圖片,為 ChatGPT 介面增添個人風格。
💬 Chat bubbles:可自由調整使用者輸入與助理回應的對話框顏色,也能切換為寬螢幕模式,一次顯示更多文字,瀏覽更方便。
🔤 Typography:調整字型大小,並從約 100 種字型中為助理回應選擇適合的字體,增進可讀性。
📏 Widescreen:享受更寬廣的 ChatGPT 視窗,減少捲動,讓對話更舒適。
🌟 Themes:提供 90 多種高級主題,支援淺色與深色模式,滿足多樣偏好。
🟢 進階功能(僅適用於 Premium):
📂 Message Navigator:利用導覽按鈕在對話中輕鬆切換,快速找到想要的訊息。
🔄 Background Rotation:根據你設定的時間間隔自動輪播背景,讓 ChatGPT 介面保持新鮮感。
📚 Prompt History:自動儲存你輸入過的提示,並可使用上下方向鍵在文字區中快速切換歷史提示。
🎥 Youtube Summarizer:只需一鍵即可使用 ChatGPT 為 YouTube 影片生成摘要,並於每個影片下方新增你選擇的圖示按鈕。
🎨 Sora Theme Editor:啟用在 Sora 上自訂顏色與字體的功能,帶來更個性化、協調的設計體驗。
🟢 如何運作:
1️⃣ 從 Chrome 線上應用程式商店安裝 StylerGPT 擴充功能。
2️⃣ 將擴充功能固定於瀏覽器工具列。
3️⃣ 點擊瀏覽器工具列中的 StylerGPT 圖示。
4️⃣ 開始客製化你的 ChatGPT 介面吧!
StylerGPT 不只是一個普通的 ChatGPT 擴充功能,而是一種全新的 ChatGPT 體驗…
透過這個功能強大的 ChatGPT 擴充功能,享受更符合你風格的 ChatGPT 介面吧!🚀
© 2024 StylerGPT. ChatGPT 為 OpenAI OpCo, LLC 之註冊商標。保留一切權利。
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-15) Talib: This is a very cool extension and I like how it changes the colors, UI, and background but I prefer the old chatGPT UI so is it possible to put an option to bring back the old UI?
- (2023-08-11) محمد رضا: عا بود
- (2023-08-03) Yiming Song: Good, good.
- (2023-08-02) RobertoV CB: I like this extension very much, it give me more inspirations.
- (2023-07-11) Brayden Schwartz: Excellent, and endearingly high quality! I will be using this for the long haul, and might even consider the paid version soon.
- (2023-07-07) Travis Smith: This chrome extension has really improved my overall experience with ChatGTP! Very well played @Botrush Team! 🎯
- (2023-07-03) qiang xu: 用着不错,下载功能不错
- (2023-06-24) Frank D. Lawrence, Jr.: I love the extension! It allows for a greater, personalizzed way to use Chatgpt!
- (2023-06-21) chunjie hu: 回复挺好,就是偶尔会卡顿
- (2023-06-20) Karen Azulai: very user friendly. sharing everywhere is very nice but ultimately it's a link...but regardless sharing pdf word etc us extremely helpful.
- (2023-06-19) Bikash Tamang: Great extension. The best among greatest AI extensions.
- (2023-05-31) Abdulkareem Sh. Mahdi Al-Obaidi: Overall, I have had a positive experience using ChatGPT. However, I have recently noticed that there appears to be a limitation on the number of chats per hour. In order to enhance our chat interactions and make them more efficient, I would greatly appreciate receiving instructions or guidance on how to navigate this limitation effectively. Thank you.
- (2023-05-25) alhosani fawzi: excellent i recommend all to try and use it will helps
- (2023-05-25) masataka dev: I was looking for an easy way to export the non-chat person and came across this. It is a great plugin and very helpful!
- (2023-05-23) Shah M: Nice extension! I liked it, but I have encountered a problem. As a ChatGPT Plus user, I installed the extension, but I cannot see the ChatGPT plugin's library option. Can the developer or someone please help me with this issue?
- (2023-05-05) Qiaohong Guo: 很可以!
- (2023-05-05) Diogo P Pedro: Awesome solution and allow me to be so productive on projects but also documenting the entire process.
- (2023-05-03) Bobi Badarevski: A beautiful extension that brings Chat Gpt to life with beauty and functionality.
- (2023-05-03) IIVV LOGISTICS LLC: Good I like it
- (2023-04-29) Hallouz Faiza: Excellent
- (2023-04-29) Yaaroyaaro: Very good tool.Recommended
- (2023-04-29) Cyberwizard Productions: Absolutely love this extension. I've been using it since the first release when all I wanted was to be able to turn off chatGPT's templates. I now have plugins for ChatGPT - but this is the only thing I really use at all.
- (2023-04-27) Эльмира Нурбаева: Хороший помошник
- (2023-04-23) 金总: 为什么下载按钮是灰色的, 提示:此功能已禁用。您需要在设置中启用它。但设置里并没有启用选项
- (2023-04-17) Fu Long Bo: 挺好的
- (2023-04-16) Tomorrow TO: great extension. the ability to save and share the conversation is essential
- (2023-04-13) ge zou: 有时候似乎会反应延迟,总体来说还是非常好用的
- (2023-04-09) José Matos: great app
- (2023-04-09) yong wang: great work
- (2023-04-07) Barlow hu: very good
- (2023-04-01) UnxiBq Herry: like!!!
- (2023-04-01) 极客涨姿势: 看起来挺牛逼的,但是没办法发送聊天内容。
- (2023-03-30) pol peronnet: I love it and I use it on a daily basis. In addition Fabio is super reactive and continiously improving GPT-EZ !
- (2023-03-23) G T: Great extention!!! really good thing
- (2023-03-16) Pratik Purohit: It's super useful - I can download the chat as a PDF and Word document, plus share as a link. The design is neat and user-friendly. Highly recommend!
- (2023-03-14) Federico Samá: Top Extension for ChatGPT !!!
- (2023-03-10) M.Bilal Nawaz: Highly Recommended
- (2023-03-09) wael ahmed: good work
- (2023-03-01) 哗啦啦: 很好用!作者对于feedback回应的也非常及时!
- (2023-02-26) Elliott: It works great and the developer really does listen to your feedback. A great upgrade if you use Open AI alot.
4.8724 (196 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-30 / 2024.12.10
Listing languages