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Translator Google, translate words, translate phrases. Full page translator and dictionary, text to speech (TTS). Select to…
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Description from store
Right click on the word or phrase to translate using the Google Translator. Online translation
With this extension, you can quickly translate words on the web page you are viewing using a Google translator.
To do this, just right-click on the text or word you need and click on "Simple Translator" next to it. In a new tab, you will see the result.
You can also set your language in the extension settings. The translator will determine the language of the site where you are located.
You can translate between the following languages
Microsoft Translator is a free, personal translation app for more than 70 languages, to translate text, voice, conversations, camera photos and screenshots. You can also download languages for offline translation for free to use when you travel.
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Privacy policy:
Use the Chrome "Web Translator" extension at your own risk. Warranty not available.
The author is not responsible for any damage or loss of data caused by the use of this extension.
Using "Web Translator" means that you agree to these terms.
Convenient translator with two options: translate the text using double click to the word during the reading or copy and paste a big part of text to the popup of extension.
Beautiful design of the extension allows you simply navigate across its functionality and choose the best color theme for you.
Read text fast with understanding every foreign word, because you can translate the full page at once using button in the context menu or in the popup of extension.
Click to Translate also remembers the history of languages that you use and choose for the extension, so you don't need to choose it every time. Just add to the quick menu favourites.
Denial of responsibility:
The Chrome extension "Web Translator" has no relation to the popular site
All copyrights belong to their respective owners. Google does not support or sponsor this Chrome extension. This Chrome extension is not owned, licensed, or a subsidiary of Google Inc.
All copyrights belong to their owners.
Translate best and easiest way to quickly translate part of the content that you need, such as words, phrases, or even menu items.
Translate words and phrases while browsing the web, using Google Translate. Translate while you read and write with Quick Translate, the world's most accurate translator.
With this translator, you can enjoy Google translate unbeatable translation quality without leaving your browser.
Translate while reading
Learn a language by reading whatever you like. Translate words & phrases live on any web page. Click words or phrases on any site to translate them.
Download Quick Translate for Chrome for free to start translating today.
We offer you the best and easiest way to quickly translate part of the content that you need, such as words, phrases, or even menu items.
Highlight the word or text you want to translate and you will immediately see the translation into your language. All in one simple and understandable browser extension.
Do you want to write the text yourself and translate it? Just open the window uLanguage by clicking on the button next to the address field of your browser.
Simple translator. Translate select text from websites.
Translate It app translates texts, words from any web page into your language. Easy translator and dictionary.
How it works? Translate translator
1. Install Translator the extension from the Chrome Web store.
2. Go to the document or to the page where you want to translate
some text. Translate
3. Select text you need and translate it.
4. Get your translation. Translate Translate
👉 Translate words and sentences
👉 Speak and translate text
👉 Listen to translated text
👉 Easily copy and paste text
👉 Share translate text with your friends
👉 Detailed history
👉 Simple and attractive user interface
👉 Free Translator with speech
👉 Free Translate different language
👉 Completely free and faster
👉 Best word translation app
👉 Translate more than 100 language
👉 Copy and delete text with one click with translator
Voice Translator:
The main function of free language translator application is voice translator.
Just speak and translate all your words easily in the selected language. Speak at once and translate it multiple time in different languages. Press on the voice button and hold it on and speak words that you want to translate and your words will be translated in your desired language easily. Translate free is the best language translator by voice application. Translate text with this translator or web translate tool, переводчик для хром браузера.
Translate: translator
Translator will always help you to understand foreign texts on any website and even in PDF documents! Do not worry about unknown words! Just one click and the language barrier is broken. Select a word and it will automatically identify the relevant expressions in your text. Select a sentence or paragraph and get its translation on the page itself, instantly. Listen to pronunciation and discover real-life examples of usage.
Inline Translator translates selected text sentence-by-sentence, and inserts the translation into the webpage preserving the original formatting.
HOW TO LAUNCH Translator
* click Translator button on the Chrome toolbar
* use the context menu Translator, then choose preferred translation application
By incorporating Google Translate into your browsing experience, you're embracing an extension that is much more than just an online translator. It's a dictionary, a multi languages translator, an accurate translate tool, and above all, it's your bridge to understanding and interacting with the limitless content on the web.
Google Translate, Translate, Translator, Bing Translate, Language translating, Translation, Dictionary, Accurate Translate, Translate Tool, Multi languages translator, Page Translator, Web Translate, Online Translator, Online Translation, Translation tool, Language translator, Text-to-speech, Full-page translation, Translation history, Grammar check translation, Translation app, Document translation, Grammar checker.
Google překladač, Překládat, Překladač, Bing překladač, Překládání jazyků, Překlad, Slovník, Přesný Překlad, Nástroj pro překlad, Překladač více jazyků, Překladač stránek, Webový Překlad, Online Překladač, Online Překlad, Nástroj pro překlad, Jazykový překladač, Text na řeč, Překlad celé stránky, Historie překladů, Kontrola pravopisu při překladu, Aplikace pro překlad, Překlad dokumentů.
Google Translate, Oversæt, Oversætter, Bing Oversæt, Sprogoversættelse, Oversættelse, Ordbog, Nøjagtig Oversættelse, Oversættelsesværktøj, Flersproget oversætter, Sideoversætter, Web Oversættelse, Online Oversætter, Online Oversættelse, Oversættelsesværktøj, Sprogoversætter, Tekst-til-tale, Fuldsideoversættelse, Oversættelseshistorik, Grammatik tjek oversættelse, Oversættelsesapp, Dokumentoversættelse.
Google translate, Traduire, Traducteur, Bing translate, Traduction de langues, Traduction, Dictionnaire, Traduction précise, Outil de traduction, Traducteur multilingue, Traducteur de page, Traduction Web, Traducteur en ligne, Traduction en ligne, Outil de traduction, Traducteur de langue, Texte à parole, Traduction de page complète, Historique de traduction, Vérification de grammaire dans la traduction, Application de traduction, Traduction de document.
Google Übersetzer, Übersetzen, Übersetzer, Bing Übersetzer, Sprachen übersetzen, Übersetzung, Wörterbuch, Genau Übersetzen, Übersetzungswerkzeug, Mehrsprachen Übersetzer, Seitenübersetzer, Web Übersetzung, Online Übersetzer, Online Übersetzung, Übersetzungswerkzeug, Sprachübersetzer, Text-zu-Sprache, Ganzseitige Übersetzung, Übersetzungshistorie, Grammatikprüfung Übersetzung, Übersetzungsapp, Dokumentenübersetzung.
Google translate, Tradurre, Traduttore, Bing translate, Traduzione di lingue, Traduzione, Dizionario, Traduzione accurata, Strumento di traduzione, Traduttore multilingue, Traduttore di pagine, Traduzione web, Traduttore online, Traduzione online, Strumento di traduzione, Traduttore di lingue, Text-to-speech, Traduzione di pagine intere, Cronologia delle traduzioni, Controllo grammaticale della traduzione, App di traduzione, Traduzione di documenti.
Google translate, Tłumacz, Tłumaczenie, Bing translate, Tłumaczenie języków, Przekład, Słownik, Dokładne tłumaczenie, Narzędzie do tłumaczenia, Tłumacz wielojęzyczny, Tłumacz stron, Tłumaczenie stron internetowych, Tłumacz online, Tłumaczenie online, Narzędzie do tłumaczenia, Tłumacz językowy, Tekst na mowę, Tłumaczenie całej strony, Historia tłumaczeń, Sprawdzanie gramatyki w tłumaczeniu, Aplikacja do tłumaczenia, Tłumaczenie dokumentów.
Google Tradutor, Traduzir, Tradutor, Bing Tradutor, Tradução de idiomas, Tradução, Dicionário, Tradução precisa, Ferramenta de tradução, Tradutor de vários idiomas, Tradutor de página, Tradução na web, Tradutor online, Tradução online, Ferramenta de tradução, Tradutor de idiomas, Texto-para-fala, Tradução de página inteira, Histórico de tradução, Verificação gramatical de tradução, Aplicativo de tradução, Tradução de documentos.
Google Translate, Traducir, Traductor, Bing Translate, Traducción de idiomas, Traducción, Diccionario, Traducción precisa, Herramienta de traducción, Traductor de varios idiomas, Traductor de página, Traducción web, Traductor en línea, Traducción en línea, Herramienta de traducción, Traductor de idiomas, Texto a voz, Traducción de página completa, Historial de traducción, Verificación gramatical de traducción, Aplicación de traducción, Traducción de documentos.
Select the text and:
* click Translator extension button on the Chrome toolbar to run Translator standalone application.
* click Translator floating button to run Pop-up Bubble Translator.
* use the context menu Translator, then select Inline Translator.
* Translate Inline translator can be run on mouse selection from the context menu, or shortcut.
* Insert translation after or before the selected text.
* Translate can replace the original text.
* Translate the original page formatting.
* Translate translation in brackets or without.
* Translate translation for better visibility by using the line break option.
* Control of the text selection by observing the word boundaries.
* Select color of the translated text.
* Clear inserted translation and restore original page formatting.
* Auto language detection of the source text.
* Translate Words translation using the built-in dictionary.
* Translation history.
* Translate customization.
Translator FEATURES:
* translation between over 100 languages
* multiple translation providers (Google, Microsoft Bing, Translator)
* words translation with Dictionary
* translation history
* translation of the entire webpage with mouseover translation option
* text-to-voice in 30 languages
* automatic language detection
* back translation
* translation languages customization
* shortcuts customization
* complete customization of each translation tool
* Toolbar button customization
* possibility to disable multiple translation providers
* Google Translate preferred domain selection
* localization of the user interface
* нажмите кнопку «Переводчик» на панели инструментов Chrome.
* Переводчик или Translator, translate воспользуйтесь контекстным меню «Переводчик», затем выберите предпочтительное приложение для перевода.
Выделите текст и:
* нажмите кнопку «Расширение переводчика» на панели инструментов Chrome, чтобы запустить автономное приложение «Переводчик».
* нажмите плавающую кнопку «Переводчик», чтобы запустить «Переводчик всплывающих пузырьков».
* воспользуйтесь контекстным меню «Переводчик», затем выберите «Встроенный переводчик». Переводчик для Хрома
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-27) mfdtwn1: Excellent. Very easy to use!
- (2024-01-25) Владислав Лещенко: ок
- (2024-01-24) Brithany Trelles: muy bueno
- (2024-01-23) Mark Pedraja: They said I need to write review before use so I did :D
- (2024-01-16) OP L: ok
- (2024-01-10) Serimo: nice
- (2024-01-05) JG Kim: 아주 좋아요
- (2024-01-04) 남철우: good
- (2023-12-24) Jkl Lkj: Face best time
- (2023-12-24) 티이버어: good
- (2023-12-22) Sasicha Otaka: I just add this, and I will try using it. I think it is likely good one for me.
- (2023-12-17) Anh Thu Huynh: I can't use it.
- (2023-12-13) ywk kim: 아직 미사용
- (2023-12-12) FOX HOUND: NO WAY
- (2023-12-11) bocanegra anna: Goooood
- (2023-12-08) adwql sx: great?
- (2023-12-05) Sophia Mugrabi: good
- (2023-12-04) 이준범: good
- (2023-12-03) 송성근: good
- (2023-12-02) Manuel Violante del Toro: Cuando la pruebe mejora la calificación
- (2023-12-01) Familia Rojas: aaa
- (2023-12-01) Muhammad Furqan: great
- (2023-11-30) Андрій Вакуленко: провереп
- (2023-11-30) Ilya emirali: i have to rate to use
- (2023-11-30) 융합에너지시스템공학부 /남궁지현: well where am i using this translator?
- (2023-11-30) Saurabh Jaiswal: not bad
- (2023-11-27) xin liao: ???
- (2023-11-26) 董晨阳: not bad
- (2023-11-26) Sima Rasuli: Why you made such a system that without using rating I cannot use it. If I did not use it yet, How can I rate it?
- (2023-11-25) Kate Briggs: I love it
- (2023-11-25) shgby _: good
- (2023-11-24) Frederic FALCAO: I can't uis without rate. So just 1 star !!
- (2023-11-17) gdhgjh mkmk: جميل
- (2023-11-17) 润章: 好
- (2023-11-14) sebastien breugnot: Great app and very easy to use...
- (2023-11-14) MEHMET ÖGTEM: Without it i feel, i am finished.
- (2023-11-11) Pandora: It's work for each word, but not really in the sentence
- (2023-11-11) Al-Ronin: NICE
- (2023-11-10) Illia Hrytsenko: super
- (2023-11-10) Efe Yener: Instant option its very NICE..
- (2023-11-06) Charlotte PONCEL: will be more helpful if it does 2 way translate
- (2023-11-06) mawar merah: good
- (2023-11-05) kevin souchet hoebeke: I use extensively and love using it very much
- (2023-11-05) Jean-Yves DEMARET: Very good. I use it often.
- (2023-11-04) Rashid Malik: very helpful. love it
- (2023-11-04) gain Oli: it's so helpful and i love it
- (2023-11-04) Jose Eduardo Toniolli: this is best when you active immediately display popup
- (2023-11-03) Mel Tyler: Very good if you want to translate something to your native language. Realy easy and wors realy well
- (2023-11-03) Logistica Ecoamb: Very handy extension! After installing refreshing the page is necessary.
- (2023-11-02) Sai watashi: дно сс.ное