Description from extension meta
Virtual Green Screens, Blur, Pixelate, 3D Filters and More!
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Description from store
This extension allows you to apply effects like Blur, Pixelate and Inverse to your camera live during Google Meets. And you can use the Virtual Green Screen feature to hide that messy background and add custom virtual backgrounds!
Features / Effects:
AR Halo | AR Sunglasses | Random Donation | Rainbow | Soft Blur | Insane | 3D Movie | Virtual Green Screen | Blur Background | Flip | Bubbles | Cube | Screen Text | Freeze | Contrast | Inverse | Pixelate | Blur | Green Screen
PRIVACY POLICY: This extension will never save or collect any personally identifiable data.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-05) Kris Soumas: It's super fun. makes my google meetings a little more silly
- (2023-05-12) aub: DO NOT INSTALL this is a scam. it doesnt work and it has access to all of your information. please stay safe.
- (2023-05-11) 조영경: This is god
- (2023-03-24) David Monroe: Does not work at all with current version of Chrome
- (2023-02-04) Irine: Didn't work, was really disapointed. :(
- (2023-01-13) Alexis Martinez: Does this work for Zoom??
- (2023-01-12) siddharth baijal: did not work
- (2023-01-02) Pu Jing Leung: Bubble and cube don't work
- (2022-12-11) Yiming Pan: The plugin doesn't work on the latest chrome. The camera always shows "Plugins being installed", I have been wait it for 30 mins!
- (2022-11-16) Fuentes Ruiz Yereyi: no funciona
- (2022-10-19) Carolina M Marinho: ELE FUNCIONAVA MAS DO NADA PAROU
- (2022-10-17) Timofiy Kratko: як включити?
- (2022-09-06) Benjamin Matson: This is malware. Remove the extension and do not look back.
- (2022-08-22) Yanis Adamache: molto bella
- (2022-08-18) Ma.Annibeth Guillermo: Please fix the green screen. There are some lags. This extension is almost perfect!
- (2022-06-30) valentino “Fred” capellini: No funciona la probe en una meet y nada, no me aparecio nada, no sirve
- (2022-05-31) KevinC Blad: No se si es solo a mi pero la extencion apaga mi camara ,esto ocurre cuando cambio de la pestaña de la reunion a otra y de nuevo se enciende al volver a meet. antes esto no pasaba y me parecia una exelente extención. I don't know if it's just me but the extension turns off my camera, this happens when I change from the meeting tab to another and it turns on again when I go back to meet. before this did not happen and it seemed like an excellent extension.
- (2022-05-24) ur literal mom: It was great and all but the effects slowly started not working like my bubbles,cube graduate and sunglasses and the golden thing ( I FORGOT) and the insane and greenscreen worked fine but were super laggy when i put it but freeze has been the best because i was able to freeze myself and convince ppl im there. Pretty good and if theres issues with finding the bar click the puzzle piece then click the visual effects icon then turn your camera off and on. Good luck in solving your problems
- (2022-05-02) michele iannantuono: a me alcuni effetti non andavano
- (2022-05-02) Mahmoud Safa: IT DOESNT SHOW ANYTHING
- (2022-04-20) Anika A: Very awesome, but if you switch to another tab, the camera gets frozen!!! PLEASE FIX THIS!!
- (2022-04-05) Ba Hung Pham: saif char duocwj
- (2022-03-23) 11 ferdinand v1: why does it take so long for the plugins to be installed, I waited and nothing happened
- (2022-03-22) Ben Dover: its a pretty fun extension to have more fun in google meet but i think you should remove the freeze function, this is because the freeze filter encourages students to cheat and that would detriment their overall grades and knowledge. teachers are also getting smarter and can easily figure out if you are using an extension because even if your wifi is trash, your video wont be 0fps. in conclusion, i hope you remove the freeze function from this extension to make students actually study and learn. (4 stars because of the freeze filter)
- (2022-03-16) Bayron Alexander Chávez Carrillo: muy buena app me ayudo mucho en algunos momentos
- (2022-03-13) Валентин Чебан: Очень крутое разширение, сильно помогает в школе и на работе.
- (2022-03-11) TheBrownBear 88: It chose the wrong webcam and I couldn't change it
- (2022-03-08) Not Alive: Ótimo! Sempre que tenho que esqueço de fazer minha lição de casa eu fingo que trava e saio da chamada! Obrigado! Rafael 9° Ano V
- (2022-03-07) everytime I put on a filter about 8/10 of them just freeze my screen and it takes 10 minutes for the app to load very glitchy don't recommend.
- (2022-02-24) thịnh quang: ko làm dc
- (2022-02-17) OMEGA: Hermosa la verdad es la cosa mas util del mundo munidal
- (2022-02-14) Carlos Mamede Marquez: gente se não ligar a câmera sai e entra de câmera fechada e quando entrar liga a câmera
- (2022-02-12) Drayye: Freeze was not working. In my perspective, I was frozen. But for other's perspective, my camera was off. But overall, others is working very well
- (2022-02-10) valerieee.: I downloaded this because my friend made me and it was super fun.. but everytime I close my camera it always says my camera is still on.. is there something going on??
- (2022-02-07) Not Adrian_: The extension is okay, good variety to choose from. Though it makes my computer run slow and the camera always turns on and off when you have the extension on and are using a filter. I don't recommend if you're forced to have the camera on.
- (2022-02-07) Miguel Artur: trava muito mais ate que to conseguindo usar
- (2022-02-07) Dickson: unfortunately it didnt work, didn't show up in google eets
- (2022-02-07) 18-Tô An Khang: má tải xong lúc hiện thanh công cụ lúc không lúc thì hiện mà bấm open mà nó không hiện nên cho ứng dụng này 1xao
- (2022-02-02) Strigoiu Dumitru: is amazing
- (2022-02-01) Živilė Blažė: It doesnt work anymore my meet just says that i am using extesions and they can harm the quality
- (2022-02-01) Moon Eyes Little Hands: Loved it but... Some effects that used to work (Last year ex.) Don't anymore such as square and bubble. Otherwise I loved it, I used it for my online classes (In google meets.) last year!
- (2022-01-31) Pogodynka Rafał: Najlepsza aplikacja, rozpikselowuję obraz,daję napis ,,Błąd Internetu"i na końcu się zamrażam polecam bardzo serdeczn
- (2022-01-30) Erical c1: it was great and worked fine with me, had many more features than competing extensions
- (2022-01-28) Federica Lacalamita: dopo l'aggiornamento non appaiono più gli effetti, per il resto prima era perfetta!
- (2022-01-27) Antonina Barbacini: molto bello, utile a divertirsi anche in chiamata, il problema e che a me non compare sempre e non so come risolvere
- (2022-01-25) Bogdan Dicusară: nu merge din 2022
- (2022-01-24) Sofia Hernandez: me gustaba mucho esta aplicación...... pero tristemente dejo de fncionar cuando editaron el google meet 😔 espero que vuelva a funcionar 🥺
- (2022-01-20) Philip Feith: its amazing but how do i add a file for green screen on Macbook pro?
- (2022-01-19) Valerio Cuscela: ragazzi ho fatto delle ricerche e ho visto che basta solo spegnere e riaccendere la fotocamera se non mi credete andate nel sito
- (2022-01-18) Соняс Малявко: какое то время было вообще не рабочее, но уже всё работает) спасибо за такую работу, могу бесться на уроках