extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Run, Jump, Attack, (Die), Repeat! A 2D Local Multiplayer PVP with various maps, characters, and game modes.

Image from store Duelist!
Description from store Duelist! is a Single or Multiplayer 2D Platformer Fighting game where you can fight as unique characters including Assassin, Hunter, Knight, and more. You can play against your friends in 1v1 Mode or Obliteration Mode, or play together (or by yourself) in Survival Mode. The game is in the Alpha stage, and it will be receiving updates in the future. ## Game Modes **1V1** Compete in 1v1 matches against your friends! Select your favourite character and fight! Defeat your opponent first or knock them off the map before the timer runs out! **SURVIVAL** Play by yourself or with a friend as you beat wave after wave of enemies. Get health packs to heal yourself up, before facing a Giant Zombie Boss! Either play up to 10 handcrafted rounds, or continue to Endless mode! **OBLITERATION** (Coming soon!) Just like 1v1, but with a twist! Win the game by getting more points than your opponent. Earn points by damaging your opponent, but be quick! After a small amount of time, your points will start ticking down. Don't reach zero points! # Changelog Home for every change made in Duelist! ## [0.5.0] - 2025-02-23 ### Added - New tips - SURVIVAL MODE EEEEEEEE (Survival mode includes handcrafted rounds from 1 to 10, and an optional endless mode after round 10) - Added random selection for map and characters - lore ### Changed - Migrated engine to use ECS architecture (engine has completely changed) - Landmine now activates faster (500ms --> 250ms) - Assassin is now invincible during dash - credits popup now points to credits.txt file - Each bomb throw from Bomber requires the player to press [ACCEPT] key again - Made hit flash more obvious - Air resistance is now factored into entity deceleration, this is most obvious when characters are knocked back - Make tutorial clearer - Abilities can only be activated when the player is not attacking - Character speeds have changed a little bit - Map Select and Character Select screens perform better and also have a nice little animation :o ### Fixed - Viking ability's cancelling feature now works properly - Game physics and game speed is now consistent - Fixed incorrect collision box on dungeon map - May have fixed issues with characters or weapons not going back to idle position - Option menu issues ### Issues - Game will appear to stutter when rendered at a refresh rate higher than 60 ## [0.4.4] - 2024-04-18 ### Added - New tips - New character! BOMBER (very high skill, landmine special) ### Changed - Buttons with images now have an animation when clicking - Slightly tweaked the stat bar UI - Extended the bottom platforms on the forest map slightly - Tweaked hell map graphics ### Removed - Title glow animation as it was causing performance issues ## [0.4.3] - 2024-03-05 ### Changed - Hunter's boomerang can now travel through line blocks (fall-through blocks) - Tweaked cloud map appearance - Made dungeon map brighter - Tweaked forest map appearance - Tweaked slightly shipwreck map appearance and platform layout ### Fixed - The fixed update value option now saves - Dash, Boomerang Throw and Cyclone abilities properly charge Knight's ability bar - Disabling the intro animation now goes to the start screen rather than menu ## [0.4.2] - 2024-01-26 ### Added - Option to set your fix your FPS (you should set it to your monitor refresh rate) - KEYBINDS OMG - INTRO ANIMATION VIDEO :OOOOO (credit: Jason A) - START SCREEN ANIMATION :OOOOO - New map: Forest - New map: Shipwreck ### Changed - Increased assassin dash range by half a tile - Assassin is now invulnerable when he is dashing (can still die to lava and falling off map) - Increased Assassin's damage by 1 (12 --> 13) - Increased every character's hit interval slightly - Knight's ability now charges based on the amount of damage it deals and receives - Simplified map names - Unified colour definitions - Changed game icon - Slightly changed selector UI - Updated News and Help text ### Fixed - Canceling viking's ability during charge does not completely reset ability cooldown timer - Knight's health does not become decimals after activating shield - Viking's ability does not evade death when falling off a map - Game actually ends when game timer ends - Weapon hitbox offsets now work correctly ## [0.4.1] - 2023-10-31 ### Added - music and sfx!! ### Changed - slightly increased the match over popup time - changed pause button icon - changed a tip - reworked asset loading system (more efficient) ## [0.4.0] - 2023-10-26 #### BIG update!! ### Added - Map skins! - Mouse support! ### Changed - The whole codebase lol - Reworked game state system - Reworked camera (it can now zoom in and out accordingly) - New UI! - Maps have changed slightly - Physics has changed slightly - Character balancing - Ability reworks to some characters - Tweaked knockback mechanic - Warrior is now called Knight ### Removed - Grand Stairway and Flatness maps (they will be added in the future under a different name) - Survival and Obliteration game modes (will be added in the future as well) ## [0.3.3] - 2022-12-15 ### Added - help tips appear on the home page ### Fixed - kills now acumulates when killing zombies with abilities ## [0.3.2] - 2022-11-28 ### Added - added a slight shadow to the duelist menu - added a controls tutorial popup before game - added a "choosing..." text above character in character select - added pause text in the top-right corner of the game ### Fixed - when game is a tie the heading text shows correct colour - ready state during selection correctly resets when going back to another page - playing again in survival fades into white rather than black to conform to the rest of the transition colours - code fixes ## [0.3.1] - 2022-11-17 ### Added - keybind support (:p) - warning screen after loading screen (can turn off in options) - player 2 controls can now navigate and select menus - enter is now a substitute for space - shadows under certain UI elements ### Changed - changed background colour animation - reduced minimum loading time at the start of the game - changed pause keybind to "p" - restyled the game over heading text ### Fixed - code fixes - background animation does not speed up when on high frames per second - added missing text in the middle of the action bar in the About page - OK key now registers in the submenus in the Help and About pages - game will not crash if localStorage options and game options are different ### Removed - removed "(un)" prefix from actions bar - removed preview function in game over ## [] - 2022-09-29 ### Changed - tweaked boomerang animation - changed health pack image - changed lava images ### Fixed - fixed ramp grass colour ### Removed - unused images ## [] - 2022-09-19 ### Changed - background image - hunter boomerang - warrior shield - colour of blocks ## [0.3.0] - 2022-09-16 ### Added - option to disable background (found that rendering background caused significant lag with the new graphics system) - added FPS counter - added option to manually set an FPS value - added a kill counter to survival mode - added a help section for troubleshooting the game (e.g. inconsistent game speed or laggy game) - added a "future directions" page in about (about is now split into sections) - added license ### Changed - tweaked stat bar appearance - tweaked menu background - changed look of characters and weapons - changed look of blocks - nerfed attack range on all playable characters - tweaked some image positions - tweaked zombie ai - tweaked zombie attack hitbox - map rendering system now supports custom image properties to specific blocks - tweaked game physics to account for FPS (still experimental) - decreased hunter skewer limit by 1 - decreased viking skewer limit by 1 - decreased hunter range - decreased height of top lava block - changed font colour slightly ### Fixed - fixed blurriness (:D finally!) - fixed font (hooray) - fixed ramp noclip bug (:o) - fixed negative health of warrior - fixed name spelling in credits ### Removed - removed the stat counters in survival mode - removed large stat bar setting ## [] - 2022-07-05 ### Added - added action/control bar on the loading screen - added a help text on the loading screen ### Changed - changed start loading screen - changed "preview" button to Enter rather than G ## [] - 2022-06-05 ### Changed - renamed "thick stat bars" to "large stat bars" :o - added version number to about page - made default selection for canvas resize setting "quality" ## [] - 2022-04-30 ### Changed - changed player 2 controls to right bracket and backslash (], \) ## [0.2.0] - 2022-04-22 #### (BIG) update to ALPHA version! ### Added - spike image (hooray for Charlie) - added new stat bar appearance option (tell me if it looks better) - added new obliteration map ### Changed - changed player 2 ok/cancel keybinds to period and comma (need feedback on this!) - decreased ability charge times (better gameplay) - decreased stun time (assassin can be countered now) - decreased maximum wave number in survival from 5 to 4 (5 rounds is too tedious) - made viking invincible when doing ability (pretty O.P. in survival now) - changed health pack logic - nerfed viking ability distance - improved codebase (so much cleaner) - increased skewer limit of madman by 1. It is now 3, so it is playable in survival :) - (may) have changed knockback behaviour (slight difference, probably will not notice) - changed zombie health bar colour slightly ### Fixed - madman now appears in obliteration (hooray) - viking ability now works as normal in obliteration - updated "About" page (Suni T, Robert T) - fixed ramps (though there are still a few minor bugs) - fixed players not spawning after round 20 in survival (thanks to neel) ## [0.1.2] - 2022-03-14 ### Added - madman image and hammer image ### Changed - new obliteration mode - increased hunter damage to 20 - slightly changed healthpack logic - slightly decreased madman range - slightly increased madman damage - made ability timers carry in obliteration - viking ability is cyclone - decreased spike damage from 7 to 5 - tweaked Flatness map - decreased 1v1 game time ### Fixed - fixed survival round visual - fixed hit sound not working when hitbox is touching a block - hunter boomerang knockback works as intended - fixed obliteration music not playing again when selecting "restart" - fixed game crashing when playing on extension - fixed incorrect wave number and zombie number in survival when restarting - fixed button sound not playing in character selection ## [0.1.1] - 2022-03-01 ### Added - new music for obliteration (credit: Robert Tilley) ### Changed - changed obliteration to (kind of) sync with the music - decreased hunters main attack damage - decreased stun time - decreased hit sound volume - changed auto canvas resize setting - decreased hunter damage - decreased hunter knockback - increased hunter's boomerang damage ### Fixed - improved survival ## [0.1.0] - 2022-02-23 ### Added - stun effect (when player gets hit, user input is disabled for a tiny bit) ### Changed - boomerang image ### Fixed - spikes now do not penetrate warrior's shield ## [0.0.5] - fixed bug where zombies could not hit player ## [0.0.4] - Added version number at top-right of screen - made madman ability bar render on game over scene - made game slower - fixed bug where attack collision is checked only on first frame - made armed zombie have less health - slightly optimised performance on hit sound - slightly increased jump knockback - slightly adjusted weapon hitboxes - slightly decreased viking attack hitbox size and image - increased health pack appearance time from 20 seconds to 30 ## [0.0.3] - Removed "W.I.P" text from madman rage - reprogrammed key controls - added spike block - decreased madman skewer limit from 3 to 2 - tweaked survival map - put madman's special into survival mode - improved map collision detection - decreased normal zombie base health from 40 to 20 - decreased normal zombie base damage from 2 to 1 - increased normal zombie base speed from 0.8-1 to 1-1.2 - slightly decreased normal zombie hitbox width - decreased boss zombie base damage from 20 to 15 - decreased boss zombie base hp from 200 to 150 - made assassin invincible when dashing - decreased health buff of zombies from 5 to 4 - added armedZombie - fixed issue where holding jump button when player is in a 1 or 2 block high space causes player to jump repeatedly ## [0.0.2] - changed hitbox rendering and positioning - changed weapon image sizes and positioning - added hitbox for spike block (W.I.P) - changed map "Flatness" - fixed autoplay issue (added a "click to play" before game starts) - changed all "null" function parameters to "undefined" - fixed game crashing when finishing round 3 ## [0.0.1] - created game

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-29) Jeffrey Agustia: He's so hot bro
  • (2022-11-13) Nicole Zhang: WOW THIS IS SUCH A FUN GAME, I PLAYED THE WHOLE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO ADDICTED!
  • (2022-11-10) Lucas hi: nice game
  • (2022-11-09) Swan8johnji8 Swar: A very enjoyable game, needs more attention!
  • (2022-11-08) Phillip Milton: Very nice brah
  • (2022-11-07) Clinton Wang: Pog game
  • (2022-11-07) clinton wang: Very good game with huge potential that requires some reworking to become better
  • (2022-11-07) Isaac R: cured my cancer
  • (2022-11-07) Family Junk: best game since minecraft 1000000000/10
  • (2022-11-07) Sue Ni Tung: Very epic game
  • (2022-11-07) Charlie du: best game for bored kids


4,000 history
5.0 (25 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-24 / 0.5.0
Listing languages
