Additional calculations made simple for analyzing options contracts using Yahoo Finance options chain tables.
The Options Engine extension automatically calculates additional relevant information to supplement the Yahoo Finance options chain tables. Save time and energy analyzing options trades using the Options Engine auto calculations. For instance, for each row in the options chain, Options Engine calculates the difference between the current stock price and the strike price, highlights in green the rows that are interesting to options sellers based on that calculation, calculates the seller income percentage based on the average of the option contract prices as a percentage of the stock and strike prices separately, and more coming soon. Also, we add little features that reduce scrolling and clicking for your convenience. For instance, we put the current price in the browser's tab so that you can see it no matter where you scroll. The extension is for Yahoo Finance options pages like this one: We do not provide financial advice. You should do your own independent research and analysis and seek the advice of professional financial advisors before buying or selling any securities, including stocks and options.