Description from extension meta
CineLens, Your Netflix streaming assistant.
Image from store
Description from store
Update Dec'23: CineLens is working again 🎉🎉
Stop scratching your head wondering, “Who is that actor?” or “Which is that song?”. CineLens helps you learn more about your favourite actors, movies and TV shows on Netflix.
Get cast, songs, trivia and more about your favourite TV Shows & Movies on Netflix without pressing pause to check your phone, without disrupting the viewing experience.
You can play songs on the Netflix itself..
Clicking on any title will reveal information about that movie or series including ratings, cast, descriptions and trailers.
Permission required
- Netflix : To update the CineLens view on Netflix
- IMDb: To show image gallery in CineLens view
- Google: To show rating & streaming info
- YouTube: To show trailers & songs
- TuneFind: To show songs in CineLens view
- JustWatch - To show available streaming platforms
- Fix trivia and songs panel
- Hide Songs & Trivia tab if info not available
- Open Trivia tab at the end of episode on Netflix
- Fix CineLens text overlap with "issue" icon
- Fix IMDb trivia not coming for some titles in CineLens view
- Add trivia list for the particular episode or movie
- Add YouTube player for trailers on CineLens screen
- Add ratings from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Google for 'Other Works' on CineLens screen
- Add YouTube player for songs on CineLens screen
- Add songs list for the particular episode or movie user is watching
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-11) Alberto C.: It's not working right now :(
- (2022-12-26) Matthew Saunders: No longer works on Chrome, sadly.
- (2022-12-17) Robert Champagne: Was good and I used it constantly. Stopped working about 2 months ago. I'm on Chrome (obviously) and it doesn't show on Netflix or Disney+ anymore.
- (2022-08-13) Vaughn Johnson: Was great until it stopped working for Netflix but it works for Hulu.
- (2022-08-05) J “TheSHEEEP” D: Unfortunately doesn't work (any more) Using Chrome Version 104.0.5112.79 (Official Build) (64-bit). While watching a movie on Netflix, no Lens text appears anymore that could be clicked on.
- (2022-07-19) Vincenzo Evangelista: It doesn't work
- (2022-06-17) Nigam Bhattarai: It was good until it stopped working recently.
- (2022-04-20) Andreas de Wilt: Did anyone test this extension lately? Can't seem to get it appear in the right corner...
- (2021-09-18) Tuấn Đạt Đỗ: Omg I really love this extension
- (2021-09-17) Eldad Izhaky: Most useful chrome extension I have other than AdBlocker. Simply amazing!
- (2021-09-15) Emma Tolkin: This is FANTASTIC. I thought Amazon's x-ray feature was good until I tried Lens. More features, cleaner UI, all around excellent. I love the attention to detail (for example, the trivia panel hides spoilers until you click to reveal). 10/10!!!
- (2021-09-09) Serge Kuznetsov: I'm amazed something like this wasn't made sooner considering how simple but game changing it is. I'm a chronic imdb scanner, so being able to have the cast without googling it is great.
- (2021-09-04) Marianne Molleur: Netflix has needed this for a long time. Very nice.
- (2021-09-04) Hamad Khalifa Almuhairi: one of the most useful extensions i ever downloaded
- (2021-09-04) Souleyman ComptePro: very nice
- (2021-09-03) Mel Stein: Fantastic idea to add this to Netflix. Great extension!
- (2021-08-27) Jeffrey Meyer: Amazing extension. Works like a charm, and gives you a great experience!! I also installed it in Opera using the "Install Chrome Extensions" extension from the Opera Add-ons. It still works like a charm.
- (2021-08-07) nameless identity: Didn't realize Netflix lacks this functionality. Should be built in.
- (2021-04-02) Molly Levitt: This is amazing! I've been using it for a few weeks now and I haven't had any problems, and it loads super quickly and doesn't slow down Netflix at all, which was what I was worried about when downloading this. When you click on an actor you can see other stuff they've been in too. I'm a compulsive Googler when I watch shows and movies, so this makes my experience so much better.
- (2021-03-30) Pronnoy Choudhury: A much needed extension! Helped me find a lot of good songs used in shows
- (2021-03-23) Nail Board: It's about dang time someone made an x-ray extension for Netflix, well done. 10/10
- (2021-03-23) caspar morgan: great idea and very nice icon
- (2021-03-18) Justin Fernandez: Amazing extension. I was hoping someone would make something like it and this person did!
- (2021-03-18) Gracie .-.: This should already be a thing in netflix! This is so helpful and amazing! You HAVE to get it! <3
- (2021-03-16) Aayusha Dhakal: loved this.
- (2021-03-12) Liam Miller: Really well made, and something I'd like to see added to future sites ASAP. Full of information that is helpful but easy enough to navigate through. 10/10.
- (2021-03-10) Valibomba: Clean and practical. Really useful and definitely promising basis for the future
- (2021-03-10) Thomas Haumann: X-ray on Netflix - Finally Thank you for a great extension, it is what I needed for a full netflix experience
- (2021-03-09) Emre Özdiyar: I think this is a nice feature and must Netflix official :
- (2021-03-01) Arman Modak: Brilliant extension. 10/10 would recommend, it is just like Prime Video's x-ray but for Netflix. I think Netflix should hire you to fully implement it, good job man
- (2021-03-01) Christian Walker: This extension is amazing! Ever notice how Amazon Prime gives you info on the actors, crew, what else they have been involved in, etc? Well this extension does all that for Netflix and more! I can't recommend it more. You can see the actors other works, trailers, synopsis, and even an image gallery! It has made my Netflix experience 100% better. 10/10 a must have!
- (2021-01-21) Peter and Bridget Chambers: Great feature! Even works on Edge
- (2020-07-21) Neeraj Sharma: This is awesome! Much needed feature!
- (2020-07-11) Vinit Agarwal: Wow! This is a great feature.