extension ExtPose

Bookmanize - Gestionnaire de signets avancé

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Description from extension meta

Le gestionnaire de signets avancé offre le marquage, le tri instantané et la filtrage parmi tous les signets dans une vue…

Image from store Bookmanize - Gestionnaire de signets avancé
Description from store Gestionnaire de signets avec une interface utilisateur épurée où tous les signets peuvent être facilement consultés dans une vue complète avec balisage, tri instantané et filtrage. Organisez vos signets avec des balises personnalisées et naviguez rapidement entre eux. Nous sommes une équipe indépendante de développeurs qui aiment ce qu'ils font :) Si vous souhaitez améliorer ou étendre quoi que ce soit, envoyez-nous un e-mail à [email protected] Soutenez-nous avec une tasse de café - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/bookmanize ★ Tous les signets sur un écran ★ Accès rapide à toutes les fonctions principales ★ Recherche instantanée, filtrage, tri, ajout, suppression de signets ★ Glisser-déposer des signets et des dossiers Toutes les fonctionnalités des signets par défaut (ajouter, supprimer, trier, glisser-déposer des signets) dans une interface plus conviviale avec des performances élevées pour un grand nombre de signets. Remarque : Vos données (historique et signets) ne sont pas sauvegardées ou stockées ailleurs que sur votre ordinateur. Raccourcis clavier : ctrl+shift+f ou command+shift+f — focus sur le champ de recherche

Latest reviews

  • (2024-07-01) RJ Deng: 1. 支持拖拽排序;直接选择移动跨文件夹排序;支持不连续的多选手动排序, 1. 具有标签、即时排序(不修改原顺序,日期、时间)和过滤功能(日期、时间、标签) 2. 双视图支持弹出选项卡和新标签页打开全视图 3. 自动获取网站 ico 4. 支持夜间模式 5. 删除操作会有提示撤销时间,防止误操作 6. 支持导出/导入配置 不足 1. 全视图和弹出选项卡均需悬浮才能显示网站链接 2. 不支持快捷键,比如最基本的 Delete 键
  • (2024-05-06) Tyler (MedusaSTears): 非常喜欢这个应用的【按照收藏倒序】排序书签的功能,我之前就找了好久这个功能的扩展。 我觉得能有个ctrl+d添加书签的快捷键就更好了,因为如果文件夹多的时候,【收藏书签到指定目录】这个场景下我还没见过比较好的书签管理工具具备。 如果添加上这个,一定会更受欢迎的 上次更新日期 2023年10月22日 这次更新之后,快速查找变得困难,把所有文件夹都罗列出来,根本无法找到我搜索的书签的关键词。这次更新之后变得不好用了。评分降低1星,越改越差 2023-11-20: Thanks for your Reply: BUT where can I find "Display folders"? 2023-11-20: 1.找到了你说的"Display folders"复选框,搜索书签->输入关键词->右侧有个复选框 口显示文件夹。 建议把这个常驻显示,否则一般人找不到。 2.造成问题的原因,是我书签的排序规则,不是默认,而是按日期; 这样的好处是我可以查看最近收藏的所有书签,因为最近收藏的才是近期比较重要的,这个查看纬度,很多书签应用都没有,反而很麻烦; 这个功能也是我用Bookmanize最主要的理由之一。 3."ctrl+shift+E 设置为活动" 这到底是个啥东西? 它一直跟很多全局快捷键冲突,我也一直不知道这是什么功能。 目前给到4星,因为还有点欠缺和不完善 2023-11-28: 默认是"新窗口后台"打开书签里的地址,是否可以进行个人自定义设置? 有些网站我希望"在当前窗口打开",有一些希望"新窗口前台打开",另外一些则是"新窗口后台打开" 2024-05-06 请问可以将此扩展适配到Microsoft Edge的应用市场吗?因为只有这样在换电脑的时候才会默认安装这个软件
  • (2023-10-23) Bookmanize extension: All the latest changes can be found here https://bookmanize.github.io/versions
  • (2023-10-12) 林正英: 非常好的书签栏插件,美观,在安卓机上启动快速,美中不足的是没有什么自定义设置,希望在后续版本中添加(记住上次打开目录的滚动位置)等功能。 it is a good bookmark plugin, beautiful and fast to start on Android. The downside is that there are no custom settings. I hope to add features such as (remember the scrolling position of the last opened directory) in future versions
  • (2023-09-23) Egor Ukoloff: The extension appears to be abandoned. While it's still doing what is supposed to in a browser the export/import to another browser is not working, Only imports the tags and not bookmarks as they claim. If you've put time and work into tagging all your bookmarks and wanna move to another browser - good luck with that...So, be aware of this. Also, colours for tags are limited. Only so many
  • (2023-07-30) Inf Ixpir: Abookmarks is more complicated, but more useful
  • (2023-07-13) msdn lib: 能否添加 一次打开 复选的多个书签?
  • (2023-07-05) Ricardo: This is a great implementation for a great concept, but it needs a better search engine for links and for folders (fuzzy search?) and it also needs a "colapse/expand all" button for folders.
  • (2023-05-27) need an option to turn off the context menu and hope for an edge version
  • (2023-03-25) David H.G.: 没有全选的功能,如果我要删除全部没用的书签页是一件很麻烦的事。希望赶快修复。
  • (2023-03-08) ooo: 书签不能全选中,不能合并文件夹,至少比chrome 滞胀书签好
  • (2023-01-24) SNANA51832: Hi, I wonder if you could allow auto sync.
  • (2023-01-04) Arseniy P: благо, расширение открылось на android chromium kiwi browser. но(!), отрезало часть экрана снизу. хз что там за панель и или рекламный блок должен был быть. но на стандартных сегодня 2:1+ соотношениях экрана выглядит будто десятилетний софт не адаптированный вообще.. надо потестить расширение в yandex browser. там тоже расширения есть, ну и поискать аналоги и потестить на пк. сама идея полезна, не нова и тд.
  • (2022-10-05) Nocturnal Owl Digitalist: Good attempt but needs a lot of work to be considered for someone who has over 50,000 bookmarks (using chrome, brave, opera, edge, vivaldi). Favicons are missing all the time. The automatic opening of all folders when refreshed or opened for first time (through new tab) is painful. I close the folders and it opens all of them. I would like you to add bookmark counter of how many bookmarks I have (currently using another addon named "Über simple bookmark count" "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/%C3%BCber-simple-bookmark-coun/mogbbilahcoegijagmcmleheifpijffa" to do that but know after manifest V3, it will break down and my knowledge about bookmarks will be in dark. Also if you bring 2 features such as how many tabs are open in a window or windows of any browser and refreshing of bookmarks and their titles and sorting out (in another folder or place) that are dead, old, gone and removed from online world, it would be beneficial to use it even for other purposes. I hope you have got some ideas. I liked it but current issues are causing unhappiness. Also bookmark view can be changed or options for grid view can be considered like opera bookmarks has. Also you can learn about how vivaldi keeps and handles history and bookmarks. I hope your addon is firefox users too.
  • (2022-09-14) Алексей Шеянов: Great extension! I have a question. Can the extension sync tags? I installed it on two PCs under one account, imported the tag settings, but on the second PC, the tags did not appear in the bookmarks themselves. update: tags are imported. I meant that on the second PC, the tags were not assigned to the bookmarks themselves.
  • (2022-09-02) Mahmod Ashraf: best bookmark tagging ext. for me hands down , can you make it so that the all tags are on top instead of in a separate menu, and also make the option that tags appear all the time. and thx for the great extension
  • (2022-07-31) alaska Canyon: 1- please allow add local address bookmark like : chrome:// file:// and .... 2- chrome native bookmark manager allow select range of bookmark 3- search in bookmark by date is killer feature 4- allow add bookmark by context menu for links Great extension 👍
  • (2022-07-17) ann: This is exactly what I wanted minimalistic but also powerful. I previously have had experience of using some popular bookmark managers with millions of ratings but this one is way better. I appreciate the developer's skills as being a developer myself I know how hard it is to make extension like this one.
  • (2022-06-07) wushang tian: 现在只能用鼠标点工具栏上的扩展图标来激活弹窗 能否弄个快捷键激活扩展弹窗呢?ctrl+shift+F 只是激活扩展弹出界面后才能聚焦到搜索输入框 能用快捷键激活的话,扩展图标就可以隐藏掉了,不占用地址栏位置
  • (2022-05-13) 一山: The startup speed is too slow. It takes too long to click on the pop-up window. I hope it will be optimized.
  • (2022-04-05) Average Joe: Really great and helpful extension, thanks a ton!
  • (2022-04-04) BarbeBleue cg: Only 19 tags available! I would need hundreds. If I want to create a 20th tag, there is no more color to choose. Bookmanize is not suitable for my needs. ---- Seulement 19 tags disponibles ! Il m'en faudrait des centaines. Si je veux créer un 20e tag, il n'y a plus de couleur à choisir. Bookmanize n'est pas adapté à mes besoins.
  • (2022-03-08) Pat MySecret: Good if you want to see bookmark in order by name or date and/ or search, but the tag system would be too tedious to be useful to me. More of a search tool than organizer,
  • (2022-03-01) Legion: Batch moving bookmarks is a breeze...
  • (2022-01-09) Gd Gd: Multi-column views could make better use of the screen area. Also, background image, UI customization support would be great. So I can set it as my new tab default page.
  • (2021-12-31) Alfa Boss: 3 * только за попытку реализовать хорошую задумку. Все сырое и не тестированное
  • (2021-11-03) Najla Nur Ariqah: THIS IS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!! I just scroll through a lot of extension that have good rating and a lot of user.. but none of it suit with what i was looking for. I literally just wanted to add bookmark from pops up(but not from current tab, but for different url I have). But I love it, It's also have tags and you can filter from it? cool it will make my work more easy:D thank you for making this.. btw, I hope there's an option to not remove the tags color option whenever it being used.. because I sometimes wanted to use same color for different tags and I wish the tags can be unlimited (because the color can be removed, the tags now being limited)
  • (2021-09-20) 0xx super: 无法添加 chrome://xxxxxx 开头的url
  • (2021-07-24) Yifan Yifan: Add dark mode , thanks~
  • (2021-07-18) Axel Kirch: I like the approach. I'd love to be able to also enter my tags into the search box and get results.
  • (2021-07-01) 罗杰: 可否不要限制标签的数量,现在标签数量必须选颜色,最多只有19个标签, 另外标签数量如果多,可否增加一下搜索,这样下拉就方便找到了, 还有删除可否设置不用等,直接删除即可
  • (2021-04-14) Sara Baeten: Since Chrome bookmarks are extremely basic, I was surprised there was not a widely-used standard extension to expand their use. After several frustrating searches, I found this extension, but was wary because it had so few reviews. After using it for a couple weeks, I am very happy with the reliability, ease of use, and added features!
  • (2021-04-10) cost free: 多选会出现勾选不上的情况,设置只有数据导出导入,文件夹默认都是展开状态,想快速移动到想要的文件夹很费劲
  • (2021-03-30) Alexandr Kulakov: Почему-то функция сортировки закладок по дате удаляет всю структуру вложенности по папкам и показывает ВСЕ закладки менеджера вперемешку, отчего исчезает весь смысл сортировки в определённой папке. Это баг или фича?
  • (2021-02-10) h e d g e: cool extension, thanks!
  • (2021-02-08) Olia Kamilova: Недавно пользуюсь приложением. Нужно было что-то, что поможет рассортировать закладки (очень часто сохраняю ссылки, но найти в папках браузера все по темам очень сложно). Удобно, нарвится, что можно закинуть тег для ссылок массово, упрощает задачу, когда бесчисленное кличество вкладок) Интуитивно понятно, легко, добно. Мне хотелось бы темную тему,) А так спасибо за крутое расширение. Нехватало чего-то, что спасло бы мои бесчисленные папки со ссылками)
  • (2020-11-01) Mohamad W. Kanj: I have installed the extension today, honestly it is very very good. I have tried so many extensions and till now this is the best one. However, there are some recommendations that I am sure if they have been added, this extension will be much much better. Please check the below: Very important functions: 1- Should support drag and drop for multiple bookmarks not one at the time. 2- Should support drag and drop bookmarks to folder. 3- Should add an option to collapse and uncollapse all. Both bookmarks popup window and the full version always have all folder uncollapsed, this make browsing the bookmarks very hard especially if you have many nested folders. 4- Adding Select All option when you start selecting bookmarks especially with search to apply bulk actions easily. Less important functions: 1- Adding a Right Click menu will be very helpful especially in the full version. 2- The full version should be more user friendly, the tags should be visible by default, thumbnails mode should be added. 3- Should be able to click on a certain tag to filter using that tag. I will edit my review when any of the above functions added to the extension and will spread the word to make sure any one I know give this extension a try. Thank you so much,


8,000 history
3.8182 (66 votes)
Last update / version
2024-03-01 / 1.6.26
Listing languages
