PDF konvertálása OCR-re ingyen.
Ingyenes PDF File Converter - Két támogatott formátum. Konvertálja a PDF fájlt OCR-be ingyen.
• Ez a szoftver támogatja a PDF OCR formátumba konvertálását
• A PDF konvertálása OCR formátumba
• Korlátlan számú konverzió ingyen
A kiterjesztés használata:
- Kattintson a szoftver ikonra
- Válassza ki az OCR-be konvertálni kívánt PDF fájlt.
- Konvertálja a PDF fájlokat szövegessé ma azonnal
Jogi nyilatkozat: Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy ezt a bővítményt NEM a Google készítette, és egy független fejlesztői csapat készítette. Minden szerzői jog a megfelelő tulajdonosoké.
A Google nem támogatja vagy szponzorálja ezt a Chrome-bővítményt. A PDF-től OCR-hez nem a Google a tulajdonosa, a Google Inc. nem rendelkezik engedéllyel és nem a Google Inc. leányvállalata.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-04) Nixi: Simple and easy to use and for free. I really like the simplicity . It does what it says, I really appreciate it. Thanks guys!
- (2023-01-02) Kenji Furukawa: It only saves the .txt file. It needs save to PDF option with OCR.
- (2022-03-16) Rukshan C Jayasinghe: Does not work properly
- (2022-03-07) Ari Villa: No reconoce el texto por mas que intento...
- (2022-02-17) Fabio Lessa: Didn't work
- (2022-01-16) stanislav turhenko: видео можно розблокировать код 68
- (2022-01-06) Paul Erickson: Easy to use, quick, and saved me hours of time re-typing an old document.
- (2021-08-14) Blan Tavares: Não consegui fazer o upload do pc para a extensão. Aparece mensagem sobre dificuldades técnicas para o upar o arquivo, direto do meu computador. Não ajudou em nada.
- (2021-06-07) Raj Sharma: Does not work. All I got was a message stating due to technical error I cannot save the file. It created a blank txt file.
- (2021-02-03) Gean Alves: Very nice
- (2021-01-08) Dimitri M: False publicity, does not ocr anything
- (2020-09-02) Pat Blankenship: It was clear and concise on how to use the program. It worked the first time. thanks so much
- (2020-08-30) x x: Followed directions. Opened PDF from computer convert to .txt download Got a blank page removed from Chromw
- (2020-06-25) Mary Beth: IT WORKS!!! SCANNED PDF TO TEXT THAT MY COMPUTER CAN READ ALOUD! I have ADD and ADHD. I need to have my computer read documents and books aloud. When professors scan documents and upload the scan, most converters and textaloud programs see the file as images and not text. I tried 15 different apps and extensions but nothing worked. My only option was to use Google Lens on my phone and have my phone read it aloud to me which was a pain when the document was more than 2 pages. UNTIL NOW! What makes this extension even better, is you do not have to log in to google drive to use it (Keeping my information safe). THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!