extension ExtPose

- أتمتة العمل اليدوي وتحسين الإنتاجية

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عملية أتمتة المهام اليدوية بنقرة واحدة! الربط بين أكثر من 30 تطبيقًا، واستخلاص الويب(scraping) ، وتعزيز الإنتاجية.

Image from store - أتمتة العمل اليدوي وتحسين الإنتاجية
Description from store يوفر المستخدم العادي أكثر من 3 ساعات في الأسبوع مع باردين حصل bardeen على المنتج الأول لهذا الشهر على ProductHunt. بوصولها ل 60 ألف مستخدم، تعد Bardeen واحدة من أكثر إضافات الإنتاجية والأتمتة واستخلاص الويب شيوعا. الميزات كتالوج قائمة الأتمتة تستطيع الاختيار من بين 300+ أتمتة مسبقة الصنع. يمكنك إنشاء أتمتة مخصصة بدون الحاجة للترميز أوالبرمجة. من خلال أداة (إنشاء الأتمتة) سهلة الاستخدام ، يمكنك ربط تطبيقاتك المفضلة وإنجاز عملك اليدوي في لمح البصر! ما عليك سوى تحديد الإجراءات والأوامر التي تريدها لإنشاء أتمتة مخصصة. 🧲 الويب سكريبر scraper "مستخلص" يمكن لأداة "scraper" الخاصة بنا نسخ البيانات من أي موقع ويب. ثم بعدها يمكنك إرسال البيانات (المستخلصة) مباشرة إلى تطبيقات الويب الخاصة بك مثل جداول بيانات Google أو Notion أو Airtable. 👆 أتمتتة النقر بزر الماوس الأيمن قم بزيادة إنتاجيتك إلى الحد الأقصى عن طريق أتمتة مسار العمل الخاص بك باستخدام خاصية (نقرة يمين واحدة). ⚡️ توصيل وربط التطبيقات تتكامل Bardeen مع مجموعة متزايدة من التطبيقات المتجددة. ا: https://www.bardeen.ai/integrations العمل في الخلفية تعمل المشغلات كالغراء الذي يربط تطبيقاتك معًا. يمكنك ضبطها للاستجابة لأحداث معينة أو تشغيلها وفقًا لجدول زمني. 🔗 يعمل في أي صفحة ويب تعمل باردين حيث تريدها أن تعمل. قم بتشغيله على أي موقع ويب باستخدام الاختصار( ⌥ + B )و (Alt + B) لنظام التشغيل (Windows). ---------------------------------------------- تعريف مختصر تطبيق Bardeen هو تطبيق أتمتة لسير العمل بدون الحاجة للترميز(برمجة) يستبدل مهامك المتكررة باختصار واحد. يقوم بتوصيل وربط تطبيقات الويب المفضلة لديك وأيضا يعمل على إنشاء عمليات أتمتة تلقائية مخصصة في دقائق. التسعير تعرف على سبب إتاحة باردين بشكل مجاني واطلع على خططنا المستقبلية: https://www.bardeen.ai/pricing 🤔 حقيقة جاذبة: خلال عام كامل، يقضي الأشخاص ما يصل إلى 5 أسابيع عمل (أو حوالي 10% من وقتهم للعمل) للتبديل بين تطبيقات الويب ومواقع الويب. ---------------------------------------------- الأتمتة الشعبية - نقل البيانات من تطبيق إلى آخر - القيام بscraping على ملفات التعريف في "لينكدن" (أو أي صفحات أخرى) ثم نقلها مباشرة لتطبيقك المفضل (Notion أو Google Sheets أو Airtable أو أكثر) - استخلاص الرؤى والوظائف والمنشورات من لينكدن أو صفحات أخرى. - إرسال تذكير لمواعيد الاجتماعات. - إنشاء تنبيهات وإشعارات متصفح مخصصة - إزالة جدران Paywall - إنشاء مستخلص (scraper) ويب مخصص لأي موقع ويب تريده. - التحديث التلقائي للصفحات - أنشئ مهام في Jira أو Notion أو Asana أو ClickUp أو غيرها. - المهام الدورية والمزيد من الأتمتة في نوشن. - إرسال رسائل بريد إلكتروني آلية. - خذ لقطات شاشة كاملة الصفحة وشاركها بنقرة واحدة. - اكتشف رسائل البريد الإلكتروني من LinkedIn و Twitter و GitHub والمزيد - الإشراف على التغييرات على موقع على شبكة الإنترنت - ابدأ اجتماعاتك القادمة تلقائيًا عبر الأتمتة، - استخلاص Facebook أو LinkedIn أو Instagram أو صفحات أخرى بسهولة - انقر بزر الماوس الأيمن لحفظ ملف تعريف LinkedIn (وصفحات أخرى) في Notion - حفظ مقتطفات النص في نوشن - احفظ المقالات على Notion اكتشف المزيد من الأتمتة المبنية مسبقًا: https://www.bardeen.ai/use-cases ---------------------------------------------- الأمان والخصوصية عند تثبيت الامتداد لبرنامجنا ، سترى إشعارًا حول السماح بالوصول إلى السجل الخاص بك لأن "bardeen" يعمل في كل علامات التبويب ويقدم توصيات أتمتة شخصية ومخصصة. لكن باردين لا تراقب في الواقع سجل التصفح الخاص بك ولا تجمع أي معلومات للمستخدمين. نحن نأخذ الأمن على محمل الجد. باردين يعمل بالكامل في متصفحك على جهازك فقط! هذا يعني أنه يتم دائمًا تخزين بياناتك الشخصية في المتصفح على جهازك. تعرف على المزيد هنا: https://bardeen.ai/security ---------------------------------------------- الدعم تعرف أكثر على كيفية استخدام باردين لتصبح أكثر إنتاجية 🎓 دروس: https://www.bardeen.ai/tutorials 📽 مقاطع الفيديو: https://www.youtube.com/c/Bardeenai 💌 [email protected] 🙋‍♀️ انضم إلى مجتمع slack الخاص بنا: https://bardeen.ai/slack 🚀 ملاحظات الإصدار: https://www.bardeen.ai/release-notes ---------------------------------------------- أن تطبيق Badreen محبوب من قبل موظفي المبيعات ، والتوظيف ، والمديرين ، والمستقلين ، والوكالات ، والمؤسسين في جميع أنحاء العالم! نحن نستخدم باردين كل يوم ويوفر لنا حوالي ساعتين من العمل اليدوي يوميًا! 10/10 سيوصي باستخدام bardeen "DAAN ، Marketing At FIKS.NL" "لقد كان باردين هو العامل الحقيقي في تغيير مستوى إنتاجيتي! أحبه لأنه يجمع بين أدواتي المفضلة وبيانات موقع الويب" ALA S., FOUNDER & CEO AT KLOTHO "باردين هو تغيير حقيقي لقواعد العمل بالنسبة لي. يزيل الكثير من الضغط في عملي ويعطيني وقتًا إضافيا ثمينًا!" SANDRO, PRODUCT AT WORLDCOIN"

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-04) Muhammad Rohaan: Exceptionally helpful
  • (2023-12-29) Pierre Rognion: Bardeen AI delivers an exceptional UX, blending efficiency with intuitiveness. Their innovative approach to artificial intelligence stands out for its ability to simplify complex tasks, making everyday life more productive for users. Its powerful! The performance and reliability of their solutions demonstrate a strong commitment to quality and excellence. An indispensable choice for those seeking cutting-edge scraping/automation/AI solutions.
  • (2023-12-27) ali Soltaninejad: It is wonderful and helpful.
  • (2023-12-27) Jeanette Comamao: one of the best scrapping tool I use.
  • (2023-12-16) Florin Craciun: This tool has saved me countless of hour and allowed me to do automate processes & data flows between different tools that I did not think were possible. For example, data scrapping and sending data to HubSpot or Pipedrive has been a gold mine for us.
  • (2023-12-14) Michael Bourton: My first automation has saved me one hour of my time each day!
  • (2023-12-01) Arcadia Financial: Great!
  • (2023-11-30) TOKI Team: I have tried them all. This is def the best out there.
  • (2023-11-29) Jason Gong: It's a great extension to save time. I've used Zapier and make before, but Bardeen is more about actually automating your browser vs. a connector between different apps. I think that's been more helpful for me as someone that isn't configuring apps in our workplace.
  • (2023-11-29) Christopher Bole: Excellent video explanations and walkthroughs on how to do some really amazing automations. There is a learning curve that is to be expected but relatively easy to use if you simply follow the steps in the videos.
  • (2023-11-22) Aiden: Really helpful in lots of unexpected ways. As a solopreneur, it does a lot of the drudge work and frees me up to do the important things. Recommend it without hesitation.
  • (2023-11-21) Ruby Tang: Really useful for automating work and works really well at seamlessly integrating IFTT actions across various apps (e.g. extracting data from a spreadsheet, performing web scraping, querying ChatGPT, and updating data in a spreadsheet). UX could be improved as there are quite a few bugs and could do with more/more detailed documentation but overall I haven't been able to find a more powerful tool for my purposes. Very responsive and helpful customer support, even on the free trial.
  • (2023-11-19) emilis M: Great automation app! saved me 10+ hours a week
  • (2023-11-13) João Pinho: Best no-code scrapping tool I've tried.
  • (2023-11-02) Ryan Rutledge: The videos are very user friendly. The speaker is a great communicator. The software is easy to use. I was able to go through the tutorials, building automations, and started scraping sites - all within a very reasonable amount of time. Once I actually scraped for the first time I was very amazed. To think of all the time I have spent manually entering, and paying employees to manually enter, now months of work will be just days of work. For my data heavy business that saves a lot of money.
  • (2023-10-30) Andre van Aarde: Need to dig in a little more to get a better understanding of the functions. Overall the features appear good which has resulted in me purchasing their premium subscription, but time will tell how well things work as I get more applications for the feature-set. One thing that I have noticed which I think could be improved off the bat is the help documents and videos seem to use a different user interface to the one that I am working with. Not sure if this is a recent change or update but it does make understanding and applying the help documentation and videos a little tricky as they do not match.
  • (2023-10-27) Glenn Sijm: Good tool once it's set up. Technical knowledge is required, but support responds quickly and clearly. The free version proves its worth and made me decide to become a paid customer. Recommended!
  • (2023-10-20) Jotaro Kujo: randomly downloaded onto my browser after I turned off my computer for the night. I did not close any websites. The next time I got onto my computer, this was installed, and I had to give it all my personal information before I could access the website that was running when I turned off my computer. I don't know if they hacked me or what, but I never downloaded this.
  • (2023-10-04) David Hatley: Had the extension downloaded and accidentally pressed the keyboard shortcut for it while I was working on critical work. It then took over my browser and I had to force shut it down in order to save my work, since its onboarding process forced multiple steps, and couldn't even finish loading, all while not allowing the user to close out of it. Give the user the ability to exit at ALL TIMES. I shouldn't have to inspect the page and delete the element in order to get out of your software. I deleted it, but had to re-download it in order to write this review.
  • (2023-10-01) bahwaka k: Used the scraper builder to collect data for my thesis research, works well on some websites. Takes a bit of time to learn and there are good videos from the dev. I am not sure if I saved time (because of the learning curve and building the scraper, testing it, mapping out the results etc, fixing missing values and perfecting template) but I'm happy I could do it without python knowledge! Payed option is a bit expensive for a student and won't use it. Maybe Bardeen can roll out a student/academic free plan.
  • (2023-09-28) Sean Melcher: This is the best tool that I've ever used! I use the scraper and deep scraper to save me hours of data collecting. I had trouble building one scraper so I emailed Bardeen's general inbox. I received a response the same day, from the co-founder, with the scraper built for me and a recorded video of how he built it! I have never seen a tool this impressive or received customer support at that level before. Thank you so much Bardeen
  • (2023-09-27) Romain QUECHON: Outil très puissance et asssez facile à prendre en main. J'ai réussi à scraper l'un des sites d'annonces d'emplois le plus important en France en quelques minutes. Une vraie dinguerie !
  • (2023-09-26) Adrian Tsallis: Great tool for everyone who is looking for ways to save time on day to day tasks
  • (2023-09-23) Reagan Stock: I'm giving this a five star review because Bardeen deserves it. It is incredibly powerful and is useful for all types of developers. With that being said, there's a few aspects that should definitely be improved. 1. Ability to connect with other non-integrated apps such as Zapier or Make.com (Http GET requests either do not work or are not explained well in any videos). 2. Ability to use data received from triggers in additional steps. For example, I can't use a Google Sheets ID that I received within the automation to specify to a Google Sheet in future steps. 3. More features and integrations such as a catch Webhook. 4. Faster customer support (I understand this can be difficult). 5. Scrape data in background is very bad. These are issues I've experienced with Bardeen, I understand the difficulty in providing a one-size fits all solution but fixing these errors would be greatly beneficial.
  • (2023-09-22) Gabriele Pece: nice and easy to use!
  • (2023-09-20) onni tolvanen: Näppärä ja helppokäyttöinen. Creditit loppuu nopeaan
  • (2023-09-18) David Ivanciuc: Full of bugs, constantly crashing...
  • (2023-09-12) Justin Chang: Very good time saver on websites like linkedin. but not quite helpful if say trying to extend to other sites, also be prepared to be away from the keyboard for some periods of time (as they open new windows and it greatly interferes with work)
  • (2023-09-06) Hogan ALKAHLAN: excelent
  • (2023-08-31) Bardeen is amazing. Saves our team hours of work per week and their team is responsive and helpful. Best product I've used in 2023.
  • (2023-08-30) Stefan Hugo: Started using this more than a year ago, didn't feel it was worth the hassle of not being integrated into Microsoft as needed. Deleted it after a few weeks as I never liked Chrome. Started using it again about 2 months ago, now it doesn't even matter. Whatever piece of extra work it takes to use this daily alongside a heavy Microsoft stack is well worth it. Great Extension.
  • (2023-08-28) Sebastien Floodpage: Great product, and incredible support from the team. Artem, Pascal and team clearly care about their users!
  • (2023-08-27) Marcio Tetamanti: I tested several scrapping tools and decided for Bardeen for the easy to use and all the integrations.
  • (2023-08-25) Parker Olson: Honestly such a good automation / scraping tool. I'm a CPG entrepreneur & was able to effectively learn how to use this tool to build up marketing functions in my biz.
  • (2023-08-25) Gunnlaugur SE Briem: Bardeen provides splendid shortcuts. No doubt about it. It is also a glimpse of a new arrangement, what may be possible if we’re very lucky. About 300 BCE a bunch of clever Greeks enjoyed mathematics more than getting drunk (Thales and Theaetetus come to mind, Pythagoras and Archimedes). And then Euclid wrote the ‘Elements’. Nothing much actually happened but the world changed. At the end of the seventeenth century Isaac Newton discovered the laws of motion and gravitation. Until then people had no idea what was going on. And we’re told he invented calculus to explain planetary movements. This had little practical purpose either but amazed everybody except maybe Leibniz. In 1752, Thomas-François Dalibard demonstrated that lightning is electricty rather than divine wrath, a month before Benjamin Franklin did. That at least got us the lightning conductor. Bardeen gives me the best of both worlds. Every day it proves its worth, and then lets me dream of what wonders it might perform with Bézier curves.
  • (2023-08-24) Pratyush Raut: a bit costly but saves a tonn of time
  • (2023-08-23) Parker Revers: Bardeen is a game-changer. It's easy to use and saves time. AI app but human support team; helpful and kind. Great app!
  • (2023-08-19) Ewongho Abasi Gabriel Edwep: "Wow, where do I even begin? Bardeen has truly been a game-changer for me. From the moment I started using it, I was blown away by its intuitive interface and powerful features. It's like this software was designed with my needs in mind. One thing that sets Bardeen apart is its remarkable efficiency. It's so refreshing to have a software that doesn't waste my time with unnecessary complications. Everything flows seamlessly, and I find myself completing tasks faster than ever before.
  • (2023-08-09) Taly Matiteyahu: I used it to pull data about posts on certain hashtags from tiktok into an airtable and then separately pull data about the posters to the airtable (would’ve been nice to have it be part of a single pull though - it was time consuming to do the latter - maybe that was feasible but I couldn’t easily figure out how). I did all of it while on the free trial and haven't dipped back in since because I'm candidly worried I couldn't afford it rn...
  • (2023-08-09) Sean Christopher Saramosing: I couldn't imagine that I've been doing the leg work all my life. Bardeen is a total game changer! It really saved much of my time. Highly recommended!
  • (2023-08-07) Abe: Bardeen helps me automate tedious workflows that save me time and yields great results. As a DJ I find myself limited in my ability to discover music and I use Bardeen to help automate steps during my curation process that allows me to spend more time on DJing and less time clicking. I think this is a great tool for anyone and the UI and UX makes it easy for anyone to learn how to automate their workflows. I highly recommend giving this a try!
  • (2023-08-07) Aliosha Milsztein: Awesome tool which saves a lot of manual work in the daily doing!
  • (2023-08-05) Vilane Goncalves Sales: Bardeen is a total game-changer! It's saved me hours every day by automating data collection.
  • (2023-08-03) Chang Chen: Exceptional extension! Well done Bardeen!
  • (2023-08-02) Allan Albans: A really confusing but good looking product. It has a lot of features, but each feature you can find in a better form somewhere else. zapier is still my go-to for automation and there's lots of scrapers out there you can connect to it which work better than Bardeen's. Bardeen's interface is pretty, but the experience is really cluttered and confusing like it's doing too much.
  • (2023-08-02) Duca Joberty: It's amazing if you know the logic behind already made scrapers. In anyway it will be of good use.
  • (2023-07-29) J. Kelsey: It opens sooooo many tabs just to get started, immediately sent junkmail to my inbox, and the permissions skeeve me out. I'm not keeping it.
  • (2023-07-24) Nicole Ahmed: Couldn't get the background scraping working properly. Now it is a premium feature. Was hoping to scrape text to create a digest for myself. Will look for another tool.
  • (2023-07-18) Nicolas O'Neill: Works like a charm! Really saving Time in day-to-day repetitive tasks.
  • (2023-07-14) Stephen Kilelu: Waste of time, it doesn't work


200,000 history
4.4195 (329 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-20 / 3.7.0
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