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Normalisering af lyden på alle Youtube™ videoer.
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FREE Sound Normalizer is fully automatic and automagically adjust all Youtube™ videos to the same sound-level.
Also blocks ads and let you download the video for watching offline later.
Latest reviews
- (2024-02-28) Josh Westberry: I couldn't tell if it was working at first, but I watched several videos back to back with different volume levels and I could tell it did something. Where I noticed the most change was on quiet videos when an add would start playing that normally blasted my ears out, it bumped the level down significantly. I noticed when the video started back, it would take a second or two for it to catch up and normalize. Overall I am happy with how it getting blasted out by adds.
- (2024-01-31) Jorge Díaz: Funciona bastante bien, lo instalé para normalizar el audio de mis listas de reproducción (algunos vídeos están demasiado alto y otros demasiado bajo) y lo hace sin problemas y sin que tenga que estar interviniendo el volumen cada vez. Cumple perfectamente lo que promete en ese sentido 👍 Edit: Funcionaba perfecto, pero con la nueva política de adblockers de youtube, ya no se pueden ver los vídeos, por lo que tuve que eliminarlo. Por mi parte solo me interesa la normalización del volumen, así que si pueden dejar opcional el bloqueo, seguiría utilizándolo.
- (2023-10-31) Павел «Dark Paul» Бугров: Нормализация работает нормально, полезно для тихих видео, НО ломает отображение чата, например если смотреть запись стрима. и добавляет неактивную кнопку для скачивания видео. Если это поправить, будет хороший плагин
- (2023-10-12) di di: Working great as intended. Thank you!
- (2023-10-06) Radio Silence: Normalizer is a bit glitchy. you might wanna turn it on and off a few times. My usecase is the opposite from the most folks here. I use it to make the sound louder. You know how sometimes you listen to a great song and want to have it louder, and despite you maxing the volume setting on YT, it's still only half or even quarter of the max sound level even according to Windows audio settings. This extension fixes that. Great job!
- (2023-09-03) Noor Hussain: Doesn't seem to be working.
- (2023-08-28) ADDON: Does NOT work, Tested on few videos and it does absolutley nothing.
- (2023-07-31) Richard Joyce: The animated audio graphic display on the page tab where the YouTube icon usually is is incredibly distracting. I removed this app after only a couple of minutes.
- (2023-07-28) Sebastián Morsaline: Es útil. Pero descubrí que por culpa de ésta extensión, cada cierto tiempo, youtube deja de funcionar completamente.
- (2023-07-09) Константин Лимаренко: Установил. Проверил. Не работает от слова "СОВСЕМ". Удалил.
- (2023-07-09) Fiat Grande Punto 8V: Does NOT work "automatically". I have to reload, refresh every video, to make this plugin start working! Otherwise it's always switched off (icon is grey) by default.
- (2023-06-02) Barthelemy Garceau: it actually dynamicly throught out the video adjust the volume cause disbalance of sound. I want a tool that analyse overall lufs loudness and adjust the volume bar only one time for the whole video.
- (2023-04-17) Death Dragon563 (Deathdragon563): Great for keeping the volume lower at night and at a normal volume
- (2023-04-11) F E: makes things quieter!!!
- (2023-04-04) Josiah Hidayat: does what it says! i can now comfortable game to my playlist without having to change volume levels of some videos that were too loud. thank you daniel!
- (2023-03-23) Gabriel Angelo Jose: Not working anymore, dead extension.
- (2023-03-15) Damien: Feels like it does what it says. Wish there was an option to control the max and min levels. Also, is it possible to include an option to remove the animated icon on the tab, it's kinda distracting.
- (2023-03-02) Ramin M: Maybe, I misunderstood what it does. I thought it normalizes sounds across Youtube videos. My problem is some videos are way too loud while some others are way too quiet. I have to keep adjusting the volume as I watch different videos. I thought this extension levels out the volume automatically for me. That's not the case. So unfortunately, this is not a solution to my problem.
- (2023-01-30) Low Bass by Ivanich: Расширение классное. Но происходит конфликт, когда хочешь загрузить видео на ютуб. Приходиться выключать.
- (2023-01-04) Tino H (Devilspider): Unfortunately, it does not work at all for me at the moment. The only thing I notice is this non-functioning download button under the videos. But the volume does not change.
- (2022-11-14) Ron Moses: I like the normalization function, I think it works well. I don't understand why this has been coupled with a big ugly Download button that never appears to be enabled. These are completely separate features and should really not be in the same extension. But at the very least there should be a way to disable the Download button.
- (2022-11-11) Antonio Jara: Aunque la extensión no se actualiza hace tiempo, funciona bien. El unico punto en contra es que tarda unos tres segundos en normalizar el volumen, pero lo hace perfectamente.
- (2022-09-06) errriie errriie: This is very good addon. Works well on musics from different artists I usually listened. But unfortunately it will make chapters on videos don't work. So if you listen to music or videos with chapters on it, the chapters will not work if you click it unless you disable the addon.
- (2022-08-29) Wilder: It mainly performs well. But I have noticed a bug: it interferes with uploading videos.... EDIT: That problem was fixed, but now the YouTube UI and especially the live chat text box can struggle to load when the extension is enabled. I don't know what changed recently.
- (2022-08-18) 최규연: 이거 실행하면 유투브 뮤직 안됨.
- (2022-08-08) Tony Blackwell: It works at not letting the volume become too loud, but sucks at letting it become too low. It also disables my volume boost feature in the youtube enhancer extension, and for that reason, I am removing it. Great concept, but not a great execution. It's got bugs.
- (2022-06-05) Karol: Does absolutely nothing.
- (2022-05-30) Leevi Lautanen: This should be baked into youtube, great work.
- (2022-05-03) Jorge Torres: for some genius reason it blocks access to
- (2022-03-24) Mike N.: Works pretty good...some videos are still kinda low in volume, but much better than without normalization
- (2022-03-21) Ray Q: It works fine for me. I've been struggling with inconsistent audio levels, why can't the content creators apply some normalization before posting. Anyway, really thankful about this extension.
- (2022-03-08) Scott Lanter: I was a radio broadcaster for many years. So, needless to say, the varying differences in volume on YouTube videos drove me nuts. I waited patiently for YouTube to take a little responsibility in regulating the volume of the content. Epic failure for YouTube. Then, out of the blue, here comes Daniel to save the day with this handy plugin that works flawlessly. Nice job, Daniel. And, my ears thank you, too.
- (2022-02-21) Chris Han: NOT working at all!
- (2021-11-29) Miguel Beltran Altamirano: Un detalle, ese molesto icono de normalizer que se esta en la pestaña de chrome en forma animada debería quitarse, es molesto visualmente e innecesario. Al parecer interfiere con los settings de google play, tengo que desactivarlo temporalmente mientras configuro google play.
- (2021-10-03) Lucian Andries: It doesn't work. Make it equalize the volume between videos, not the sounds inside a video. Make all videos sound at the same dB volume. I hate it when some videos are loud, and others are quiet as hell!!!!!
- (2021-08-28) Nick Froehlich: It seems to work but also there is no On/Off toggle button. If you added an On/Off button then I would give 5 stars because I am not sure when it is running and when it isnt.
- (2021-08-13) Bradford Risbert: WOW amazing big difference in volume for youtube videos that are low. Now I can sit back and relax without straining my ears. Thank you for this.
- (2021-04-29) Anh Hoàng: working good