extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Avoid haram images & videos on the Internet.

Image from store Tahir
Description from store As modesty standards have deteriorated, it has become impossible to avoid impermissible images when browsing the web. Tahir (def: "to purify") chrome extension is your shield. Automatically blur out images & videos on each website you visit to prevent accidentally seeing anything impermissible. If there is an image/video you would like to see, temporarily turn Tahir off by pressing "Alt+L" or hover your mouse over an image & press "Alt+K" to selectively reveal. You can also permanently whitelist safe websites. ----- Privacy Policy ----- This extension does not track any of your browsing history, whatsoever. All of our code is open source & transparent, see here: https://github.com/fushatech/tahir ----- Support ----- For any questions, bugs, or comments, please contact us at [email protected].

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-17) Dixie Brooks: So awesome! Is there any way to add a blacklisting feature which would allow a website to be marked as one of the few you want this to be applied on?
  • (2023-09-05) Daniyal Khan: buddy, may Allah swt reward you, you made so much life easier, just want to thank you. I make dua that everyone who benefits from that you get unlimited rewards. Again Jazzak Allah khair. PS- could you do it for mobiles too
  • (2023-09-05) Zain Abidin: Amazing!
  • (2023-01-12) Thomas: Excellent!
  • (2023-01-07) Jahangir Alam Khan: Looking for a solution to use online platforms avoiding unwanted images. Alhamdulillah got this.
  • (2022-11-29) Babek Kalantari: This extension is amazing you even change the Blur slider on the settings and add wishlist. You can also turn off the Grayscale. Thank you very much!
  • (2022-07-03) Zarif Muhtasim: Very userful extension. Jazakallah.
  • (2022-06-21) thanos chin: unfortunately it just blurs *every* image and vid, even if it's not haram
  • (2022-04-05) Sajjad Ahmad: OUTSTANDING WORKS
  • (2022-03-01) Hassan Horack: Salaams, The extention doesn't seem to remember that I have whitelisted a page. Every time I open my notes I have to select whitelist the website again. Of course on Evernote one won't run into indecent images particularly on one's own notes, so it is in the best interest to optimise the extension so as not to become an obstacle rather than a service in people's workflow. In short, would it be possible to give user the ability to customise the default state so as not needing to have do it anew every time? Allah give you success here and hereafter and bless you, jazakAllah khairan
  • (2022-01-24) عزام الحميدي: Salam Alikum, Really amazing work. You made an action to resist profligacy, immprtality and porngraphy instead of wailing like us. Jazak allah khaira,
  • (2021-10-29) Sebatang Pohon: Mantap
  • (2021-05-10) Umm 'Abdillāh: Whenever I download this my laptop stops working and keeps rebooting and coding appears on the screen and it is unresponsive. I always thought it was some malware so I bought Norton but the problem continued. Then I had the idea that it might be this extension as I never had this problem before; I managed to finally remove it and my laptop went back to normal instantly, Alhamdulillah. Quite a let down as this would be such an excellent tool and I did not find another extension like this.
  • (2021-05-02) لبنى أحمد محمود: جزاك الله خيرا
  • (2020-12-24) Nabeel Alkhalidy: May Allah Most high reward all those responsible for this much needed add on.
  • (2020-10-22) Bilal Rauf: Excellent.
  • (2020-09-02) Hadi Yahia: Excellent idea, mashaAllah. It only remains to blur only the haram content and improve the use (remove blur after long hover, add to whitelist with context menu on right click, etc...). Thank you for this extension.
  • (2020-03-24) Muhammet Ali Taşkın: Perfect starting point to disable access to haram. May be improved to auto-detect haram parts (since not all images are haram) and then block it etc. Thank you and may Allah forgive the sins of developer.
  • (2020-03-16) md rezaul islam: RECOMMENDED Great for saving eyesight from haram!!!
  • (2020-02-24) Abdullah Omar: Glad tiding for you my brother for making this awesome extension. People often focus on passive worldy income but forget about Sadaqah Jaariyah (Continuing Sadaqah) that shower you with ajar even after the person passes away. May Allah reward you abundantly and I encourage you to come up with more creative work like this to benefit the Ummah.
  • (2019-11-14) Talat Kocaman: Wonderful
  • (2019-09-26) abdurrahman açıkgöz: May Allah swt grant you jannat-ul firdaws and His divine beauty. This extension is like "auzu", so simple yet so powerful.
  • (2019-03-19) Muhammad Chowdhury: May Allāh Tā'ālā elevate your maqām in both worlds. Truly amazing.
  • (2018-10-19) صلى الله عليه وسلم: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ! Great job brother ! the internet is filled with dirty stuff just to attract more people ! So, your extension is very helpful and handy I use it all day every day :) Hope u get rewarded for this Regards, your brother from Medinah
  • (2018-09-24) Sami Kazan: Jazak Allahu khairan! May Allah (glory and praise be to him) reward you the best.
  • (2018-08-29) Hasan Can: Can we get a option for being able to not blur some certain images? like when you unblur it with "ALT + J" it unblured forever and if you blur it again you can also do that with same key on the same image. I'm not talking about enabling position of the image but image itself, so if I unblur my profile photo it won't unblur other profile photos but will blur just my profile photo. also for example when you "ALT + K" a photo you can't take it back, it could also cause inappropriate situations, i wish we could reblur it with the same key. Thanks.
  • (2018-04-20) Mariam Abuisnaineh: As an artist and art enthusiast, Tahir is very helpful! I can now blur images, especially artworks posted online, and guess which ones are good for me to look at by reading the picture's description and block out the ones I don't want to see. I can now enjoy going through Colossal, Brwn Paper Bag, MyModernMet, etc. with Tahir on. Thank you for this extension. One of the best things invented in this era.
  • (2018-04-08) Ibrahim Saggaf: Great idea to remove distractions
  • (2018-04-05) Feroz Khan: Inshallah very useful.
  • (2018-04-02) Abdullah Al Masud: আলহামদুলিল্লাহ ,অনেক দিন পর এজাতিয় এক্সটেনশন পেলাম ।আল্লাহ তায়ালা আপনাদের কাজকে কবুল করুন। জাজাকাল্লাহু আহসানাল জাজা। হাজার মুসলিমের কাজে দিবে।ইনশাআল্লাহ। আই লাভ ইট ...
  • (2018-03-31) King Rayhan: It should hide only nasty images
  • (2018-03-30) Mohammed Naushad: Very useful
  • (2018-03-29) Fahad: Alhamdulilah ..Jasakallahu khair
  • (2018-03-29) Jazak Allahu Khaira it's awesome,
  • (2018-03-29) Shoaib Sattar: Assalamualaikum, brother this extension worked for a while after I enabled it and then stopped working. Now it is not hiding images. Kindly check if there are some bugs in it. Jazaakallah!
  • (2018-03-28) Shabbir Ahmed: Masha'Allaah Tabarak'Allah. A must for every Muslim. Loving this. Jazaakumullahu Khayran.
  • (2018-03-28) ths: Jazakallah
  • (2018-03-28) Arslan: Every Muslim needs this
  • (2018-03-28) Nashi Al-Mazaini Est: ممتاز بارك الله فيكم الله بشرك بالجنة الفردوس الأعلي
  • (2018-03-28) M I 1/2ag: Such a meaningful contribution. Your reward will be immense.
  • (2018-03-28) Shahidul Islam Majumder: Maasha Allah. Very useful extension. May Allah reward you with the best.
  • (2018-03-27) NA A: Could use hover but works.
  • (2018-03-27) Khaled Me: nice, love it, thanks
  • (2018-03-27) Damage Prod: Great! Is it possible to put exceptions to certain websites? Much love <3
  • (2018-03-27) Amr Saif: Ma sha Allah Jazak Allah Khairan dear brother may Allah reward you
  • (2018-03-27) Golden Ratio: Awesome. Great great service for humanity. A suggestion. Alt+K and hovering can selectively remove blur from an image. Similarly add one more functionality to do the opposite also. Like I want to blur back an image after removing the blur from it.

Latest issues

  • (2022-12-23, v:1.0.5) Ahmet yılmaz: i have update idea
    It would be very nice if we could open certain selected areas by clicking with the mouse. Because when watching long videos, I want to see the outside of the haram
  • (2022-05-18, v:1.0.5) Desert Dragon: Some images are not working.
    We have found that jpg format images sometimes doesn't work. Here is a link to the one of the examples of the extension not working with: https://go2cnaq.cna-qatar.com/apply/admissions.ezc We loved your extension! Jazak Allah Khair for this! Please let us know how we can help!
  • (2021-10-30, v:1.0.5) a k: tahir isn't working :(
    Asalmu alykum wa rahmutallahi wa barakatuhu. Can you please help the extension isnt working for some reason. Also what does whitelist mean
  • (2020-06-09, v:1.0.5) Saifullah Rahman: Using on the Phone
    How / Can we use this extension on our phones as well? That would be extremely helpful.
  • (2020-06-07, v:1.0.5) Mashud A.: Feature request
    - I would like to have an option/shortcut to turn off the blur on just a website temporarily without turning off the Tahir extension completely for all websites. - Also an option to whitelist the entire domain. For example, I have google.com whitelisted but I go to support.google.com, it still shows the blur.
  • (2020-05-22, v:1.0.3) Murtaza: Whitelist
    Awwb, Jazak'Allah. Brother could you please also provide an option to whitelist particular websites. Regards
  • (2020-04-24, v:1.0.3) SHAFEEK: Great addon. Thank you. Please provide an option whitelist sites so that it won't blur specific sites
    Great addon. Thank you. Please provide an option whitelist sites so that it won't blur specific sites
  • (2019-08-26, v:1.0.3) AD MOHAMED: Shortcut and Selected sites.
    Asalam Aleykum Was wondering if its possible to be able to customize you own shortcut rather thn alt+k, an example where if u hover over an image, the bluring stops on tht specific image as tht would be much easier. Another suggestion is that to be able to pause the app on specific site, for example adblock allows you to pause the app on some site but its still on when you use another site without the need of turning it on again.
  • (2019-06-09, v:1.0.3) Akii: You still working on this?
    Salaam this is a great extension but are you guys still actively working on this or have you stopped and also this extension doesnt unblur videos on certain sites such a twitch.tv which is a video games streaming website and also the reddit player has this same issue. i hope you guys are still working on this extension and may allah reward you for all of the haraam you have saved us from.
  • (2018-09-20, v:1.0.3) Zubayer Yeaser: NEW IDEA: Exception list
    You can make the option of exception list for websites that doesn't show illicit images. So that users can create a list of websites that they feel isn't necessary to blurr. Like religious pages.Thanks.


2,000 history
4.7558 (86 votes)
Last update / version
2020-06-07 / 1.0.5
Listing languages
