Web paint - draw rectangle, circle, lines and others shapes or add text on any web pages, then screenshot the result. Screenshot…
paint tool je popolnoma brezplačen lahek digitalni program za ustvarjanje različnih risb, ki so naložene s čopiči, pisavami, oblikami in drugimi viri.
Enostavna, enostavna in zabavna aplikacija za orodje za slikanje, lahko uživate in se učite risati na tej kromirani razširitvi. Web paint something je uporabniku prijazen in lahko začnete slikati v trenutku. Če bi se radi naučili slikati, je slika Paint something najboljša stvar, ki se vam je zgodila. Izberete lahko barve po meri in različne velikosti črt!!
Naš podaljšek orodja za barvanje ima preprosto in enostavno za uporabo zasnovo. Ne povzroča zmede in v aplikaciji so uporabljene zlahka prepoznavne ikone orodij (svinčnik, vedro za barvo, radirka in drugo orodje), kar olajša uporabo vsem.
Slikajte v spletu ali dodajte informacije na spletno stran, da poudarite trenutke, nato naredite posnetek zaslona celotne spletne strani ali samo izbranega območja z možnostjo prenosa ali skupne rabe. Popolnoma prilagojen posnetek zaslona, ki ga je mogoče natisniti, shraniti ali poslati takoj.
Vsebuje orodja, ki jih potrebujete:
- Orodje za svinčnik - narišite črte po meri
- Orodje za besedilo - dodajte opombo
- Emoji - dodajte fine emoji na katero koli spletno stran
- Orodje za polnjenje vedra - zapolnite oblike in narišite s katero koli barvo iz palete
- Orodje za črte - postavite začetno in končno točko za slikanje ravne črte
- Kvadratna krivulja - narišite kvadratno krivuljo z izbrano širino črte
- Bezierjeva krivulja - pobarvajte Bezierjevo krivuljo z izbrano širino črte
- Orodje za poligon - pobarvajte poligon z izbrano širino črte
- Orodje za elipso - narišite elipso ali krog z izbrano širino črte
- Orodje za kapalko - izberite barvo s spletne strani ali svojih risb
- Orodje za posnetke zaslona - izdelovalec posnetkov zaslona omogoča shranjevanje rezultatov v PN ali JPG
Vsa orodja kot v MS Paint, vendar samo v vašem brskalniku. Slikaj na spletu
Oblike lahko označite s čarobnim markerjem, pišete z orodjem za besedilo in še več. Ko končate. Naredite posnetek zaslona svojega dela, da bodo tudi vaši prijatelji videli vašo ustvarjalnost. Svoje slike lahko delite na plošči Pinterest.
Želite deliti svoj zaslon za primere, kot je poročanje o tehničnih težavah, izdelava predstavitev izdelkov ali vadnice z navodili? Tu so razlogi za izbiro orodja za slikanje in posnetek zaslona:
- Vroče tipke za vsako orodje
- Trenutne risbe se samodejno shranijo
- Shranite risbo z možnostjo posnetka zaslona (posnemite posnetek zaslona celotne strani ali zajemite izbrano območje.) Zajem zaslona.
- Prenesite sliko na svoj računalnik ali natisnite
- Obrežite potrebno območje slike in ga shranite
Dodajte opombe na katero koli spletno stran in jih shranite kot posnetek zaslona! Funkcija Annotate the Web je bila ustvarjena, da uporabnikom omogoči označevanje katere koli spletne strani in njeno shranjevanje kot sliko. označevalec strani za Chrome
Po namestitvi/posodobitvi orodja Paint znova naložite aktivne zavihke v brskalniku, da razširitev deluje.
Slikajte na spletu in orodje za posnetke zaslona na preprost način in brez težav. Rišite na spletu z našo novo in popolnoma brezplačno razširitvijo za brskalnik chrome. Slikaj na spletu
Z označevalnikom strani lahko z miško ali zaslonom na dotik rišete po spletu ali dokumentih PDF in jih shranite v računalnik. Barvajte, rišite in označite na kateri koli spletni strani ali spletnem mestu. To je samo zabavna razširitev za spletno slikanje in s to razširitvijo se lahko nasmejite tako, da na spletnih straneh ustvarite smešne obraze itd.
Je tudi najboljše orodje za delo z datotekami PDF - PDF Office je spletni urejevalnik PDF, v katerem lahko izvajate operacije urejanja datotek PDF, vendar s spletnim brskalnikom. Pregledovalnik PDF
Razširitev spletnega orodja, poznana kot spletno slikanje ali barvno orodje, je uporabna pridobitev za študente, soigralce in vse, ki delajo z vsebino spletnih mest, saj se lahko preprosto naučite ali shranite informacije, ustvarite vadnice po meri ali papirnate zapiske, če bi se odločili, da jih natisnete .
Pretvorite PDF na spletu
Z razširitvijo pdfFiller za Chrome lahko pretvorite katero koli datoteko PDF v Word, Excel, PowerPoint ali sliko JPEG.
Brezplačno orodje PDF za urejanje, pretvorbo, stiskanje, združevanje, združevanje, obrezovanje in redigiranje datotek PDF.
Uživajte v boljši izkušnji PDF z dodajanjem Xodo | PDF.online v brskalnik Chrome! Dostopajte do pretvornika PDF, združevalnika PDF, polnila PDF, urejevalnika PDF, združevanja PDF in drugega, da povečate svojo produktivnost v spletu.
Zmogljivi pretvorniki PDF in orodja za PDF za povečanje vaše produktivnosti:
Pretvorite PDF na spletu
Z razširitvijo pdfFiller za Chrome lahko pretvorite katero koli datoteko PDF v Word, Excel, PowerPoint ali sliko JPEG.
Brezplačno orodje PDF za urejanje, pretvorbo, stiskanje, združevanje, združevanje, obrezovanje in redigiranje datotek PDF.
Uživajte v boljši izkušnji PDF z dodajanjem Xodo | PDF.online v brskalnik Chrome! Dostopajte do pretvornika PDF, združevalnika PDF, polnila PDF, urejevalnika PDF, združevanja PDF in drugega, da povečate svojo produktivnost v spletu.
Zmogljivi pretvorniki PDF in orodja za PDF za povečanje vaše produktivnosti:
- Pretvorite PDF v Word, PPT, Excel, PDF/A, HTML, JPG, JPEG in PNG
- Pretvorite JPG, JPEG, PNG v PDF
- Pretvorite Word, Excel, Powerpoint v PDF
- Bralniki PDF
- Pretvorite Word, Excel, Powerpoint v PDF
- Bralniki PDF
- Slikaj na spletu
Ocenite našo razširitev Paint Tool, če vam je všeč. Veselo slikanje vsem.
web paint tool is absolutely free lightweight digital program to created various drawing that comes loaded with brushes, fonts, shapes, and other resources.
Simple, easy and fun to use paint tool app, you can enjoy and learn drawing on this chrome extension. Web paint something is user friendly and you could get started painting in a second. If you’d like to learn how to paint, Paint something might be the best thing that happened to you. You can choose custom colors and different line sizes!!
Our paint tool extension has a simple and easy to use design. It is not confusing and easily recognisable tool icons (pencil, paint bucket, eraser and others tool) are used in the app which makes it easy for everyone to use.
Paint online or add information on a webpage to highlight moments, then take a screenshot of a full webpage or just a selected area with an option to download or share it. Fully customized screenshot that could be printed, saved or sent instantly.
It contains the tools you need:
- Pencil tool - draw custom lines
- Text tool - add annotation
- Emoji - add fine emoji on any web pages
- Bucket fill tool - fill shapes and drawn with any color from palette
- Line tool - put start and end point to paint straight line
- Quadratic curve - draw a quadratic curve with the selected line width
- Bezier curve - paint a bezier curve with the selected line width
- Polygon tool - paint a polygon with the selected line width
- Ellipse tool - draw an ellipse or a circle with the selected line width
- Eyedropper tool - pick a color from the web page or your drawings
- Screenshot tool - screenshot maker allows saving result in PN or JPG
All tools as in MS Paint but only in your browser. Paint on web
You can mark shapes with the magic marker, write with the text tool and more. After you are done. Take screenshot of your work so that your friends can see your creativity as well. You can share your images on Pinterest board.
Want to share your screen for cases like reporting technical issues, making product demos or how-to tutorials? Here are reasons to choose paint and screenshot tool:
- Hot-keys to each tool
- Current drawings are automatically saved
- Save drawing with a Screenshot option ( take a screenshot of a full page or capture selected area.) Screen capture.
- Download image to your PC or Print
- Crop the necessary area of an image and save it
Annotate on any webpage and save it as a screenshot! Annotate the Web was created to allow users to annotate any webpage and save it as an image. page marker for Chrome
Paint on web is a fun extension on Google Chrome which lets you annotate any page you want and share it with your friends. Paint lets you draw on any webpage with a variety of tools to express your thoughts, make a point or just simply edit. It is just a fun extension and you can get some laughs using this extension by creating funny faces, etc. on web pages. The plus points of Paint extension are:
Screenshot tool and paint online tool
Paint tool - Draw on any webpage in your browser.
Paint on web - Make shapes with the magic marker.
Paint tool - Write with the text tool.
Paint tool - Take screenshot to share you creativeness
After installation/update Paint Tool, please reload the active tabs in your browser for the extension to work.
Paint on web and Screenshot Tool in simple manner and without any difficulties. Draw online with our new and absolutely free extension for chrome browser. Paint on web
With Page Marker, you can use your mouse or touchscreen to draw on the web or on PDFs and save it to your computer. Paint, draw, and mark on any webpage or website. It is just a fun Web paint extension, and you can get some laughs using this extension by creating funny faces, etc., on web pages.
Also it best tool for working with PDF files - PDF Office is a PDF Editor online from which you can perform editing operations over PDF files but using your web browser. PDF viewer
Known as a web paint or paint online tool extension is a useful have for students, teammates and everyone who works with websites content, as you could easily learn or save information, create custom tutorials or paper notes, if you’d decided to print it.
Convert a PDF online
With the pdfFiller Chrome extension, you can convert any PDF file to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or a JPEG image.
Free PDF tool to edit, convert, compress, merge, combine, crop, and redact PDF files.
Enjoy the better PDF experience by adding Xodo | PDF.online to your Chrome browser! Access PDF converter, PDF combiner, PDF filler, PDF editor, PDF merger and more to supercharge your productivity online.
Powerful PDF Converters and PDF tools to boost your productivity:
Convert a PDF online
With the pdfFiller Chrome extension, you can convert any PDF file to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or a JPEG image.
Free PDF tool to edit, convert, compress, merge, combine, crop, and redact PDF files.
Enjoy the better PDF experience by adding Xodo | PDF.online to your Chrome browser! Access PDF converter, PDF combiner, PDF filler, PDF editor, PDF merger and more to supercharge your productivity online.
Powerful PDF Converters and PDF tools to boost your productivity:
- Convert PDF to Word, PPT, Excel, PDF/A, HTML, JPG, JPEG and PNG
- Convert JPG, JPEG, PNG to PDF
- Convert Word, Excel, Powerpoint to PDF
- PDF Reader
- Convert Word, Excel, Powerpoint to PDF
- PDF Reader
- Paint on web
Please rate our Paint Tool extension if you like it. Happy painting everyone.
Latest reviews
- (2024-12-12) JAVIER DAVID MONTOYA ESTRADA: Muy bien. Excelente. Super !!!! Oui et Oui...oui
- (2024-11-06) Leyla Alieva (yasaman61): really useful!
- (2024-08-29) Carlos Valverde: Muy útil. Excelente. Bravo. Genial.
- (2024-08-27) Pedro Henrique: muito bom, sem reclamações! CHEGA DE AVISOS PARA AVALIAR!!!!!!
- (2024-06-18) Ben Smith: To all those that are about to write a review because of the pop-up, you don't need to. The pop up is disabled when you press "Ok" to write a review. Hope this helps.
- (2024-06-17) Ian Spencer: Demands a review and refreshes page if I select "maybe next time" wrecking the work I've done. Would be useful if it was more reliable
- (2024-06-17) Ruchi Yadav: It's a great tool.
- (2024-06-16) _Moon.JellyKat _: I wish it didnt ask for a review 24/7 but its nice as an artist to just doodle on random stuff. Especially good when you dont wanna waste paper to do calculations. Also I'd like a selection tool so i can move the drawings then it will be 5 stars
- (2024-06-16) Annex: very helpful, and its a good for writing notes on the side of things or even analyzing textsss
- (2024-06-16) Otávio Augusto: Bom dimaizi
- (2024-06-16) Tanishq Verma: Very Helpful for learning purposes Thanks
- (2024-06-15) Mahfuz Hasan Reza: Forces a review in order to work. 1 star.
- (2024-06-15) Santosh Gupta: Very useful tool.
- (2024-06-15) Liam Jolly: its a thing
- (2024-06-14) Shen Chou Lin (Rocking): very useful for my presentation!
- (2024-06-13) Theodore Perantinidis: Forces a review in order to work. 1 star.
- (2024-06-13) Wajdi Ammar: اداة ممتازة جدا
- (2024-06-12) Oliver Chapman: Obligatory review because it keeps asking me every time I try using the tool. But so far I like the tool.
- (2024-06-12) Sounak Biswas: always refreshed by page. annoying
- (2024-06-11) onequiknova: i was forced to do this ive been using it for *checks time* 3 minutes
- (2024-06-11) Cian Langford: its good but reloads my page all the time
- (2024-06-09) Владимир Муравьёв: нету ctrl+z и ctrl+y, а так норм
- (2024-06-08) daniel tenorio: joia
- (2024-06-08) Mohammed _: very gooood
- (2024-06-07) Dang tien Dung: wrote this review to stop the pop up, great tool though
- (2024-06-05) посмотри меня ок: честно не удобно
- (2024-06-05) feenoomeee: надоели с отзывом
- (2024-06-05) SMESHA RIK: sigma oge
- (2024-06-04) Alma Quinonez: A good extension
- (2024-06-04) qwerty zxcvbn: имба
- (2024-06-04) Aleks Goscomb: sometimes annoying
- (2024-06-04) Jasper Dürr: Super
- (2024-06-04) Clon King: Praktisch in Verbindung mit Screenshare diensten
- (2024-06-04) Мадина Гумар: все отлично
- (2024-06-03) Sanem: ii
- (2024-06-03) sanness: Gmer
- (2024-06-02) Вика Олесова: ок
- (2024-06-01) natalia pellati: Muy buena
- (2024-05-31) Гульмира Канапина: Все хорошо
- (2024-05-31) Esther w: great
- (2024-05-29) Angeline 안지린 Ruth Fabella 빠밸야: My goodness! Superb!
- (2024-05-28) SUA3090: çok iyi
- (2024-05-28) MZD: ya tamam sal artık güzel
- (2024-05-28) Lucas Gabriel: boa
- (2024-05-28) Banan4ik: класс
- (2024-05-28) Jleasiy: güzel hadi sal artık beni
- (2024-05-28) Shaka Zulu: Very good indeed
- (2024-05-26) TashiPixelz: The constant "Rate us" pop up is pretty annoying. Overall, it's okay.
- (2024-05-26) Maksim Mahonko: Круто